Ok, wow I was pretty scared for a few minutes. I thought Omnimaga was really nearing its death (activity-wise) or something, but then I saw something looked wrong and finally found out why:
The new posts section is already back (sort-of)!

Basically, by default, the "Recent posts" feature on SMF displays the last 100 individual posts, as demonstrated at
http://archives.mtv-music-generator.com/index.php?action=recent (notice how the same topic comes back multiple times). So I was going through that list on Omni and noticed there were only between 5 and 20 public posts displayed by Omnimaga users including myself, so I thought that almost the entire discussion was now occuring in the staff forum and that users had pretty much abandoned Omni since late Feb. However, I finally discovered that
http://www.omnimaga.org/recent actually displays one post from each topic, not all new posts made in it. So yeah, I am glad this wasn't what I feared.
But yeah, basically what this means, members, is that your "New Posts" section is already back. It's just
temporarily a little harder to browse, but other than that it's identical in functionalities!

Now go back and make sure you didn't miss any post, in case someone sneaked large TI RPG somewhere in a random topic while everyone had their attention in others