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And what needs to change other then you all realizing we are doing what we can with the site to make it better.
So you may not like a change. But its not your site. You have an issue voice it
(hence why this topic is not deleted)
But dont expect us to follow everything the members want. It's a community run by the admin team (and owners when they voice it). Not an admin team run by a community.
A simple suggestion to move to a topic-oriented channel. There were no threats. Having separate chat channels encourages discussion of those topics alongside others. It allows the conversation to continue unhindered by others derailing it with other topics.
I'm not overly active here, but what I could notice is that this wouldn't be a place to stay at for a longer time.
Geekboy: I am not agreeing with your point that this is not a democracy. We built this place, and I think everybody should have a voice. Also, internal rules? You make sure like they are followed? That sounds like a dictatorship.
On the other hand it isn't clear for me that Eeems' behaviour is the cause of it, maybe it's a bit too easy to just blame him?
- lately, Eeems has been modifying features of the site that could have bothered the user experience of Omnimaga members, and this without any prior consent from any member, and in this case with the explicit disagreement of a support staff : http://chat.eeems.ca:9003/?server=irc.omnimaga.org%206667&channel=omnimaga&date=Thu%20Nov%2006%202014#1415302519917
- in similar situations, Eeems said having the right to perform such modifications as he is the one paying for the hosting of the site. While we all thank him for this, this fact shouldn't become an excuse for making alone decisions that could affect greatly, and in any way, user experience.
- the co-owner group now only contains Eeems and geekboy, when it used to include way more people like rcfreak0 and Netham45 (the latter holding the full legal rights on the domain, as shown when entering "omnimaga.org" as a domain name here : http://whois.pir.org/). If it was the result of group reorganization, no Omnimaga user was notified of such action unlike the news item located here says it would happen : http://www.omnimaga.org/news/the-status-of-our-staffing-and-the-changes-that-are-being-made/
- despite Omnimaga being meant to be a friendly place of interest sharing, free speech, and overall amusement, we feel that Eeems treats it too much like a professional responsibility, thus harming the enjoyment of members.
- the Omnimaga IRC chat has been made by Netham45 then Sorunome to be a free place of discussion. In our opinion, Eeems has proven irrelevant over-restrictiveness several times. We feel that he has been forcing people to join a different channel to carry discussions about certain topics he doesn't like, while there is no topic restriction for the #omnimaga channel.
Overall, we think that Eeems should prove more humble behavior, both towards site members and the site itself. It goes by accepting (and actually requesting) others' opinions and taking into account negative feedback. While we perfectly understand the privileges given by the statute of site administrator, we think it should not be mistaken with the statute of absolute ruler.
And what needs to change other then you all realizing we are doing what we can with the site to make it better. So you may not like a change. But its not your site. You have an issue voice it (hence why this topic is not deleted) But dont expect us to follow everything the members want. It's a community run by the admin team (and owners when they voice it). Not an admin team run by a community.
In our opinion, Eeems has proven irrelevant over-restrictiveness several times.
We feel that he has been forcing people to join a different channel to carry discussions about certain topics he doesn't like, while there is no topic restriction for the #omnimaga channel.
What we can't tolerate though, is one admin being explicitely mean and unfair to members, and because it's an admin nobody said anything about it until then.
Neither rcfeak0 nor Netham45 were forcibly overthrown. But yes, the diminishing core staff population is concerning, and it would be nice to have more. I can't say I know who those people should be, though.
Also your the best Lobster Pimath <3