Author Topic: General Decrease in Omnimaga Activity from 2011 levels - What can we do?  (Read 109253 times)

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Re: General Decrease in Omnimaga Activity - What can we do?
« Reply #150 on: October 12, 2012, 10:32:39 pm »
The twitterfeed changes aren't hard to make, but I'm afraid people might take Omnimaga off their Facebook/Twitter feeds altogether if the topic notifications become a source of spam.

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Re: General Decrease in Omnimaga Activity - What can we do?
« Reply #151 on: October 13, 2012, 12:26:03 am »
It would probably depend of the activity. I think if calc help/project/discussion/news are made visible it could help, but adding misc/humor/intro/etc might be an issue. Keep in mind, though, that Cemetech had such notifications for a long while now, yet they're still having a decent amount of followers.

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Re: General Decrease in Omnimaga Activity - What can we do?
« Reply #152 on: October 13, 2012, 12:28:01 am »
That's true.

We can make the feed take only those posts from the calculator-related categories.

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Re: General Decrease in Omnimaga Activity - What can we do?
« Reply #153 on: October 13, 2012, 12:30:49 am »
Would it be too much to add computer projects/music showcase btw? Music discussion and computer hardware/news might be a tad too much, though. THat said, if you look at the forum stats we average at like 5-8 new topics a day, so it shouldn't be that much of an issue I think (especially considering most Facebook users update their timeline every second)

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Re: General Decrease in Omnimaga Activity - What can we do?
« Reply #154 on: October 13, 2012, 12:32:59 am »
Would it be too much to add computer projects/music showcase btw? Music discussion and computer hardware/news might be a tad too much, though.
The feed can search by board instead of category, but there are more boards to add (and keep updated) in the URL than categories.
THat said, if you look at the forum stats we average at like 5-8 new topics a day, so it shouldn't be that much of an issue I think (especially considering most Facebook users update their timeline every second)
Wow, I didn't realize the topics count was so low :o

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Re: General Decrease in Omnimaga Activity - What can we do?
« Reply #155 on: October 13, 2012, 09:33:03 pm »
Yeah it is. Also in the last days or so I noticed the guest count dropped. Not sure why though. Maybe it was Columbus day or something else. There might need a bit more news on the front page since it seems to attract people more.

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Re: General Decrease in Omnimaga Activity - What can we do?
« Reply #156 on: October 17, 2012, 12:08:28 am »
Something that would be cool is if the mod to translate posts on demand (some icon in the top-left corner of posts) was added to the site, assuming it works properly. Although Google Translate provides half-hassled translations at times, at least our large French userbase wouldn't need to constantly open a new tab for Google Translate everytime they don't understand a post, same for other language-speaking people or vice-versa.

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Re: General Decrease in Omnimaga Activity - What can we do?
« Reply #157 on: October 17, 2012, 03:47:21 am »
I just though of something. Perhaps we could appoint some new newsers, which each have their own section to news about. This would avoid any chances of newsing double and probably would create some more news items since the newsers will feel more responsable.

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Re: General Decrease in Omnimaga Activity - What can we do?
« Reply #158 on: October 17, 2012, 04:03:00 am »
Yeah I noticed lately that there weren't more news. I kinda slacked down myself but it seems like Critor stopped newsing entirely too. Maybe we could have a newser for hardware/OS updates and some for games/program releases, and each others could sometimes help when they see something notable.

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Re: General Decrease in Omnimaga Activity - What can we do?
« Reply #159 on: October 17, 2012, 02:27:17 pm »
I have two ideas:
1. Instead of everything being focused on calculator development, why not have contests or more support for mobile or computer programmers?

2. It would be neat if every member had their own subforum (or at least thread) where they could do whatever they please in there.

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Re: General Decrease in Omnimaga Activity - What can we do?
« Reply #160 on: October 17, 2012, 02:31:07 pm »
Yeah I noticed lately that there weren't more news. I kinda slacked down myself but it seems like Critor stopped newsing entirely too.

It's simply that I have very little time as I'm back to work.

Add to this that there hasn't been huge things for TI calculators lastly.
I used to only crosspost huge news on Omnimaga - check TI-Planet: we haven't made huge news recently.
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Re: General Decrease in Omnimaga Activity - What can we do?
« Reply #161 on: October 17, 2012, 02:39:31 pm »
I have two ideas:
1. Instead of everything being focused on calculator development, why not have contests or more support for mobile or computer programmers?

2. It would be neat if every member had their own subforum (or at least thread) where they could do whatever they please in there.
I don't think that's really a good idea. Omnimaga is a calculator websites with a purpose to keep the TI-community alive. If we do what you suggest, the TI-community may decrease and possible die out.

Also I just want to say, since now's the time: Critor, you've done a great job so far of posting news on Omnimaga and I want to say thanks for that. :)

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Re: General Decrease in Omnimaga Activity - What can we do?
« Reply #162 on: October 17, 2012, 03:18:14 pm »
Thanks Stefan. :)

By the way DJ_O, if you check the stats, you'll see that the news aren't the main problem.

I've made many news for Omnimaga during the last year and especially last summer - but the activity went on dropping more and more.

The problem is something else...
« Last Edit: October 17, 2012, 03:20:57 pm by critor »
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Re: General Decrease in Omnimaga Activity - What can we do?
« Reply #163 on: October 17, 2012, 03:32:45 pm »
Among the reasons that can explain the decrease in calculator programming activity, let's mention:
* the combination of technological advances and TI's behaviour wrt. development on their platforms, which make the Nspire very underwhelming a platform for programming;
* the attitude of several members of the community, which don't have our collective best interests in mind in their actions - for instance, making closed source forks of outdated versions of open source software and persisting in the error of not working with upstream, or promoting stupid, overly kind ways to interact with TI and attacking the more knowledgeable members;
* the continued decrease of the quality of education, the fact that in our societies, management and marketing are more valued than the technical activities that enable them.

This list is in no way complete...
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Re: General Decrease in Omnimaga Activity - What can we do?
« Reply #164 on: October 17, 2012, 04:45:29 pm »
Yeah I noticed lately that there weren't more news. I kinda slacked down myself but it seems like Critor stopped newsing entirely too.

It's simply that I have very little time as I'm back to work.

Add to this that there hasn't been huge things for TI calculators lastly.
I used to only crosspost huge news on Omnimaga - check TI-Planet: we haven't made huge news recently.
Well there were plenty of great games released (see the staff news sub-forum) in the past months, but sadly we barely had anymore time to feature any. Often it requires a lot of time to track down screenshots, let alone one that is small enough to not deplete people's bandwidth when visiting the front page, then writing a small news about the software and finding the source topic.

As for Lionel I partially agree with your 2nd point in your post. The only reason I disagree is that the post kinda shifts the blame on a few forum members and some people (by reading the small portion just before the closed source part) might be confused as to who it is directed at and will be concerned that they are hurting the community even if they did nothing bad. Not a good way to keep members around. However you are right that certain community members are not helping in keeping the community together, and IMHO that isn't an Omnimaga issue, but rather a community-wide one. I'm not gonna mention everything that happened but it involves what you mentionned and attempts to compete against other sites (eg promoting oneself's products and discouraging the use of any products from another site, or constant cheap shots against it or its members), add to that the bashing of people's projects, although the latter hasn't happened that much on any existing site for a few years.

As for TI closing down their platforms it definitively hurts too, because we have to constantly convince current programmers to stick around despite TI blocking Ndless. See Chockosta for example, who almost quit once because of TI. Also, notice the following pattern:

Before Ndless: barely anyone interested for the Nspire. Only one or two Nspire projects (such as gbc4nspire)

Ndless 1.0 until OS 2.1 anti-downgrade: Sudden upsurge in Nspire programmers and activity

Ndless 2.1 anti downgrade: Public outcry, but people stick around hoping TI might still change their mind

Ndless 1.7 release: Even more of it

OS 3.0 release, rumors about Ndless possibly never being possible on the CX: The start of decline in Nspire activity

Lua arrival: A new upsurge in Nspire coders, but C ones and overall activity remains on the decline

OS 3.0.2 stronger anti-downgrade: Almost every Nspire C programmer and most Lua ones gives up, temporarily or permanently. Omnimaga barely get anymore new members asking for Nspire help.

Ndless arrival on 3.0.1: Barely even generates  any interest. Most project releases are from the very people contributing to Ndless development

Ndless arrival on 3.1: Same, but this time, there is a very long delay between Ndless 3.1 release and TI blocking it again. A small group of new projects appears, such as GBA emulation

OS 3.2 release with the ability to downgrade back to 3.1: At this point you can notice a slight increase in Nspire projects, game-based that is. By now it seems that this time, TI has left a small door open for Ndless by allowing people to downgrade back to an Ndlessable OS and they took a while before blocking it again, unlike previous times where they just flat out released an OS patch (usually extremely buggy) immediately after most Ndless release.

But yeah there are so many reasons why a community could become less active over time (or more) that it's hard to tell which ones in particular are the cause. It could even be the economy: Notice how few europeans are joining Omnimaga since Europe economy collapsed. Bad economy == Unable to afford internet/3G bills, let alone your own calculator. Even my Youtube videos get fewer views since the past years.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2012, 04:47:53 pm by DJ_O »