Author Topic: Shouldn't Omni META tags be updated for today's content?  (Read 2262 times)

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Shouldn't Omni META tags be updated for today's content?
« on: February 21, 2013, 04:43:03 am »
The Meta tags for keywords in the Omnimaga code (I think a copy is stored in each theme) are really outdated in general and I'm unsure if they're SEO-friendly:

Omnimaga: The Coders Of Tomorrow, Omnimaga, The Coders Of Tomorrow, download, projects, TI-73, TI-82, TI-83, TI-84, TI-85, TI-86, TI-89, TI-92, Voyage 200, TI-Nspire, Casio Prizm, fx-9860G, fx-9750G, fx-9850G, Casio, calculator, ASM, BASIC, C, ARM, z80, 68k, assembly, Ndless, axe parser, calc, RPG, action, adventure, game, metroid, reuben, quest, zelda, final fantasy, reign of legends, Illusiat, mario, music, techno, trance, eurodance, hardcore, rave, club, nitacku, dj, netham45, anime, key factoring, hacking, cracking, game boy, gameboy, color, GB, GBC, emulator, TI-Boy SE, TI-Boy, gbc4nspire

Although they were updated in late 2010, there are things that are not that necessary anymore that could be removed, to ensure that the site doesn't get ranked lower at some places due to using way too many tags. There are also other tags that I fear that might be useless due to having too much competition from sites exclusively related about them (such as anime).

What do you think that should be removed and/or updated/fixed? I know for instance that CFX-9850G is spelled wrong. Here was my early idea:

Omnimaga: The Coders Of Tomorrow, Omnimaga, download, projects, TI-82 Stats, TI-83, TI-84, TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, TI-89, Voyage 200, TI-Nspire, Casio Prizm, fx-cg10, fx-cg20, fx-9860G, fx-9750G, cfx-9850G, Casio, calculator, programming, ASM, BASIC, z80, 68k, Ndless, axe parser, RPG, game, metroid, reuben quest, zelda, final fantasy, the reign of legends, Illusiat, mario, music, DJ Omnimaga, power metal, eurodance, happy hardcore, hacking, emulator, game boy, gameboy, GBC, GBA, TI-Boy, gbc4nspire, gpSP-Nspire

The site name has to be included of course, but do you think some stuff should be removed? I removed a lot of music stuff since it was outdated and not that popular, but I still think there are quite a lot.  Should TI-84 remain that way or be changed to TI-84+, TI-84 Plus?

Of course this would require that an admin update each theme one by one, though.