Can I suggest something that might make using this website a little bit easier?
DJ_O refered me to some faster, less bloated versions of this website. This website is faster than TI-Planet or Facebook, don't get me wrong, but I think it might be nice to have those sites listed somewhere on the home page as an alternative to this site, in case you own a slow computer (or have filters).
Just figured I'd say: I'm back. No IRC, and I still have one filter on the computer, which won't allow me to use search engines. As time passes, I can look up stuff using Google. Lately, I've been hacking video games for fun (that, and 7 hours of daily piano. Two Chopin Etudes a month, minimum, epic7.)

Oh, my old one competely exploded (almost literally) after years of use and recently, long hours of full CPU. So I bought a Dell Optiplex, splitting the cost with dad. I lost my calculator directory so I'm a little bit upset about it.
Also, how come TI's servers seem to send me only like 1k of their huge linking applications? I haven't been able to send anything to my calculator because I can't install them! I hate TiLP, too, so... The files from TI won't download.
Good to be back