Hm, I got into the site without using a proxy at school so success in that

However, some little things....
OmnomIRC doesn't work, albeit my using an old version of chrome (12.0.742.122) while firefox takes its time updating on the USB drive. I can click the chan tabs and they change, clear cookies, etc but the log won't load and the send button doesn't work.
Also, the login on the front page goes to the http version of the site, despite going there from the https page.
EDIT: the banner on top goes to the http version as well
EDIT2: omnomIRC showed in the login page, before I logged in 
EDIT3: so I'm trying the https at home, and things seem normal for the most part. Omnom works, the Quick Modify button is there, etc
So apparently it's trying to load stuff from the normal omnimaga, not the https, which is blocked so some things don't work :\