Be careful, No Calculator!! if you purchase this thinking it is the Calculator you will owe the money !! It is not the calculator, only programs for the calculator !!
The 'Quadratic Formula' Program Free now so you can see, as an example, how fabulous and useful my programs are. Contact me via e-mail to get your free program.
These are programs from my mid-terms and final tests. I'm the only one in the world that has done this or actually did it or will ever do it.
If you have the following calculator, my programs are for you:
TI-89 Titanium. This calculator uses a USB cable to connect to your computer, and you must have in your computer a program called TI-Connect. If you don’t have the program here is the link:
Windows: Mac: Here's what you get!!
Your choices on the Calculator Menu
Index8() (Type this onto the home screen entry line of your calculator)
1: Quit
2: a & b vectors
1: Quit
2: a+b
3: a-b
4: b-a
5: a+b+w
6: Unit vector direction of a
7: (n)*a
8: (n)*a + (n)*b
9: a . b (Dot Product)
A: a x b (Cross Product)
B: b x a
C: cos(a & b)

Equation of a Plane
E: Projection of a on b
F: Projection of b on a
G: Component a in direction u
H: Area of parallelogram by a & b
I: New a,b Vectors
J: P & Q Points
3: Acceleration
4: Area of Parallelogram
5: Component of a direction u
6: cos( a & b)
7: Cross Product
8: Curl
1: Instructions
2: Curl definition
3: Do Curl Problem
1: Conservative?
2: Compute x,y,z, Points
3: Another Problem
4: Quit
9: Divergence of Vector Field
1: Instructions
2: Do Problem
1: Definition
2: Do Problem
1: Calculate at a Point?
1: Yes
2: No
A: Dot Product
B: Equation of a Tangent Plane to a Surface
C: Gradient
1: Instructions
2: Definition
3: 2 Variables
4: 3 Variables

Trig d/dx – Identities & Integration
1: Quit?
2: 1+cos(2x)2
3: 1-cos(2x) / 1+cos(2x)
4: 1-cos(2x)/2
5: cos(2x)
6: cos(x)
7: cos²(x)
8: cot(x)
9: csc(x)
A: csc²(x)
B: sec(x)
C: sec²(x)

E: sin(x)
F: sin²(x)
G: sin²(x) + cos²(x) = 1
H: tan(x)
I: tan²(x)
E: Integral
1: Rewrite the Integrand
2: Evaluate
F: Linear Approximation
1: Run Program
1: 1: 1 Variables
2: 2 Variables
3: 3 Variables
2: Instructions
G: Linear G: Linear Equations (Standard)
H: Line Int H: Line Integral
I: Mass of I: Mass of Spring/Wire
J: Parametric Equations
K: Path of an Object
1: Find Path of an Object
1: Angle in degrees or:
2: Angle in radians?
1: Max Height
2: Max Distance
3: Time @ Max Height
4: Time @ Distance on Ground
5: Time @ Height on Curve
6: Time Object hits Ground
7: Height @ Time on Curve
8: Height @ Distance on Ground
9: New Problem
A: Quit
2: Find initial velocity, Vo
3: Quit
L: Polar to Rectangular Conversion
M: P&Q Points
1: Vector between P&Q
2: Vector Length ||PQ||
3: Unit Vector PQ / ||PQ||
4: Unit Vector Opposite Direction
5: Mid-Point P+Q/2
6: Equation of a Sphere
7: New P&Q Points
8: Vectors a & b
9: Quit
N: Position Vectors
O: Projection of a on b, b on a
P: Quadratic Formula
Q: Rectangular to Polar
R: Speed
S: Sphere Equation
T: Surface Integral (x,y Plane)
U: Trig d/dx – Identities & Integrals
V: Unit Tangent Vector
W: Vectors
X: Velocity
Y: Volume of Parallelepiped
1: Definition
2: Do Problem
Z: Work done by a Force
1: Definite Integral f(x,y,z)?
2: Differential Form M,N,P?
For sale are calculus programs for the above calculator which I e-mail to you and you download them into your computer and then your calculator. These programs don’t simply give you the answer, but show you every step and calculation along the way. The programs prompt you for the specific variables for the problem, and then you write each step on your paper, as you press enter for each new calculator screen until the problems completion. This will “show your work” as professors require. I programmed them from my mid-term tests and finals tests in my calculus II and calculus III classes and passed the tests with A’s. These programs will help you also, certainly learn, pass tests or even ace them with ‘A’s if you’re allowed to use the calculator during tests. If you can do perfect just 4 problems on your test, quickly and perfect because of my programs, then you can get on to more difficult ones. This doesn’t mean that you don’t need to study or understand somewhat the most useless of math courses in your life, calculus (yes, interesting and true; a fundamental concept for decay, volumes, areas, trajectories etc. but useless to you unless you re-teach it, even if you work at NASA). Every college has calculus in their curriculum, at nauseam, no matter what your major, generally, 3 semesters, (I, II, III). The last two semesters (and I’m adamant about this as an engineering major at 55 yrs old) is a waste of time unless your going to teach this crap to someone else by being a math major. Everyone should know something about calculus to be a well rounded, knowledgeable person in life, but the last two semesters of it is like taking two semesters of crossword puzzles, or studying Latin, or clarinet, all worthless unless you’re into that sort of thing. I could teach all of it in one semester, and yet you’d never then do a derivative or integral after you leave college, let alone find the mass of a spring. My (Tom’s) theorem states: “College teaches you everything you never wanted to know about things that make no difference”. You will Cram, Test, and Forget your way through college. So ----- Study it, pass it, forget it, play the game, and move on with your degree and life. ALL the following words and items in the following index of programs you will be required to learn or know and be tested on as you take calculus in the future, I’ll guarantee it. Why not pass it the first time.
Think of what you spent on books this semester, for parking or happy hour. Compare that to the cost of my programs, nothing. My programs, representing hundreds of hours of my programming time alone are worth easily what your books cost, and you can buy them for whatever here. The three-variable linear approximation problem, or vector calculations alone are worth any price. After you pass calculus you can always re-sell the calculator (and you will get around $30 more for the calculator because my programs are loaded into the calculator), or keep it and have a system of doing these problems years later for you kids. Anything is better than to CTF (Cram, Test and Forget).
My programs are guaranteed and come with instructions; if you need help in running them, e-mail me. If after trying them you don’t want them and want your money back e-mail me and I’ll do it immediately, (I’ve sold hundreds of programs and no one has ever asked for their money back) so you can be the first.
You WILL enjoy my programs. Unlike much of college, this is real teaching and real useful stuff. Good luck, Tom