Author Topic: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)  (Read 47469 times)

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Re: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)
« Reply #165 on: November 30, 2012, 10:15:46 pm »
;aybe the passwd could be given to like all omni admins

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Re: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)
« Reply #166 on: November 30, 2012, 10:39:44 pm »
;aybe the passwd could be given to like all omni admins
I also think that we should post project progress announcements on the channel so that people would be more interested to find out more about our website and what we have to offer.  Also with the password issue, I think you should give the password only to the people that have shows on the channel so only they could upload them. If you trust them enough to do a quality show I think you should trust them enough to upload it with no problems to the channel. Maybe select 1-3 people who would be in charge of stuff like comment responses, subscribes and likes etc... Just my two cents.
Ruler501 and Stevon8ter have made a server so that anyone can upload videos. They just need to set it up for admins and announce it.
That way anybody can upload videos

I agree with the playllists idea. We should have a playlist for each series and then maybe some miscellaneous videos to make it look like we aren't just playlists. I also like DJ's idea of having a tab for the recent additions to the channel
Well, they are going to be uploaded, not just playlists from other channels. I found a wonderful systems for uploading videos to playlists, with easy access and approving/rejecting for admins, but without uploading them they can be deleted, and the user must keep them on their channel for it to show up.

I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but we could have a channel called "First Looks" or something where devs can talk about their in-progress projects.
Another idea is to do like a weekly video discussing new news, game progress, etc.
I think the channel should be open to most videos of adequate quality. I hope it does really well, but it might not get too many videos. If it does well, or even if it doesn’t, we could always decide what the quality and subject could be. Actually, what videos are accepted and which are rejected would be totally up to the admins.
Although, would it be better to have the omnimaga admins be the main channel admins, or have whoever is the most interested in the channel to be the admins. Some of the admins probably wouldn’t want to check for new videos every day, but other non admins seem very interested in the channel, such as Spyro543 and Leafy. I’m interested, but of course I’m new and thus you probably shouldn’t trust me

Also, if we ever get a dozen videos on it, and we make it the official omnimaga channel, I think it might be good to post a link to the channel on the home page, and maybe a description, or possibly put it in the affiliates tab, so that everyone going to the site would see it and check it out. Also, usual members might be reminded of its existence, so that it doesn’t die out.
Another thing, I don’t know how many of you like making videos, but do you think someday a video making contest could possibly be made? (as in interesting random videos, like _Nicco_'s stop motion or some of my random videos)
« Last Edit: November 30, 2012, 10:49:21 pm by Rhombicuboctahedron »

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Re: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)
« Reply #167 on: December 01, 2012, 12:35:32 am »
I see no reason why we would need to have Omni admins run the channel, considering it is an unoffical channel atm. Electing a group of motivated members who have been around for a decent amount of time should be fine

And now that we have an uploading system, we gotta start working on dem videos! :P
* epic7 brainstorms

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Re: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)
« Reply #168 on: December 01, 2012, 12:37:14 am »
I missed quite a bit, so what is the uploading system?

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Re: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)
« Reply #169 on: December 01, 2012, 12:42:15 am »
If the upload system allows access to the account, then it will need a few things:

1) Be secure, so no one can abuse security exploits and hack into the Youtube account to upload porn or edit existing vid tags/descriptions/titles (I assume the uploader would only allow editing/uploading, right?)

2) Strong password, of course

3) Many updates. Youtube changes their design on a regular basis, so it breaks all softwares dependent on the old layout. You might have to do so every month or so.

Another thing: In order to drive traffic to the channel, maybe those with a channel like me or Epic7 could upload a video advertising the channel (with leafy intro for example) showing a link to it and encouraging people to subscribe if they like calc stuff? Epic7 has 800+ subscribers on his account, so that's a lot of people that can be reached O.O
« Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 12:43:55 am by DJ_O »

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Re: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)
« Reply #170 on: December 01, 2012, 12:44:16 am »
Needs some prettification, but ruler got a site up for uploading videos. Those videos that are uploaded to that site can be approved by the channel admins, then uploaded to omnimagaTV.

Edit: ninja'd by DJ
I could definately put an advertisement.
My channel isn't that great, but I could use those miraculously obtained subscibers for something  :p
« Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 12:46:19 am by epic7 »

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Re: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)
« Reply #171 on: December 01, 2012, 12:46:12 am »
Uhm... don't you think it might be a better idea to change the uploader link once official and only PM him to the right people or posted in private matters? Otherwise anyone who find the link can upload ???

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Re: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)
« Reply #172 on: December 01, 2012, 12:47:55 am »
Even though the channel admins can just deny them, that would probably be a good idea :P

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Re: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)
« Reply #173 on: December 01, 2012, 12:57:23 am »
Yeah, the thing is if some spammers decides to fill the server with 1000+ vids and it constantly leaves no space for actual vids x.x. Not to mention some people who aren't very mature might just upload random junk such as horribly compressed vids showing themselves write 58008 on their calc and turning it upside-down.

EDIT: By the way, the uploader lacks various stuff:

1) Tags field (have people separate them with commas)
2) Description field

Also I think the admins should impose a rule on uploads so that all of them get their share of views: I think they should only approve one or two video upload per day max, so that people have time to notice them in their subscriptions feed. Otherwise if many vids are uploaded at once, I often notice that only one get views at all.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 01:01:29 am by DJ_O »

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Re: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)
« Reply #174 on: December 01, 2012, 01:02:00 am »
* epic7 turns his screen upside down.
Does private matters have some protection against new people/guests?
« Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 01:02:21 am by epic7 »

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Re: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)
« Reply #175 on: December 01, 2012, 01:03:33 am »
Does private matters have some protection against new people/guests?

Yes, I think it's 100+ posts only can view/contribute.

Imma Cat! =^_^= :3 (It's an emoticon now!)
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Late last night, Quebec was invaded by a group calling themselves, "Omnimaga". Not much is known about these mysterious people except that they all carried calculators of some kind and they all seemed to converge on one house in particular. Experts estimate that the combined power of their fabled calculators is greater than all the worlds super computers put together. The group seems to be holding out in the home of a certain DJ_O, who the Omnimagians claim to be their founder. Such power has put the world at a standstill with everyone waiting to see what the Omnimagians will do...

Wait... This just in, the Omnimagians have sent the UN a list of demands that must be met or else the world will be "submitted to the wrath of Netham45's Lobster Army". Such demands include >9001 crates of peanuts, sacrificial blue lobsters, and a wide assortment of cherry flavored items. With such computing power stored in the hands of such people, we can only hope these demands are met.

In the wake of these events, we can only ask, Why? Why do these people make these demands, what caused them to gather, and what are their future plans...

Offline Sorunome

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Re: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)
« Reply #176 on: December 01, 2012, 01:04:31 am »
why not more like 500?

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Offline Scipi

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Re: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)
« Reply #177 on: December 01, 2012, 01:08:21 am »
500 might be a bit much for less active, yet long time members. :P

Iirc it's 100. It's enough for those newer members to get well enough acquainted with the community and will prevent trolls/bots outright.

Imma Cat! =^_^= :3 (It's an emoticon now!)
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Late last night, Quebec was invaded by a group calling themselves, "Omnimaga". Not much is known about these mysterious people except that they all carried calculators of some kind and they all seemed to converge on one house in particular. Experts estimate that the combined power of their fabled calculators is greater than all the worlds super computers put together. The group seems to be holding out in the home of a certain DJ_O, who the Omnimagians claim to be their founder. Such power has put the world at a standstill with everyone waiting to see what the Omnimagians will do...

Wait... This just in, the Omnimagians have sent the UN a list of demands that must be met or else the world will be "submitted to the wrath of Netham45's Lobster Army". Such demands include >9001 crates of peanuts, sacrificial blue lobsters, and a wide assortment of cherry flavored items. With such computing power stored in the hands of such people, we can only hope these demands are met.

In the wake of these events, we can only ask, Why? Why do these people make these demands, what caused them to gather, and what are their future plans...

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Re: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)
« Reply #178 on: December 01, 2012, 01:12:14 am »
Well, not even 4% of members have 500 posts :P

@DJ_O: I think ruler intended for everything (title, tags, description) to be in the txt file. It's a pretty basic uploader :P

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Re: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)
« Reply #179 on: December 01, 2012, 01:13:21 am »
but i think 100 is a bit low, it is pretty easy for anybody to reach, maybe 200?

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