Author Topic: List of all Omni website versions  (Read 9089 times)

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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List of all Omni website versions
« on: November 12, 2013, 03:27:06 pm »
Since TI-Story is now read-only, I thought I would make a new topic here listing every single version of Omnimaga that existed over the years, including the site before Omni that was unrelated, but from where Omni's original green design was inspired from.

Omnimaga website ancestor: Métranor

Version 1.0 (June 12th 2001)
In French. Probably the worst site design ever (background was animated and made everything unreadable). Had no index.html (main page was siteweb.htm), and only a section about Final Fantasy VII and another page for my old comic books (which was lost, so a replacement with barely any info was made). This site opened before I got my 1st calc and before Omni existed.
[no screenshot yet, as no backups nor cache are available.]

Version 1.1 (December 24th 2003)
Now every page has the same design as the main page. To tell how much hard it is still to read, the background was a GIF with the text RPG in red looping through different fonts, with a blue background. It was nowhere as bad as the FFVII page, though.

Version 1.2 (January 14th 2004)
Site redesigned to be actually readable, now using the same background color as what Omni would use until September 2004. This was gonna become my calc site if I found a working link cable or computer, but I finally started a separate site in English instead then closed this one.

Main site

Version 0.1 (January 21st 2004)
Site under construction, which only had an ugly remake of the 2001 logo using the 2004 Omni text, as well as a link to the Reign of Legends 3 thread on MaxCoderz and by March 3rd a link to the then-new Omni forums.
[no screenshot yet, as no backups nor cache are available]

Original Omnimaga forums (March 3rd 2004)
Hosted on yAronet and opened before Omnimaga was popular, that board only got 60 posts in half a year.

Version 1.0 (April 9th 2004)
First site version. Reviews section added in August. Forum closed on Sept 10th 2004 and replaced with EPS forums. Features calc RPGs and programming tools.

Version 1.1 (Sept 20th 2004)
This is from where the current Omni color scheme (as of November 2013) came from. This version added a list of the recent files added to the archives, kinda like

Version 1.2 (February 1st 2005)
Site re-opened after two months of downtime. Now has Casio and HP RPGs/tools. Minor redesign and some banner changes.

Version 2.0 (May 12th 2005)
HTML site replaced with Invisionfree portal and forums. File archives/links section/reviews now part of forums. Major redesign. After much demand in June, a full forum is then re-opened on Omni. Guestbook added

Version 2.0.1 (September 2005)
New background image made of stars.

Version 2.1 (October 2005)
Site redesign, adding gradients, using a different star background, but keeping a similar color scheme. This caused some people to not join Omni, though, because they found the contrast too high.

Version 2.5 (December 2005)
Yet another site re-design, chosen out of many others after a community vote. Same colors, but no more blue background. Spam section added to the forums. Programming team opened with separate download archives.

The Coders of Tomorrow (April 10th 2006)
By then, the site was supposed to close, but it re-opened due to high demand. However, wanting to restart from scratch, Omnimaga was simply renamed to "The Coders of Tomorrow" (the first idea was "Calctopia"), with the main URL becoming , although old links still worked. The name change was scrapped due to Omnimaga revival requests from a few staff members, who also offered to help bringing back the RPG archives and make a new banner. The Coders of Tomorrow was retained as slogan since then.
[no screenshot yet, as no backups nor cache are available.]

Version 3.0 (April 12th 2006)
After changing back to Omnimaga, the site had another re-design (based on the 2.5 one). This was the beginning of Omnimaga's "Dark Ages" within the TI community (ironically, the new forum design was a dark version of the previous one), which would eventually lead to its demise in 2008. Computer downloads added somewhere around 2007.

Temporary boards v0.1 (Janurary 2nd 2008)
Following disputes with TI community members from another IRC channel, as it became clear that most members and staff seemed to side with them, Omni closed again, although a temporary board was re-opened due to high demand from the remaining members. Only the music and the 2004-05 downloads were available (via a backup of the v1.2 site). Although this version opened on Jan 2nd 2008, it was only available worldwide on January 6th.

Temporary boards v0.2 (February 2008)
Since most members didn't want to post until the old site is back, when it became clear that the old site would never return and that Omni would not recover, it closed "for good" in March 4th 2008 and became solely an IRC channel. Nonetheless, beforehand Netham45 decided to create a temporary skin anyway, which gave a design similar to the v3 site.

Omnimaga goodbye page (March 3rd 2008)
All downloads remained available for at least one month after the closing. Afterward, only the music remained.

Omnimaga music page (August 2008)
By then, Omni was pretty much gonna become some sort of music label, with some calc discussion still occuring every now and then on IRC. Although was registered in October 2007, was finally used instead. Site now uses SMF instead of the impossible-to-backup Invisionfree.

Version 4.0 (August 25th 2008)
Resurrection of the site and forums as a calc/music site. Design inspired from the v3 color scheme, but less dark. Banner almost identical, but with removed version number and more blue.

Version 4.1 (January 2009)
Front page portal and arcade replaced, recent files added in archives now back on front page, but they would never get as detailled as they used to be in 2005.

Version 5.0 (February 2010)
Site returns to 2005 color scheme, but with less gray and more blue. OmnomIRC shoutbox added in April 2010. RPG downloads section closes in August 2010, replaced with new downloads section spanning every game genre. I removed myself from FTP access in February 2011 then resigned from my admin position in July 2011, although I am now news editor. In February 2012, the old Invisionfree/Zetaboards posts are merged into the current database.

Version 6.0 (July 2013)
Despite the very high version jump, only the banner changed, along with some minor theme edits. Technically, this should be 5.1, but since the theme chooser lists it as 6.0, I guess we have to call it 6.0

Version SMF 2.0 (March 2014)
Upgrade to SMF 2.0.x, theme change and removal of arcade. Currently unfinished, tho, so some features are missing. Social network login and forum ignore added, along with other minor features :P
[no screenshot yet, as the current theme is not final]
« Last Edit: April 13, 2014, 10:05:28 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

Offline Streetwalrus

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Re: List of all Omni website versions
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2013, 04:11:41 pm »
Know your history, people ! :D

Offline Sorunome

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Re: List of all Omni website versions
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2013, 04:24:57 pm »
nuuu, now everybody can see that one omnomirc fail in the v6 screenie :P
I hoped nobody noticed.... :P

Also, check out my website
If OmnomIRC is screwed up, blame me!
Click here to give me an internet!

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: List of all Omni website versions
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2013, 10:39:05 pm »
I forgot about the fail lol. Besides, it's nowhere as bad as how broken the v1-1.2 sites were, though x.x (if using something else than IE6. That was before I knew about CSS since they didn't teach us about them in college until the next school year)

Offline Streetwalrus

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Re: List of all Omni website versions
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2013, 12:53:34 pm »
nuuu, now everybody can see that one omnomirc fail in the v6 screenie :P
I hoped nobody noticed.... :P
LOL, now you mention it I did. :P

Offline Sorunome

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Re: List of all Omni website versions
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2013, 12:55:06 pm »
nuuu, now everybody can see that one omnomirc fail in the v6 screenie :P
I hoped nobody noticed.... :P
LOL, now you mention it I did. :P
I thought something like that would happen XD

Also, check out my website
If OmnomIRC is screwed up, blame me!
Click here to give me an internet!

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: List of all Omni website versions
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2013, 12:55:57 pm »
Actually that still happens (sort-of). If your browser window isn't full screen then you resize it up, the chat isn't resized. Refreshing fixes it, however.

Offline Sorunome

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Re: List of all Omni website versions
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2013, 12:58:52 pm »
I know, i never coded something to re-calc the width of the main content on resize after i moved some things around, it's been like that since months.

Also, check out my website
If OmnomIRC is screwed up, blame me!
Click here to give me an internet!

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Re: List of all Omni website versions
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2013, 01:32:43 pm »
For the high version jump in the v6, I think we thought making an entierely new theme, but we only did the banner. I guess the new theme will be with the switch to SMF 2.

Remember the day the walrus started to fly...

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This signature is ridiculously large you've been warned.

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: List of all Omni website versions
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2013, 03:35:33 pm »
The v6 theme actually smoothens the gradients and the background. At the time, the background was made 256 colors because it took too much space otherwise and the gradients were based on the v4 theme.

EDIT: UPDATE: I added a screenshot of the 2nd theme used on the Omni Temporary boards.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 03:54:17 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: List of all Omni website versions
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2014, 02:48:44 am »
Now let's see how the rules elvolved over the time :P. Note that several versions/revisions might be missing, but you'll notice that the policies have always been remaining the same in overall over the years, although they might have been enforced more or less depending of the year (For example, there aren't any rule specific about BASIC/large RPG bashing now, but it would still fall under the "intolerance" category to a certain extent and earn yourself a few negative post ratings)

Spoiler For March 26th 2004:
They are pretty simple:

 -No spam
 -No flood
 -Stay on-topic
 -Listen to everyone, don't insult them.
 -Double post are only allowed when you are posting in you project topic or... if the server messes up and mysteriously clones your post :D.
Spoiler For June 20th 2005*:
At Omnimaga we want everyone to enjoy their visit. Remember that discussing is a privilege that we give you and all you need is to follow these guidelines:

1) We have seen bashing, flaming and unconstructive criticism on many other calculator websites before. At Omnimaga we will not tolerate anything of the sort.
2) No spam are allowed, except in the spam forum.
3) Unless there is a signifiant amount of time between since your last post you should try to avoid double/multi-posting whenever possible. You can use the EDIT button to modify your post.
4) Don't post pornography, drugs (unless your RPG is about drug dealing), ROMs, mp3 and such illegal content or advertise to sell stuff.
5) Impersonating people (posting as someone else) or posting with a second account is not allowed, sames goes for hacking/cracking attempts, obviously. Those will be rewarded with an immediate IP ban.
6) Try to stay on-topic. If the discussion goes off-topic, try to get it back on-topic.
7) In the archives you are free to write reviews for the files, but you cannot post anything else here.

Failure to follow them may result in the deletion of your post with a warning, then if you continue it can result in a ban. There are a few other rules you might want to know as well

8) The files in the archives are property of their respective authors.
9) Try to avoid image that disrupt the whole page display in your signature.

That's all. Follow those guidelines and everyone including you shall enjoy their visit!
Spoiler For April 10th 2006:
NOTE: The following rules applies to both forums and IRC channel

At Omnimaga we want everyone to enjoy their stay. We do not welcome troublemakers and we want the forums to be clean of flames. Please be constructive when commenting on other people's work and avoid complaining about the resources they use to make their projects (programs, routines, editors, programming language, etc). We have seen this happen on other forums and we don't want this to happen here. It will result in an immediate warning, post deletion and possibly a ban. We want this community to be nice and people to have a good experience.

Regarding other forum/IRC behavior, no spam is allowed, except in the spam forum, which is here for that. Double-posting should not be abused, as it will be considered as spam as well. No porn, commercial mp3s, ROMs, warez and other illegal stuff will be tolerated on the forums and channel.

Any form of impersonation or duplicate accounts on the forums will result in a ban of both accounts and IP ban, same for ban evasion.
Spoiler For May 15th 2006:
NOTE: The following rules applies to both forums and IRC channel

At Omnimaga we want everyone to enjoy their stay. We do not welcome troublemakers and we want the forums to be clean of flames. Please do not be rude with other members for any reason and please be constructive when commenting on other people's work and avoid complaining about the resources they use to make their projects (programs, routines, editors, programming language, etc). We have seen this happen on other forums and we don't want this to happen here. It will result in an immediate warning, a kick, post edit and possibly a ban. We want this community to be nice and people to have a good experience.

Regarding other forum/IRC behavior, no spam is allowed, except in the spam forum, which is here for that. Double-posting should not be abused, as it will be considered as spam as well. No porn, commercial mp3s, ROMs, warez and other illegal stuff will be tolerated on the forums and channel. Avoid controversed debates like religion as well as it will prompt some people to break the first rule more.

Any form of impersonation or duplicate accounts on the forums will result in a ban of both accounts and IP ban, same for ban evasion.
Spoiler For September 17th 2006**:
At Omnimaga we want everyone to enjoy their stay. We do not welcome troublemakers and we want the forums to be clean of flames. Please do not be rude with others for any reason and please be constructive when commenting on other people's work and avoid complaining about the resources they use to make their projects (programs, routines, editors, programming language, etc). Also when providing constructive criticism please provide it in a nice way, without being mean. We have seen this happen on other forums and we don't want this to happen here. It will result in an immediate warning, a kick, a post edit and possibly a ban. We want this community to be nice and people to have a good experience.

Regarding other forum/IRC behavior, no spam is allowed, except in the spam forum, which is here for that. Advertise to sell stuff is strictly prohibited, and will lead to a permban. Double-posting should not be abused, as it will be considered as spam as well. No porn, commercial mp3s, ROMs, warez and other illegal stuff will be tolerated on the forums and channel. Avoid controversed debates like religion as well as it will prompt some people to break the first rule more.

Any form of impersonation or duplicate accounts on the forums will result in a ban of both accounts and IP ban, same for ban evasion.

Also keep in note you must be at least 13 years old to register on the forums.

Also I would like to point out that we are NOT planning to move from Invisionfree/zetaboards in the near future, so I would like to ask everyone to stop asking or requesting about this.

About forum signatures: Try to not use huge signature that disturb the page width or that are excessively huge in height. Also please do not abuse animated gifs that slow down the forums or that grab attention too much (psychedelic flashy pics or seizure inducing stuff) and make sure it abide to the above rules as well. Same apply to avatars, which are limited to 128x128 or smaller
Spoiler For November 24th 2006:
NOTE: The following rules applies to both forums and IRC channel

At Omnimaga we want everyone to enjoy their stay. We want this community to be nice and people to have a good experience and would like to not have to enforce the following rules, which you have to follow:

1) Rudeness toward members and overly negative attitude toward them is not tolerated. Singling out someone work because of the programming language or ressources he uses is also disallowed and we want people to be constructive when giving feedback.

2) Controversed topics such as religion should be avoided, because they prompt people to break rule #1.

3) You must be at least 13 years old to register on the forums.

4) No spam is allowed, except in the spam forum, which is here for that. Double-posting should not be abused, as it will be considered as spam as well. On IRC, multiple nickchanges are also considered as spam and not allowed. On forums, only one nick change is allowed every 6 months.

5) Advertise to sell stuff is strictly prohibited. To advertise a calculator website you must have at least 2000 posts. You can advertise at any time in your forum signature or IRC greet/quit message though, even under 2000 posts.

6) No porn, commercial mp3s, ROMs, warez and other illegal stuff will be tolerated on the forums and channel.

7) Any form of impersonation or duplicate accounts on the forums is prohibited.

8) Please keep your signature as small as possible. Same for avatars.

9) The official IRC channel bot is xLIB. Other bots are not allowed.
Spoiler For October 12th 2007***:
NOTE: The following rules applies to both forums and IRC channel

At Omnimaga we want everyone to enjoy their stay. We want this community to be nice and people to have a good experience and would like to not have to enforce the following rules, which you have to follow:

1) Rudeness toward members and overly negative attitude toward them is not tolerated. Singling out someone work because of the programming language or ressources he uses is also disallowed and we want people to be constructive when giving feedback.

2) Controversed topics such as religion should be avoided, because they prompt people to break rule #1.

3) You must be at least 13 years old to register on the forums.

4) No spam is allowed, except in the spam forum, which is here for that. Double-posting should not be abused, as it will be considered as spam as well. On IRC, multiple nickchanges are also considered as spam and not allowed. On forums, only one nick change is allowed every 6 months.

5) Advertise to sell stuff is strictly prohibited. To advertise a calculator website you must have at least 2000 posts. You can advertise at any time in your forum signature or IRC greet/quit message though, even under 2000 posts.

6) No porn, commercial mp3s, ROMs, warez and other illegal stuff will be tolerated on the forums and channel.

7) Any form of impersonation or duplicate accounts on the forums is prohibited.

8) Please keep your signature as small as possible. Same for avatars.

9) Keep profanity to a minimum everywhere. The word filter is here for a reason. This include signatures and avatars. We want to keep the board viewable from most public internet places, not only user's home.

10) The official IRC channel bot is xLIB. Other bots are not allowed.
Spoiler For February 2008****:
***************READ THIS *** READ THIS *** READ THIS*****************

The goal of Omnimaga is to provide a nice community, where skilled or new users can speak freely. Please refrain from personal attacks. Comments, and constructive critisim are allowed, but please don't just insult something, point out flaws.


Please refrain from posting illegal materials such as ROMs, Warez, commercial mp3 files, etc. Do not post pornographic content either, this site is rated for 13 years old or higher, not 18.

xLIB is the offical IRC bot( to get onto IRC). No other bots or publicly visible scripts are allowed.

No Flaming or trolling. Flaming means insulting other members and trolling means comments intended to trigger flaming.

Spamming is only allowed in the spam forum

You can curse, but please do not abuse it.

We have no problem with the revival of old threads, providing there is a valid reason to do so. If you are replying to a question please check the last post date.

Please maintain a safe and secure account(this means not giving out your password, and if you do, change it immediately. If you believe that there may be a threat to the security of your account, or someone elses, please report it.)

By clicking on, "I Accept," you agree that you will not break these rules, knowingly or unknowningly.

If you encounter a post that violates one of the rules listed above, please report it to a moderator, or admin by PM, or by clicking on the "Report this message" link.

****************READ THIS *** READ THIS *** READ THIS*****************

Thank you for your cooperation and help in making Omnimaga a better place!
Spoiler For Mid 2009:
Omnimaga is a website dedicated to TI calculator and PC game programming and music creation of any kind. Aside from our programming team products, it also provide a selection of the best community-contributed RPGs ever made for any brand of graphing calculators. We also have an IRC channel where you can do so in real time. Our goal is to provide discussion environments free of any hostility for all coders wanting to learn, give or get help, show off their work and/or discuss. To ensure this we have decided to set up a few rules and disclaimers that you must have read before registering:

 This discussion board and the IRC channel are avaliable to use for everyone for free as a priviledge. However, keep in mind messages posted by any member doesn't necessarly represent the view of Omnimaga as a whole and altough we will make sure there are no innapropriate content or behaviour we are not perfect and might miss something. We encourage users to report the innapropriate content or actions if this happens. Innapropriate content and actions includes the following:

 1: Flaming, bigotry, trolling or any other provocative comment aimed toward an user or group of users.
2: Negative/rude/destructive comments towards someone's project or program based on file size, amount of sub-programs and programming language/libraries used in attempt to discourage the author of the said program. Criticism should be intended to make the person's program better in its current form.
3: The only time double-posting is allowed (posting two messages in a row in the same topic) is either if there has been 6 hours since your last post, 3 hours if your thread has been bumped out of the New Posts page, 1 hour if it's a project update or immediately if you need to upload more than 10 file attachments at once. Otherwise, update the last post using the "EDIT" button. It will be marked as unread for all members (altough it won't bump the thread).
4: Only one account per person is allowed. Duplicates will be tracked down and deleted. Evading an ignore list (private messenger) will lead to a permanent ban without warning.
 5: Porn, warez, ROMs, copyrighted music and any kind of piracy
 6: Advertising websites or to sell products (if you got a calculator for sale, though, it is fine if you post about it, altough for buyers and sellers we are not responsible if anything bad occurs and we don't want such transaction to trigger the violation of other rules). Advertising your own project in other people's project thread is not allowed either. Create your own topic for that.
 7: Flooding and spam outside the "Randomness" section (invisible to guests) of the forums. On IRC, using the character • (Alt+7 on keyboard) or mass highlighting (posting everyone's nicknames on IRC for no reason) are also considered as spam.
 8: NSFW/C (Not suitable for work/children) content outside the "Randomness" section of the forums. This excludes swearing, which is allowed everywhere, providing it doesn't break rule #7.
 9: Vandalism
 10: Bots with any public commands, that can output public messages or unrequested private messages

 Punishments ranges from verbal warnings to bans. If a member misbehave he will be warned either in reply to the post involved or via private message. After multiple warnings if it doesn't change we will go with a ban of a maximum of one week and the permanent removal of any superior membergroup position settings for this user. If it still doesn't improve, he is banned forever. In case the first rule is broken, only one warning is given, though. Extreme cases such as any kind of attack toward the website, forum or IRC or any threats of attacks leads to an immediate and permanent ban without any warning. Note that bans for vandalism are set on both IRC and forums mediums, not just where the incident happened, unlike other bans.

-The post rating system is used based on users opinion on a post content. Not everyone evaluates a post for the same criterias.

-Note that we will not hold responsible about any loss of data, contact lists or any other trouble a punishment such as a ban may cause. It is your responsibility to follow these guidelines. If you don't and lose contact with someone in any way (no longer have his IM screenname or he only visits the board(s)/IRC channel(s) you are banned from) or lose data of any kind posted via PM for example it is not our problem, you just had to behave.

 -We provide the softwares in the archives as they are. They are scanned for viruses prior being added in the download section but would something bad happens anyway we will not hold responsible for any damage it may cause to your calculator, computer or even yourself. In other words, you download and use the content at your own risk.

 -All programs, games, softwares and music present in the download section are property of their respective owners.
Spoiler For December 9th 2011:
Omnimaga and OmnomIRC

Omnimaga is a site dedicated to calculator and computer game programming and music creation of any kind. Our goal is to provide a discussion environment free from hostility, allowing all coders to learn, help others, show off their projects, and discuss community-related news. To ensure this, we have a few rules you should keep in mind; punishments for infringing them range from warnings to permanent bans.

Also note that OmnomIRC is the forum shoutbox linked to several IRC channels owned by Omnimaga, as well as a few other related ones. It is a privilege for users with at least forty posts. Do not spam the forums to fulfill this forty-post requirement. Where applicable, the Omnimaga forum rules also apply to OmnomIRC and the IRC channels and abuse will lead to bans on both IRC and the forums.


The following are disallowed on the Omnimaga forums in any topic at any time.
Flaming, flooding, intolerance, and provocative comments.
Illegal content, including copyrighted material (such as TI's copyrighted software).
Pornography and shock images of any sort.
Discussions or tools intended to facilitate cheating, be it for classes, standardised tests, or any other situation in which academic dishonesty is possible.

The following are allowed but will be watched carefully and stopped if needed.
Religious and political debates.
Content that is "NSFW/C" (not safe for work/children), which must be in Spam with an appropriate warning in the title.
Swearing is always permitted to a reasonable extent, but will be deemed an offense if in excess.

Do not abuse the post-rating system.
Rate posts by quality, not by opinion.
All post-rating activity is recorded and visible to Managers and abuse will lead to bans.
Don't complain incessantly over every negative rating you receive. Your life doesn't depend on your rating score.

Double-posting (posting two messages in the same topic in quick succession) is discouraged.
Double-posting to "bump" a thread that hasn't been replied to for a day is permitted.
For special cases (such as a major project update), use your own discretion.
Remember that you can always use the "MODIFY" buttons to edit the content of a post.

Admins may act on their own discretion at any time.
To report an inappropriate post or private message, us the "Report to moderator" link at the bottom of the post or PM.
You can appeal any decision made by one Admin by contacting any of the other Admins.
The contents of these rules can be changed by consensus among the Admins at any time with or without warning.

 All posts, downloads, and tutorials are written by individual users who may not represent Omnimaga as a whole. We are not liable for any damage or loss of data caused by any software posted by a user.
Spoiler For April 1st 2015:
1) wow
2) so banstick
3) very policy
4) much enjoy
5) wow
*There was no rule list in May 2005. Common sense was simply expected. Rules (and the resulting decade-long Omnimaga policies) were added following an incident on Calcgames forums so that I can ensure that there is still at least one hostility-free forum left in the TI community at any time. Also, back in the days, drug discussion was against the forum rules, but if you made a Drug Wars clone for calcs, you were badass, so you could go ahead and share. :P

**Signature rules added in response to that infamous psychedelic smiley sig and those signature shoutboxes (the latter which were used to circumvent Omni rules).

***The bad word filter added there was only because of that psychedelic sig person abusing profanity and because two staffs were apparently very (but not to a life-threatening extent) offended by profanity >.<. Regarding rule 5, back in the days there were 10 new TI forums opening every hour, most by people who did not even know how to turn ON a TI calculator yet, and they kept spamming their links on big forums.

****In 2008, the TI community was a war zone, which probably explains why Netham45 (who became admin at that time) wrote the rules in big red fonts O.O
« Last Edit: February 28, 2014, 03:43:50 am by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: List of all Omni website versions
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2014, 09:32:19 am »
Haha, the 2015 one is awesome :P

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Re: List of all Omni website versions
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2014, 10:49:39 am »
Many cool
Very lol
Much 2015
Wow XD
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Re: List of all Omni website versions
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2014, 01:00:03 pm »
On a side note, nobody might know this here except a few of the older users, but from April 9th to April 12th 2006, Omnimaga was simply called The Coders of Tomorrow (after deciding against Calctopia). Since the old site was wiped and the RPGs gone, I wanted to restart from scratch because I felt it wasn't Omni anymore without RPGs. I think the site had some default modified Invisionboard theme with blue background and I don't think there was a banner yet. I should add this to the list above. Anyway after requests from a few users, the site was renamed back to Omnimaga on April 12th 2006 after someone offered to help reviving the RPG archives, but retained the CoT slogan and a staff made a new background and banner. The short lived TCOT website was available at and . Not much info left on this name change, other than and

Also, in late 2006, there were community disputes regarding the way Omnimaga was moderated and as it became clear it would only get worse, a new name change was proposed, with the entire Omnimaga site and forums going hidden for all of 2007, then reopening under a new name, theme and most staff members renamed or using new accounts, the site being advertised as a brand new, but formerly private calc team having taken over Omnimaga database. The idea is that by then, most haters would have left and moved on to other interests and Omni, under its new name, would have gotten an easier time to rebuild a new fanbase. This never came to fruition, but I think it was proposed again for 2008.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 01:16:20 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: List of all Omni website versions
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2014, 02:32:02 pm »
You gotta love how all the smileys on the negative boards are doubled :P

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