Author Topic: S.A.D. The Tosonian Race  (Read 30149 times)

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Re: S.A.D. The Tosonian Race
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2010, 11:00:20 am »

I will upload images later.

The Hawk / Star Tank is like the Viking in Starcraft II, even though I didn't intend it.  The Hawk is the Tosonian's air superiority unit, and the Star Tank is the Tosonian ground-to-ground unit.  Both can be detectors (when researched), both can switch from one to the other (when researched), and the Star Tank can hold plasma torpedoes (when researched).  

Also, the Hawk can be transformed to another unit on-the-fly.  The Star Tank can only be recieved either at an "Operation Center/Transformation Gateway," or by changing Hawks to Star Tanks.  Star Tanks cannot transform on-the-fly.


Since the Degruser was invented by the Tosonians, they have this unit available to them.  Degrusers cannot transform on-the-fly.

Tosonian Degrusers do not have photon torpedoes or mines.  They do, however, have the deflector shield that the Human Raptor owns.  Tosonian Degrusers also have an electron shield that bounces ANY shot (including the Degruser's own fire power) in the opposite direction it was fired.  The shot will lose half its power (rounded down) when bounced back.  The deflector shield is a deterioating upgrade and requires sephrane gas (and the enemy won't know it's in use).  The the electron shield will last until destroyed and is a refillable upgrade.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2010, 08:06:55 pm by Hot_Dog »

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Re: S.A.D. The Tosonian Race
« Reply #16 on: August 10, 2010, 11:17:48 am »

The Excavator is the Tosonian Refinery.

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Re: S.A.D. The Tosonian Race
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2010, 12:52:07 am »

This is one of the unique Tosonian buildings.  A Tosonian player can, for a price, use this building to open a wormhole to any acceptable, explored area on the map.  The wormhole takes time to power up (for right now, 10 seconds), and a warning will sound similar to "Nuclear Launch Detected."  Something like "Wormhole Detected."  The Tosonian player reaches his destination by going to the building and teleporting.

This leaves the enemy a choice...either destroy the wormhole end to keep the Tosonian player from getting through, or use it himself to reach the Tosonian player (since it's a two-way wormhole).  However, the Tosonian player can shut the wormhole off as soon as he wants, so if he is able to get his forces through the wormhole and turn it off before the enemy reaches it, the Tosonian player gains the advantage.

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Re: S.A.D. The Tosonian Race
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2010, 02:17:55 am »

The Tosonian Operation Center and Transformation Gateway.  The Rcasis can only be destroyed with Plasma Torpedoes.

You will probably notice that this "transformation gateway" is smaller than other races.  Actually, I'm cutting down the size of several sprites (including the Human Transformation Gateway) to avoid cramped space, as well as save some calculator memory
« Last Edit: August 13, 2010, 02:18:23 am by Hot_Dog »

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Re: S.A.D. The Tosonian Race
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2010, 10:52:53 am »

The Anti-Air Defense of the Tosonians can detect units.

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Re: S.A.D. The Tosonian Race
« Reply #20 on: August 16, 2010, 07:21:29 pm »

This is one of the unique Tosonian buildings.  A Tosonian player can, for a price, use this building to open a wormhole to any acceptable, explored area on the map.  The wormhole takes time to power up (for right now, 10 seconds), and a warning will sound similar to "Nuclear Launch Detected."  Something like "Wormhole Detected."  The Tosonian player reaches his destination by going to the building and teleporting.

This leaves the enemy a choice...either destroy the wormhole end to keep the Tosonian player from getting through, or use it himself to reach the Tosonian player (since it's a two-way wormhole).  However, the Tosonian player can shut the wormhole off as soon as he wants, so if he is able to get his forces through the wormhole and turn it off before the enemy reaches it, the Tosonian player gains the advantage.
Nice, it's like the Nydus Canals, except the enemy can use it.

As for the others, pretty nice too. I see you worked a lot on buildings and units lately. Glad to see this project is still going strong.

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Re: S.A.D. The Tosonian Race
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2010, 11:14:34 am »

This is a building unique to Tosonians, and is one of the few Tosonian buildings that is not a "hovering/flying" building.

The firestone is similar to the Degruser's mines.  However, it can always, always be seen, it deals much more damage and has more HP, and the only way it can be detonated is if people manually fly into it.  (The pathfinder for automatic movement will avoid these mines)  Thus, it's not meant to be a surprise trap as much as to keep your enemy on his toes, because once your enemy switches to manual movement and firing (which if you don't use in S.A.D., you'll lose), he's vulnerable to the mines.

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Re: S.A.D. The Tosonian Race
« Reply #22 on: August 23, 2010, 09:15:57 pm »

Except for having the same amount of high HP and sitting on the ground, the Fog Machine is the exact opposite of the Human Watchtower.  Instead of uncovering fog, it creates permanent, uncoverable fog, making it perfect for hiding buildings.  In addition, a Tosonian player can pay a price in crystals and place a small area of fog anywhere, including inside a player's base!  (Like the Watchtower's line-of-sight ability, this fog remains until the player pays crystals to move the fog to another area)  All fog generated by the machine disappears when the building is destroyed, except for fog already on the map in the first place.

EDIT: The fog machine will also be covered up inside of the fog that it creates
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 09:21:50 pm by Hot_Dog »

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Re: S.A.D. The Tosonian Race
« Reply #23 on: August 24, 2010, 12:44:15 am »
Interesting. Will there be a way to get rid of the fog with detectors and the like? I like the idea actually. In SC I loved to play tricks on the enemy player. In SC2 case, my favorite is to send a bunch of infestors in his base, which can move while burrowed, then shoot plenty of eggs to spawn infested terrans. ANother cheaper trick is with roaches, but it doesn't work too well with Terran, since roaches can't attack in the air and terran can lift most of their buildings.

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Re: S.A.D. The Tosonian Race
« Reply #24 on: August 24, 2010, 12:51:48 am »
Interesting. Will there be a way to get rid of the fog with detectors and the like?

Probably not.  Remember that most Tosonian Buildings reside in the air (and I forgot that when I worked on some of the graphics), so detector uncovery gives Reclaudas and Hawks an unfair advantage (since they can attack Tosonian Air Buidings).  Right now, the way to get rid of the fog is to destroy the fog machine.  Even though it is not visible, one can figure out where the fog machine is by looking for the "center" of the fog.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 12:52:32 am by Hot_Dog »

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Re: S.A.D. The Tosonian Race
« Reply #25 on: August 24, 2010, 03:49:10 am »
Aaah ok I see now. Thanks for the info :)

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Re: S.A.D. The Tosonian Race
« Reply #26 on: August 24, 2010, 08:59:20 am »
Wow, I missed this topic. :(

Looks great!  I like the idea of the Fog Machine especially.  Nice job! ;D

Offline Hot_Dog

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Re: S.A.D. The Tosonian Race
« Reply #27 on: August 24, 2010, 10:25:35 am »
Wow, I missed this topic. :(

Looks great!  I like the idea of the Fog Machine especially.  Nice job! ;D

Thanks!  Anyways, you didn't miss much.  The Ptaloids and (especially) the Tosonians still have a ways to go.

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Re: S.A.D. The Tosonian Race
« Reply #28 on: August 28, 2010, 07:50:05 pm »

The Borce is the Tosonian Artillery Unit.  It can be upgraded with extended range.  Also, it can switch to a mode that allows it to attack with a greater radius and more fire power (letting it kill more ships or buildings at once).  However, like Starcraft Siege Tanks, this "siege mode" is slower and has a minimum range, and Borces take time to switch between modes.  Borces CAN move in the "siege mode," though they are slower when they use it.

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Re: S.A.D. The Tosonian Race
« Reply #29 on: August 28, 2010, 08:33:59 pm »

No, we are not talking about the Tosonian Faction in this case.  We are talking about actual Tosonians.  That is, the spiritual beings themselves.

Tosonians, when used as an S.A.D. unit, are quite unique.  They have no attack of their own, but are rather used as "finders of opportunity."  They are "cloaked," since they are spiritual beings, but they can be attacked and detected.

The Tosonians warriors have 4 abilities they can use, two of which must be researched.  When it is time to use the ability, every single Tosonian in your group is lost, with one exception.  Furthermore, even though the abilities are worth it, Tosonian warriors are somewhat expensive and have low HP.  Thus you must be certain to find the right opportunity to use them rather than spamming and wasting them--and careful micro is needed.

Be aware that the more Tosonians you have grouped together, the better chance you have of reaching your goal.  After all, if even ONE Tosonian makes it safely to an opportune spot, you can at least morph it.

Plant Spy:  A player can place ONE tosonian at a time on an unoccupied tile, which will uncover a small (probably 4 tiles) area of fog of war.  A spy can be attacked, but cannot be detected.  This ability must be researched.

Capture Units: This ability must also be researched.  Tosonians can take over units in an enemy group of units, one enemy unit for each Tosonian.  Any leftover Tosonians are destroyed.  Furthermore, this ability cannot be used on Capital ships.  A Tosonian can use any abilities available to the captured units, whether the enemy researched the abilities or not.

Morph into Talec  Yes, just like "Zerg" morph.  Tosonians can morph into a single Talec, which resides underground and attacks anything in its radius.  Once the Talec goes into the ground, it becomes part of the tilemap (and is, essentially, a "building") and cannot be moved.  Like the Tosonian Spies, Talecs can be attacked, but not detected.  In addition, the moment the Talec is underground, the Tosonian player is free to use other units.  This ability does not need to be researched.

Morph into Malec  Tosonians can choose to morph into a single Malec, which resides underground and attacks any Operation Centers (or equivalent) in its radius, without the need for Plasma Torpedoes.  (Since the radius is huge, it probably will not be uncommon for a Tosonian player to snipe two or more Operation Centers using this method.)  Once the Malec goes into the ground, it becomes part of the tilemap (and is, essentially, a "building") and cannot be moved.  Like the Tosonian Spies and Talecs, Malecs can be attacked, but not detected.  In addition, the moment the Malec is underground, the Tosonian player is free to use other units.  This ability does not need to be researched.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2010, 11:45:17 pm by Hot_Dog »