I would first like to ask the older forum members such as Art of Camelot and Netham45: Back in 2008, when Omnimaga had closed except IRC then later restarted from scratch, or even on the old board in 2007, did you expect that one day, the site would be close to reach 300000 posts (old and new board combined)?
Because if you check now, we're getting rather close!

Sadly it's going up slower and slower with the time and seeing our dear neighborhood has slowed down a lot too, this tells me the TI community is halfway into a downward spiral in activity once again. This seems to happen every 5 year or so, where it seems like the TI community will cease to exist in a few years, but finally it's not the case and it picks up again. I still remember back in 2001, many sites were closing and ticalc had no feature for months, then suddenly in 2003-04 it was just crazy how many new games were coming out. In 2008 it was like the end, then in 2010 a giant spike in activity, like back in the days. I'M betting now it will be like a slow period in 2014 followed by crazy activity in 2016 or something.

Anyway what I am saying is that it is amazing that the site managed to get this big, despite how in 2008 we almost disapearred entirerly forever and the rest of the community was incredibly quiet (only one single site even made it above 10000 posts, that year), and I'm glad we were not alone either in growing calc sites. It seems that the ride to 400000 will be a very long one, by the look of thing, so I encourage current members who got projects in the works is to keep on updating us about progress, preferably via the forums rather than OmnomIRC, so it is easier for other members to find your updates and comment. Those who like to help members, continue to do so when you can. Of course, don't focus too much on spam/randomness, since this is not what visitors come here for. This will help keeping the interest high enough for new members who join, and if what I forsee ever happens, keeping some life on the forums will make it easier to pick up again after the lull is over. (Heck, we managed to survive 6 months of downtime before). Of course for that admins will need to make sure that if a bunch of staff goes inactive that they add some new blood to the team, though, so it won't do like MaxCoderz, for example, or worse, Revsoft (where the admin left without giving the keys to someone else, so the domain name and hosting expired then they had to restart from scratch)