Author Topic: European IRC Operator(s)  (Read 4337 times)

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European IRC Operator(s)
« on: May 29, 2011, 09:38:31 am »
This is just my opinion, and if the managers disagree, then it's ok, but I think all or at least most of the IRC Operators can't be online during a specific time of the day.

I just checked the names of all the Operators Online and none of them is European (as far as I know). So, I think there should be one or two european operators.

Why? Because I'm afraid some trolls come in (like what just happened) and there is nobody to kick them/ban them.

I'd recommend JosJuice, he is a very nice member and he is very active at these times of the day (in the morning), he also uses IRC. There are other European Members, but most of them don't use IRC (IIRC, only me and JosJuice do). EDIT: Rayquaza and Fast Crash use IRC too, but only some times.

Well, I just hope something can be done :)
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 09:41:38 am by Scout »

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Re: European IRC Operator(s)
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2011, 10:02:39 am »
I like the idea, but I don't think people should become ops just because their online at a certain part of the day. There has to be more reasons then that. I agree with your recommendation of JosJuice he seems like a very nice member who could do well with the banhammer
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Re: European IRC Operator(s)
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2011, 01:07:36 pm »
I think you (Scout) would be a good candidate, since we talked about it a while ago, as long as you don't yell at people in all caps like earlier today :/

As for Art it would be good if he got ops again too but he isn't on IRC much. he mostly visits on european times despite being from North America, though.

Besides that I would prefer to wait for the other europeans, as we don't just hand out op privileges to anybody here.

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Re: European IRC Operator(s)
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2011, 04:27:36 pm »
I think you (Scout) would be a good candidate, since we talked about it a while ago, as long as you don't yell at people in all caps like earlier today :/

As for Art it would be good if he got ops again too but he isn't on IRC much. he mostly visits on european times despite being from North America, though.

Besides that I would prefer to wait for the other europeans, as we don't just hand out op privileges to anybody here.

Thanks DJ.

Art Of Camelot was online when what happened earlier happened, but he was on OmnomIRC. ruler501 is also American and sometimes is up late and so is TsukasaZX, but even though, they can't be awake that late every day.

There's Stefan Bauwens too, but he uses OmnomIRC. Finally, there's Jim Bauwens, who has experience in IRC Channels but is not as active as the others. Well, it's up to you (@Admins).

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Re: European IRC Operator(s)
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2011, 04:45:24 pm »
I'll probably be up late a lot more in the next week. after that my activity will probably drop a lot since I'm going to a 3 week course on programming with limited time with access to computers outside of class. No laptops allowed. the bauwens would probably be a good choice but liek scout said it is up to the admins
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Re: European IRC Operator(s)
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2011, 02:46:33 am »
I thought about maybe Jim. Jim is more active in #nspired_lua, though, so I am unsure if he would be able to commit enough time for #omnimaga . I think Art is on a night work shift, which explains his european-like online times.

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Re: European IRC Operator(s)
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2011, 03:57:00 am »
I'm currently an op at #nspire-lua, but the real reason I'm less on #omnimaga is because it isn't in my auto connect list (I'll go do that now). I'm willing to be the same active on #omnimaga, but the thing is I'm a real random person, and it really depends when I can get online. Mostly I can be online, but there are days that I totally can't be online.

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Re: European IRC Operator(s)
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2011, 08:10:56 am »
As DJ_O said, I work the night shift (10PM-7AM Eastern Standard time US. For comparison this is from 3pm-midnight London time). As a result I am always up during those hours. =) If I'm not working I'm usually idle in the chat(Omnom), and I am also usually there for a couple hours early morning after I get off from work. I can just as easily have IRC open too.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2011, 08:12:34 am by Art_of_camelot »

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Re: European IRC Operator(s)
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2011, 02:46:33 pm »
Sometimes I check the logs and notice HAL, Jarvis and other bots disconnecting then when they return, they do not get opped automatically. Other times I notice Eeems for example trying to !op, to no avail. I think there should definitively be a few extra ops for such stuff, in case the channel became op-less, so you guys don't have to call an Efnet oper everytime, while still being careful before opping someone to make sure it's not an imposter

Also OmnomIRC definitively needs banning, because when you ban a forum member he still can post in Omnom if he kept an old tab open, until his session times out. In that case you are forced to ban everyone from using OmnomIRC, so no text sends to #omnimaga, but it will still show up on the site side.

OmnomIRC banning existed in OmnomIRC v1, but for some reasons it was never re-implemented in OmnomIRC v2.

I think Ephan/Jim could definitively be good choices as european channel ops. Maybe Lionel too, but he is not active enough I think.

EDIT: Erm I just realized that was quite a necropost x.x
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 02:47:17 pm by DJ_O »

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Re: European IRC Operator(s)
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2011, 03:46:12 pm »
Sometimes I check the logs and notice HAL, Jarvis and other bots disconnecting then when they return, they do not get opped automatically. Other times I notice Eeems for example trying to !op, to no avail. I think there should definitively be a few extra ops for such stuff, in case the channel became op-less, so you guys don't have to call an Efnet oper everytime, while still being careful before opping someone to make sure it's not an imposter
Yeah I've not been able to get ops back in #omnimaga-de even though I'm pretty sure I was one of the first there to open it up, netham just never set me as an op. I've also had to op HAL/Netbot45 a few times in -ops
Also OmnomIRC definitively needs banning, because when you ban a forum member he still can post in Omnom if he kept an old tab open, until his session times out. In that case you are forced to ban everyone from using OmnomIRC, so no text sends to #omnimaga, but it will still show up on the site side.

OmnomIRC banning existed in OmnomIRC v1, but for some reasons it was never re-implemented in OmnomIRC v2.
Yeah that would be really helpful. I wonder how hard it would be for netham to also implement an admin panel for Omnom so it's easier for us to manage it without having to remember all the commands or something.
I think Ephan/Jim could definitively be good choices as european channel ops. Maybe Lionel too, but he is not active enough I think.
I think they are good choices too.
EDIT: Erm I just realized that was quite a necropost x.x
Lol, meh it's still relevant :P

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Re: European IRC Operator(s)
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2011, 04:25:02 pm »
The best solution would probably be that Netham45 finishes the botnet he talked about in July 2009. <_<

Some people suggested we switch to a new network, but the problem is most calculator IRC chans Omni members frequents are on Efnet. The other suggestion was switching to #TI botnet or even #calcgames, but the problem is some long-time banned members got botnet-wide channel operator privileges there, meaning they would have them in #omnimaga too, if not even more than the staff, since they're also botnet masters.

As for Omnom, what made it easier in v1 is that when OmnomIRC was disconnected from IRC, its messages did not show up in OmnomIRC either, since it fetched directly from the logs. However now OmnomIRC logs are separate from the channel ones, so even when omnom is disconnected from IRC, it still can be used fine. Netham45 would most likely need to mess around in SMF or something.

Offline Munchor

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Re: European IRC Operator(s)
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2011, 04:32:18 pm »
I could moderate the IRC channel, but I'd like another European guy doing it. However, if Netham45 makes a bot that moderates automatically (that's what you're talking about right?), it'd be cool.

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Re: European IRC Operator(s)
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2011, 04:35:23 pm »
I mean a botnet that gives ops to each bot and bans anyone that tries deoping/kicking more than one people in a certain amount of time

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Re: European IRC Operator(s)
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2011, 06:14:33 pm »
I'd love to do it, but sometimes I really don't have time during the day. Currently I need to do lots of studying, and will be less active the next weeks, so idk :/