Omnimaga => Site Feedback and Questions => Topic started by: DJ Omnimaga on December 25, 2006, 04:18:00 am
I've decided to no longer accept affiliates to put in the affiliate bar. The reason why is because if the trend continue, every single Omnimaga staff will soon have they own individual TI forums, and there is alerady too many TI forums out there, and we don't want the same thing than in early 2005 on MaxCoderz to happen (about 10 new forums were created in 3 months and people kept advertising them on the board), as this can draw some members away and split the community even more, which is alerady split a bit way too much (I understand not much can be done though, as if all TI forums merged there would be lot of fights). All the alerady affiliated websites will remain, though, unless they close, and rivereye is to be readded, as it is kinda just "closed" temporaly
Also now instead of requiring 50 posts to advertise another TI forum on Omnimaga, it will now require 2000. This also applies to Staff, Managers and Admins
I am sorry for the inconveniences, but i am doing this to keep the integrity of my forum userbase and doing this for the TI community in general
wow 2000 don't you think that is a little much??
there are only 2 people in omnimaga that have 2000 posts and that is you and kalan.
EDIT: Actually forget that, there shouldn't even be any advertising at all on here. It is kinda like 360 advertising on a PS3 commercial right you would be thinking wtf.
Also if someone breaks away from omnimaga and goes to another site. It's not that the site broke him away. Its that he has been looking for some place new and its obviously tired of the site
well I've put 2000 because the ones who advertised recently alerady had lot of posts, and the way it was going every single members were creating their own forum x.x
(@all staff members could u check staff forum?)
Fair rule, however it goes. I already learned my lesson in advertising ;)
well you kinda advertised a long while ago x.x it doesnt matter much anymore, it's just to prevent seeing the ti community split even more. Well most people who created their own forums just to have a forum probably saw the result anyway...
wow, 2000, better do more than spam.
well at least this wont give any chance for anyone to advertise, unless he's really dedicated to Omnimaga and active for a while, which will probably only happen like 5 or 6 times within 10 years x.x
To everyone: by advertising I mean stuff like "ForumX has opened it's doors. Register today and come and post!" or "I am working on projectX but I will not post progress here, come and check my forum at for regular updates and feel free to register and post your comments!"
ok then. This sucks then when I decide to reopen, but you had to make the decision.
well you can still advertise in signatures.
I need to update the main board rules