woops, sorry about that. It's because the user in question kept ban evading. He joined at least 3 times from the tmodns hostmask from 3 different IP address, so I had to disable the entire ISP. I had to do that 3 years ago with an entire France ISP because spambots kept joining, then later with an entire Netherlands university (Utwentle) because someone kept ban evading

. I will get rid of the entire cellphone ban now, though, because the user hasn't joined the channel from his phone in more than half a year.
If somehow he rejoins (altough I doubt it), I'll just setup your nickname so it's exempt from the ban (you would still get kicked when joining from the IRC client on the site, but then you could do /nick DarkFire, then type /join #omnimaga so you would be able to rejoin fine
For now try again, I removed the ban