Author Topic: Using common sense when Inviting IRL people on Omnimaga  (Read 9993 times)

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Re: Using common sense when Inviting IRL people on Omnimaga
« Reply #30 on: January 13, 2011, 03:57:31 am »
Yep, rules are rules. So my mods on Minecraft were pissed at each other about destroying each other's stuff, disagreeing on rules about abusing of mod commands, putting all the fault on this guy I know IRL, who was putting all the fault back on another one, was hard to find out who was really the culprit, so I simply temporarly removed the access of everyone directly or indirectly involved. I hate when people (mostly people who have power, in my case) gets pissed at each other, it sometimes ends in a ragequit of one of the parties. Sometimes it's hard to see who is right, in this case I prefer to stay neutral, not caring about who is right and try to stop the fight by any means.

Of course, it applies everywhere, on forums, IRC, Minecraft or anywhere someone can have some sort of superiority over others.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2011, 03:59:29 am by juju2143 »

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Re: Using common sense when Inviting IRL people on Omnimaga
« Reply #31 on: January 13, 2011, 04:05:46 am »
yeah true, I hate when I get stuck in the middle of conflicts too. It happened on my other forum (TIMGUL) before and I pretty much gave up cuz when I banned a troublemaker it divided into clans and stuff...