Author Topic: Should Omnimaga have its own POTY award/Featured programs page?  (Read 12282 times)

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Re: Should Omnimaga have its own POTY award/Featured programs page?
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2010, 12:31:26 pm »
I think it should cover all programs released in a finished version in that span of time, no matter where. :)

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Re: Should Omnimaga have its own POTY award/Featured programs page?
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2010, 06:13:32 pm »
Mmh, my argumentation totally missed its mark. I should proofread better next time :P

Actually, I just wanted to say that having two awards for basically the same thing does not make sense, and certainly not if one of them is well-established.
My goal was to get some stuff that were not on news to be featured here. The bar would still be high, but at a reasonable level. We would not do like did in 2009 and feature crappy BASIC math programs. Games like Orbit, Geometry Wars and FFTOM2 would get featured. Don't you find ridiculous that xLIB was never featured? I mean, many BASIC games that got featured on ticalc used xLIB. My goal would simply to be more fair and not biased towards a language or another platform.

IMHO, Contra 83, Robot Wars, Geometry Wars and Orbit are games that deserves as much a feature/POTY place as games like Super Mario, Zelda, etc. It's a shame that they are not getting featured on ticalc. I asked them many times, to no avail. Either their standards are way too high, or they just don't care enough about the community.

However, maybe a seasonal award could be a better idea? Also, I think projects shouldn't be featured unless they have a demo or beta that is fully playable and have enough features in its current state. They wouldn't be allowed to be nominated twice, though, if finished.

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Re: Should Omnimaga have its own POTY award/Featured programs page?
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2010, 07:47:11 pm »
IMHO, Contra 83, Robot Wars, Geometry Wars and Orbit are games that deserves as much a feature/POTY place as games like Super Mario, Zelda, etc. It's a shame that they are not getting featured on ticalc. I asked them many times, to no avail. Either their standards are way too high, or they just don't care enough about the community.

However, maybe a seasonal award could be a better idea? Also, I think projects shouldn't be featured unless they have a demo or beta that is fully playable and have enough features in its current state. They wouldn't be allowed to be nominated twice, though, if finished.
Seasonal would be cool, I just think it would be tough to find new fresh stuff throughout the community to feature. I never understood why Contra never got featured. Bryan did a bang up job on it. Geometry Wars and Robot Wars are both extremely well done and are also worthy of features.

I say only finished projects or extremely well done beta versions. Something like wizards would be an example of those extremely well done betas.

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Re: Should Omnimaga have its own POTY award/Featured programs page?
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2010, 07:51:07 pm »
true, Axe parser is another example. We must not either go with the mentality of never featured unfinished programs either, because 99% of the projects in the community never gets finished and it would be a shame if a very solid beta of something was ignored just because it was a beta and that the author did not plan to finish it. Of course, if it looks like the final version will be done in only a few months (Doors CS 7 being an example), it may be better to wait until it's finished, though.

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Re: Should Omnimaga have its own POTY award/Featured programs page?
« Reply #19 on: July 01, 2010, 07:57:53 pm »
I disagree with the claims that there would be too few programs to nominate.  I think ticalc usually gets at least 6 programs nominated per year and that's not including all the notable programs that go under the radar as DJ mentioned.  I think a bimonthly award would have a bare minimum of at least 3 decent nominees (I assume there is just one category and not splitting into separate platforms since that makes more sense for a duration this size) so I don't see any problem with that.

The only other thing I would like to add is that I think we should do the nominations differently than the way ticalc does it. Rather than nominate programs when they come out, I think it would be better to nominate them all at the same time about a week before the voting starts.  It ensures that the number of nominees is not too low or too high since the bar can shift once the knowledge of how many programs released is known.  It also adds a hint of surprise since most people won't know if their entries are going to be nominated or not until the end of the month.

Last thing I want to say is that we should not nominate programs that have been released prior to this award being founded, it wouldn't be fair becasue the time span is too great.
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Re: Should Omnimaga have its own POTY award/Featured programs page?
« Reply #20 on: July 01, 2010, 08:32:36 pm »
Bi-monthly could maybe work. But yeah, remember there are activity slumps sometimes. In late 2008, things were nearly dead in the z80 community in terms of releases. Summers are at risk of seeing this happen again. Trust me, I've been around for 9 years and saw this happen twice (late 2001 and 2008) Be warned that on some periods, like July-august, we may risk of seeing nominated programs winning by default. Also merging all platforms together would not be a good idea, as this is what lead to POTM's demise in Late 2000 (most people hated that POTM formula).

Personally, I think that if opinions diverges too much about what should be done, it might be best to not do it at all. Otherwise, we will end up with complains from one side or another everytime we post a news about the nominations.

Also I don,t think there should be a max amount of nominees in a period, else it would be unfair if one month 10 amazing programs were released and that we only nominated 5.

Remember that my goal there is to make sure programs gets the recognition they deserve. If we can't do this because it would be unfair to nominate the program, then we migth as well just not do the POTM thing.

Idk really.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 08:33:34 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Should Omnimaga have its own POTY award/Featured programs page?
« Reply #21 on: July 01, 2010, 09:35:30 pm »
everyone thinks we should do it. look at the poll.  i'd say 14 - 0 is a pretty solid standing. however, maybe you would want to alter the poll now? for example, have the options Monthly, Once every two months, Seasonal, Four months or something of the like to agree upon a time frame.

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Re: Should Omnimaga have its own POTY award/Featured programs page?
« Reply #22 on: July 01, 2010, 09:40:06 pm »
well I thought about running the poll for a few more days, then eventually change it for another week. I would prefer extending them a bit since I wouldn't be able to work on this until the end of July anyway (which is when my vacations starts)

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Re: Should Omnimaga have its own POTY award/Featured programs page?
« Reply #23 on: July 01, 2010, 10:06:46 pm »
I think it should be every month.

Although, if it were every month, perhaps it could be a tier-based system? Maybe every month there would be a POTM, and then at the end of the year, the 12 POTMS (12 for each category, of course) would compete for the Omnimaga POTY?

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Re: Should Omnimaga have its own POTY award/Featured programs page?
« Reply #24 on: July 01, 2010, 10:41:35 pm »
Personally, I think one POT? every three months (seasonal awards) would be the best idea. This would take into consideration the fact that activity tends to change according to season (high Jan-Mar, higher Apr-Jun, low Jul-Sep, med Oct-Dec), which would make more sense since the types of programs featured could also vary according to the time.

EDIT: 16-0 now :D
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 10:48:38 pm by Deep Thought »

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Re: Should Omnimaga have its own POTY award/Featured programs page?
« Reply #25 on: July 01, 2010, 11:15:25 pm »
I like the idea of awards and such, perhaps we could implement a trophy system for it.

I do think we should find a new name for it, though.

Perhaps we could have a new box on the portal, 'This month's featured program is ...' or such.
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Re: Should Omnimaga have its own POTY award/Featured programs page?
« Reply #26 on: November 07, 2010, 03:49:35 am »
Note, the magic date is December 31st 2010. Noticing the recent decrease in features and no new staff position offers on ticalc to reduce the workload on the current staff, I started having thoughts about starting our own version of the POTY starting in 2011. It would be called CROTY 2011, which sounds a bit similar, but POTY is a common acronym, according to Google, and Playboy used a similar one, so I guess it doesn't matter. CROTY would stand for Calculator Release of the Year. I think this will also come with a seasonal award as well, like Winter, Spring, etc.

For now if I notice some news articles for some of the programs that came out a while ago, I'll probably let this project go in the back burner for another while, else, I'll try to allow the programming community to continue getting all the recognition it deserves by starting a new award. Also it would be different a little bit in the way it would mostly be programming-oriented. Basically there wouldn't be math programs competing against game tools or the like.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 03:50:39 am by DJ Omnimaga »