Author Topic: How we can improve Omnimaga?  (Read 42396 times)

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Re: How we can improve Omnimaga?
« Reply #45 on: September 27, 2011, 04:22:29 pm »
I know it's not really a "problem," per se, but I personally think it's annoying when I see an awesome topic and there's a post by someone that just says "Cool" or whatever. That's just my opinion, though.


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Re: How we can improve Omnimaga?
« Reply #46 on: September 27, 2011, 04:23:52 pm »
2) Has been around for half a decade. Sure, it makes certain people like Kllrnohj not join, but that's our decision to not allow such comments. As I said, if you don't like it, why do you even posting here anymore? I'm thinking about starting a petition to force you to leave Omnimaga forever or get you banned, because i'm fucking sick to death of you, who come on Omni for the sole purpose of ruining my life and mental state.

5) Well I guess you are right on that one. The problem though is that you do everything to make me mad. Doing everything to make me mad on purpose == trolling

6) This happened before, and while it was a bit frustrating at first, then I realized I deserved it.

Please realize, I have more important things to do than pick on you and "hurt your mental state".  :/ it's really at the bottom of my list right now.  This is a constructive thread, so all I'm trying to do is come up with some constructive criticism.

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Re: How we can improve Omnimaga?
« Reply #47 on: September 27, 2011, 04:24:08 pm »
I'm thinking about starting a petition to force you to leave Omnimaga forever or get you banned, because i'm fucking sick to death of you, who come on Omni for the sole purpose of ruining my life and mental state.

If you two keep dragging every topic to this, then I'll personally start a petition to get you both banned.
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Re: How we can improve Omnimaga?
« Reply #48 on: September 27, 2011, 04:27:29 pm »
Well go ahead Qwerty. I know you wanted me gone since the beginning and you hate me. Everytime you try to censor me and you tried since the beginning to protect SirCmpwn and Ashbad like if they are perfect and never did anything wrong.


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Re: How we can improve Omnimaga?
« Reply #49 on: September 27, 2011, 04:29:49 pm »
Well go ahead Qwerty. I know you wanted me gone since the beginning and you hate me. Everytime you try to censor me and you tried since the beginning to protect SirCmpwn and Ashbad like if they are perfect and never did anything wrong.

Qwerty only has the best interest of Omnimaga in mind, please don't attack him personally.  Again, please realize I'm just trying to be constructive; I have no goal of going after you personally.  And again, if you want to talk it over, *PM me please*.  I can find time to discuss this.

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Re: How we can improve Omnimaga?
« Reply #50 on: September 27, 2011, 05:41:37 pm »
Part of the problem with allowing sarcasm more freely is this is an online site.  DJ_O and I have both noted that when you speak to each other face-to-face, it's easy to detect sarcasm and joking, because you can see a person's face and hear his tone and know he's making a friendly remark.  Online, however, it's harder to tell.  Some people are very sensitive, so if a comment isn't detected as sarcasm, they might be hurt--and we sometimes read it and think "Are you trying to bash this person?"

I see your side, Ashbad, but because it's hard for some people to detect sarcasm, and because we want to avoid people feeling hurt by this website, I don't see us changing this in the future.  Believe me, it's nothing personal.

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Re: How we can improve Omnimaga?
« Reply #51 on: September 27, 2011, 05:51:10 pm »
(Keep in mind that these are my views and my not represent the opinions of Omnimaga staff as a whole.)
By the way for the rating system, I thought about something that e-mails you when one of your post gets rated down and it reaches a negative value, telling you to double-ckeck your post in case it might be breaking rules, and that system would have flood control so it only notifies you once per 6 hour or so, in the case of a rating system vandalism. However I think this might cause too many misleading e-mails caused by people who accidentally downrates a post instead of uprating it, because they clicked the wrong icon.

So I was wondering instead if it would be very hard to code a new forum section that lets you list which of your own posts have negative ratings, only visible to the post author, kinda like the post attachment list. It would obviously link to each post. In addition to that, on forum pages somewhere it could display if you have posts that are rated down and to check them in case.
This would be awesome, if we could get it to work.  I remember asking for this before and being told that it was too hard, so we never added such a system.  I'd love to see an attempt at adding it made again, though. :)
- Lowering OmnomIRC posting limits, from like 40 to 5; maybe it'll bring out more trolls, but it'll stop alienating newcomers into thinking they're just stupid noobs who must be trolls, and perhaps will get out of the mindset that mass posting to get more posts at expense of content == bad.
Personally, I think this is a great idea.  I pains me to see new members that already show massive potential alienated from Omnom.  I think the good outweighs the bad here as well.
- Spam topic opens up to newcomers at 5 posts rather than 100 (why would it ever be that high?  If you want to keep a thread secret, why not a "secret stuff" sub forum?)
I think this is another awesome idea.  The spam section likely will not go all the way down to 5 posts (I see it more at 40 or 50), but a "secret stuff" subforum that opens up at 250 posts or so in an incredible idea.  I really, really like it.
Thanks for the ideas!

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Re: How we can improve Omnimaga?
« Reply #52 on: September 27, 2011, 05:59:26 pm »
I actually really want to emphasize integration with a userbar generator, most of all RemovedFromGame Userbar Manager. But advertising aside, It would be easier for everybody, and ther could even be an automatic signature updater so it would be easier. As programmers, and geeks, we need lots of userbars for projects and things we are fans of. I think it would make Omni a little better, though not significantly.
I'm not worried about SOPA creating censorship, that will not stand for long. I'm worried that they'll succeed in stopping piracy!

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An useful tool!

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Re: How we can improve Omnimaga?
« Reply #53 on: September 27, 2011, 06:50:46 pm »
I'm thinking about starting a petition to force you to leave Omnimaga forever or get you banned, because i'm fucking sick to death of you, who come on Omni for the sole purpose of ruining my life and mental state.

If you two keep dragging every topic to this, then I'll personally start a petition to get you both banned.

If joke.  Funny.
If not.  A little to harsh man.

Any way we can have blocked members?  I mean like one person only see's ***********..... of that somebody's post.   I know what i am trying to say :/
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Re: How we can improve Omnimaga?
« Reply #54 on: September 27, 2011, 07:03:00 pm »
(Keep in mind that these are my views and my not represent the opinions of Omnimaga staff as a whole.)
By the way for the rating system, I thought about something that e-mails you when one of your post gets rated down and it reaches a negative value, telling you to double-ckeck your post in case it might be breaking rules, and that system would have flood control so it only notifies you once per 6 hour or so, in the case of a rating system vandalism. However I think this might cause too many misleading e-mails caused by people who accidentally downrates a post instead of uprating it, because they clicked the wrong icon.

So I was wondering instead if it would be very hard to code a new forum section that lets you list which of your own posts have negative ratings, only visible to the post author, kinda like the post attachment list. It would obviously link to each post. In addition to that, on forum pages somewhere it could display if you have posts that are rated down and to check them in case.
This would be awesome, if we could get it to work.  I remember asking for this before and being told that it was too hard, so we never added such a system.  I'd love to see an attempt at adding it made again, though. :)
- Lowering OmnomIRC posting limits, from like 40 to 5; maybe it'll bring out more trolls, but it'll stop alienating newcomers into thinking they're just stupid noobs who must be trolls, and perhaps will get out of the mindset that mass posting to get more posts at expense of content == bad.
Personally, I think this is a great idea.  I pains me to see new members that already show massive potential alienated from Omnom.  I think the good outweighs the bad here as well.
- Spam topic opens up to newcomers at 5 posts rather than 100 (why would it ever be that high?  If you want to keep a thread secret, why not a "secret stuff" sub forum?)
I think this is another awesome idea.  The spam section likely will not go all the way down to 5 posts (I see it more at 40 or 50), but a "secret stuff" subforum that opens up at 250 posts or so in an incredible idea.  I really, really like it.
Thanks for the ideas!
I like those ideas as well. IMHO, DJ_O is a great guy, he keeps giving us suggestions for the site, even while he don't even feel like being on it. The problem here is when he loses his sanity, sadly.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 07:04:47 pm by Juju »

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Re: How we can improve Omnimaga?
« Reply #55 on: September 27, 2011, 10:07:11 pm »
Not to create a quote pyramid, but I also agree with these ideas. I think that they could help our site.

(Keep in mind that these are my views and my not represent the opinions of Omnimaga staff as a whole.)
By the way for the rating system, I thought about something that e-mails you when one of your post gets rated down and it reaches a negative value, telling you to double-ckeck your post in case it might be breaking rules, and that system would have flood control so it only notifies you once per 6 hour or so, in the case of a rating system vandalism. However I think this might cause too many misleading e-mails caused by people who accidentally downrates a post instead of uprating it, because they clicked the wrong icon.

So I was wondering instead if it would be very hard to code a new forum section that lets you list which of your own posts have negative ratings, only visible to the post author, kinda like the post attachment list. It would obviously link to each post. In addition to that, on forum pages somewhere it could display if you have posts that are rated down and to check them in case.
This would be awesome, if we could get it to work.  I remember asking for this before and being told that it was too hard, so we never added such a system.  I'd love to see an attempt at adding it made again, though. :)
- Lowering OmnomIRC posting limits, from like 40 to 5; maybe it'll bring out more trolls, but it'll stop alienating newcomers into thinking they're just stupid noobs who must be trolls, and perhaps will get out of the mindset that mass posting to get more posts at expense of content == bad.
Personally, I think this is a great idea.  I pains me to see new members that already show massive potential alienated from Omnom.  I think the good outweighs the bad here as well.
- Spam topic opens up to newcomers at 5 posts rather than 100 (why would it ever be that high?  If you want to keep a thread secret, why not a "secret stuff" sub forum?)
I think this is another awesome idea.  The spam section likely will not go all the way down to 5 posts (I see it more at 40 or 50), but a "secret stuff" subforum that opens up at 250 posts or so in an incredible idea.  I really, really like it.
Thanks for the ideas!
I like those ideas as well. IMHO, DJ_O is a great guy, he keeps giving us suggestions for the site, even while he don't even feel like being on it. The problem here is when he loses his sanity, sadly.

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Re: How we can improve Omnimaga?
« Reply #56 on: September 28, 2011, 02:02:33 am »
i am a fan of the spam forum/hidden forum split, as it's already being used for both those purposes. however, 250 posts seems like a high amount to use. i don't see why it should change from the current 100, which seems to have worked just fine until now.

another concern i have is all the past threads which were posted in spam in order to prevent them from becoming public, but would suddenly become readily available. moving all of those to the new, hidden forum would be quite an ordeal.

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Re: How we can improve Omnimaga?
« Reply #57 on: September 28, 2011, 02:26:48 am »
I also do not see any problem with people being alienated into thinking they're noobs or automatically labelled as troll.
So you're willing to discourage all new members? Isn't that what Omnimaga has been trying to avoid all along?

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Re: How we can improve Omnimaga?
« Reply #58 on: September 28, 2011, 02:35:20 am »
I also do not see any problem with people being alienated into thinking they're noobs or automatically labelled as troll.
So you're willing to discourage all new members? Isn't that what Omnimaga has been trying to avoid all along?
He wanted to say that he didn't saw any member being alienated into thinking they're noobs or automatically labelled as troll... Woah that was the opposite of what he wanted to say. Stupid epic grammar fail.

Remember the day the walrus started to fly...

I finally cleared my sig after 4 years you're happy now?
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Re: How we can improve Omnimaga?
« Reply #59 on: September 28, 2011, 02:40:59 am »
I also do not see any problem with people being alienated into thinking they're noobs or automatically labelled as troll.
So you're willing to discourage all new members? Isn't that what Omnimaga has been trying to avoid all along?
He wanted to say that he didn't saw any member being alienated into thinking they're noobs or automatically labelled as troll... Woah that was the opposite of what he wanted to say. Stupid epic grammar fail.
Oh! That makes much more sense. Sorry if my comment seemed rude...