Author Topic: Some Site Feedback  (Read 2301 times)

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Offline Dapianokid

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Some Site Feedback
« on: May 31, 2013, 03:25:08 pm »
Can I suggest something that might make using this website a little bit easier?
DJ_O refered me to some faster, less bloated versions of this website. This website is faster than TI-Planet or Facebook, don't get me wrong, but I think it might be nice to have those sites listed somewhere on the home page as an alternative to this site, in case you own a slow computer (or have filters).
Just figured I'd say: I'm back. No IRC, and I still have one filter on the computer, which won't allow me to use search engines. As time passes, I can look up stuff using Google. Lately, I've been hacking video games for fun (that, and 7 hours of daily piano. Two Chopin Etudes a month, minimum, epic7.) :) Oh, my old one competely exploded (almost literally) after years of use and recently, long hours of full CPU. So I bought a Dell Optiplex, splitting the cost with dad. I lost my calculator directory so I'm a little bit upset about it.

Also, how come TI's servers seem to send me only like 1k of their huge linking applications? I haven't been able to send anything to my calculator because I can't install them! I hate TiLP, too, so... The files from TI won't download.

Good to be back :)
Keep trying.

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Re: Some Site Feedback
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2013, 05:19:35 pm »
Hi, glad to see you back. Just be careful to not click suspicious links on the site. Usually you are safe with members here, but in case somebody links to some humor site that sometimes contains controversial content.

As for your suggestions:
DJ_O refered me to some faster, less bloated versions of this website. This website is faster than TI-Planet or Facebook, don't get me wrong, but I think it might be nice to have those sites listed somewhere on the home page as an alternative to this site, in case you own a slow computer (or have filters).
Actually they already are on the front page. Just scroll down. However, I think it might be nice if the links were moved a few blocks up, such as right below the affiliates section (which links to TI-Planet and Planète-Casio), so they're more visible, or maybe even inside the "Welcome DJ Omnimaga" thing to the left of the broken search.

Also, how come TI's servers seem to send me only like 1k of their huge linking applications? I haven't been able to send anything to my calculator because I can't install them! I hate TiLP, too, so... The files from TI won't download.
It might possibly be due to the filters. I know that TI apps requires some CPU resources so if any filter slows down your computer that might interrupt transfer. I had a similar problem occur when using a TILP ROM dumper from Virtual PC.

By the way do you plan to do more calc stuff in the future?