
Calculator Community => Major Community Projects => Super Smash Bros. Open => Topic started by: Hayleia on September 30, 2014, 12:07:24 pm

Title: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: Hayleia on September 30, 2014, 12:07:24 pm
(Still in the works. You can start making your character but nothing guarantees that you'll never need to come back to what you've already written. Spriting doesn't have this kind of risk though. If you are really in an urge to make a character and can't wait for this to be done, you can also have a glance at Fox/Falco's source.)

Random Notes

When using the Axe method, you actually compile as a program then convert it into an appvar. That's why I'll say "program" and "appvar" everywhere without distinction.

If you are fluent with Asm, I'd advise you to use the Asm tutorial instead.

When spriting, be sure that your character is the right size compared to Fox. Here are some of Fox's sprites ( for reference.

Notes to make your life easier

You can include the SMASHH program into your program. It only includes definitions, not code nor data so you can include it wherever you want in your program.
This will not only be a lot more readable for you to write "°AirNull" than to write "pi00000011" but this will also allow some specification changes (I hope that will never happen but we never know) because if you wrote "°AirNull" everywhere, just change the SMASHH and the °AirNull constant is changed everywhere while if you wrote "pi00000011", you'll have to change them all "by hand".

I'd also advise you to use your own macros, like "38→°FoxGravity" so that you can quickly change a constant everywhere in your program.

How do characters work, without details (you'll have details below)

Basically, they work with states. When your character is standing, doing nothing, it's in a state that we can call the "Standing state". It will leave this state when you press Jump for example, to go to the "Jumping state". Another example is the "Dashing State", that repeats itself (not entirely true) until you stop pressing the arrow key you pressed to start this state, or when you press Jump, etc.

The Header

This is necessary to have the game list your character and not list random appvars that don't have the right header.

The header starts with a one byte number, which for now is 1. This is actually not used for now, but in case specification changes happen (which I still hope will never happen), you'll have to put 2 here then 3, etc so that the program knows which specification your character is following.

You then need to put "SSBOCHAR"[00]. This is what the program uses to check if the appvar is a SSBO character or not.

The following two bytes are the size of the program.

Then, you put a 16x14 icon for the character selection menu (28 bytes).

You finish the header with the name of your character, obviously null-terminated.

For example if you are making Fox, here's what it should look like for now. I didn't say that your Axe source needs to start with a dot followed by the name of the compiled program but you must do that obviously.
Code: [Select]


General Information

After the header, you need to put information about your character that SSBO will needs to get quick access to. In that order:
1 byte: gravity (not used anymore, can be recycled for something else)
1 byte: air speed
1 byte: traction
1 byte: max number of jumps (2 in general, 5 for Jigglypuff)
2 bytes: max horizontal speed (not used yet)

Then follow the adresses of states that the program will need to have quick access to. A counter example is the second frame of the Down Aerial. You only access that one after the first frame. That first frame however needs to be quickly accessed to when the player asks for a Down Aerial.
All of those adresses take two bytes.
Since for now you have not written any state and have the adress of none, just put the adress of the standing state everywhere, you'll change that as you go along.

Anyway, in that order:
Standing, Airing, Dashing, GroundJump, AirJump, Landing
AirNeutralSpecial, AirSideSpecial, AirDownSpecial, AirUpSpecial
GroundNeutralSpecial, GroundSideSpecial, GroundDownSpecial, GroundUpSpecial
SideSmash, DownSmash, UpSmash
NeutralAir, ForwardAir, BackAir, DownAir, UpAir

Just a little precision. Axe compiles program "in" the RAM area it will be executed. For Asm users, I mean there is no way to say .org 0. However, state adresses need to be the ones related to the beginning of the data, not absolute ones assuming the program will be located at a precise location. This is why you'll have to put a "[]→°DB" right after the header and a "-°DB" after all your adresses (and this is why I said at the beginning that if you were fluent with Asm, you'd probably want to use your favorite assembler to build the appvar rather than using Axe).

So this is what you have for now:
Code: [Select]



##that state is not done yet but since you wrote its adress above, you need that adress to exist

## dont forget that the °FoxEND must be the last line of your program, it's not because you wrote it at a previous step that what you add at the next step must be written after it

We now have quick access to the Standing state... which we didn't implement. That's what we are going to do.


States have those fields:
2x2 bytes: pointer to sprite facing right, pointer to sprite facing left
2x1 bytes: teleportation (X,Y)
1x1 byte: flags
2x2 bytes: speed
1x1 byte: arrow key influence
1x2 bytes: adress to next state by default
<depends>: commands
1x1 byte: 0, end of commands.

- I guess there's no problem with the sprite pointers, except maybe the sprite format, which is just 1 byte for the width in bytes (width in pixels divided by 8) , one byte for the height in pixels, then usual data to describe pixels, 1 bit per pixel.
- Teleportation should be straightforward too. Basically, if you want your character to have its position changing when entering that state, put non zero numbers here. Notice that those numbers will obviously be added to your current position. And since they are 1 byte numbers, you can only move from -128 to +127. This is actually not implemented yet.
- Flags change the behaviour of your state.
--- °Inv when set will grant your character invincibility during that state (not implemented)
--- °Piv when set allows you to pivot (change the direction you're facing)
--- °AbsX when set will set your X speed to the specified X speed in the speed field, and when not set will add the X speed in that field to your current X speed
--- °AbsY is obviously the same for the Y speed
--- °SetKnockBack is unused
--- °GroundNull states that when in that state you are on the ground and can't use attacks
--- °GroundOK states that when in that state you are on the ground and can use attacks
--- °GroundDash states that when in that state you are on the ground and can use dash attacks
--- °AirNull states that when in that state you are in the air and can't use attacks
--- °AirOK states that when in that state you are in the air and can use attacks
--- °Aerial states that this state is an aerial attack (don't follow the example of the Fox I made, he doesn't use that flag when he should)
--- °Ledge states that you are currently holding a ledge
- Speed is the X speed and Y speed we mentionned when talking about °AbsX and °AbsY
- The arrow key influence is a number that, when non-zero, will allow your character to be moved horizontally during that state. It is for example used in the Air (falling) state but it may be set to zero in most attacks. The higher it is, the more the character can be moved of course.
- The adress to the next state by default is pretty straightforward too
- Commands (will) have their section below in that tutorial but are not used in the standing state so first read and understand the following example

The Standing state is a very simple example (plus, it's the state you gave the adress everywhere so it would rather be defined soon).
I am throwing it without more explanation because I don't know what to say, it you have questions, feel free to ask.

Code: [Select]



[]->°FoxStand .état debout normal
Data(°FoxStandSprR-°DB^^r,°FoxStandSpr-°DB^^r) .sprite
Data(0,0) .téléportation
Data(0^^r,0^^r) .V
Data(0) .arrowkeys influence
Data(°FoxStand-°DB^^r) .état suivant par défaut



Notice that flags can be added in the flags field. Writing "or" instead of "+" is advised however, in case you add twice the same flag (since or_ing  it twice gives the same result as or_ing it once) but "+" is more compact so I use it.
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: narabuster on September 30, 2014, 03:03:09 pm
Well, this might be very helpful.

Since I'm more comfortable with Axe, I'll decide to use when I'm more experienced with commands and sprite-making.

But this should prove useful for regular calc game makers. It's pretty nice!  ;D
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: Hayleia on September 30, 2014, 03:46:38 pm
I am not sure you noticed what subforum we are in. This tutorial doesn't teach you how to make a character in any game, it teaches you how to make a SSBO character. I probably should have made it clear in the title.
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on September 30, 2014, 04:06:33 pm
I might try to make a Reuben character when I have a chance, assuming I can figure it out and that it supports multiple frames. :P.
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: Hayleia on September 30, 2014, 04:18:05 pm
It does support multiple frames. The tutorial is not complete but you can try Fox's Down Aerial or his Up Smash to be convinced of that ;)
That's actually what the "address of the next state by default" is for. If you have several frames, put here the address of the next frame. Otherwise, put the address of the state you want to come back to after you finished your move. This can become more complicated if you want more possibilities but you get the point :P
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: narabuster on September 30, 2014, 05:13:07 pm
This tutorial doesn't teach you how to make a character in any game, it teaches you how to make a SSBO character.
That's what I meant. Sorry, I was the one who should've been a bit more clearer. If you want to put that little note in the topic anyway, that would be nice for anyone else who makes that mistake.  :P

Still, it will take me some time before I'm ready to code an SSBO charcter.
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: GodOfSocks on November 15, 2014, 12:17:23 am
Found this quite interesting, and since I've been a fan of Marth (Even though i had no idea who he was) since I was little, I made a few sprites of him for this.
I don't really know if they're good or not, but if i get positive feedback I'll finish them.
Now, the problem is that I know absolutely nothing about programming, so someone else would have to do that part for me...
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: bb010g on November 15, 2014, 12:54:22 am
Found this quite interesting, and since I've been a fan of Marth (Even though i had no idea who he was) since I was little, I made a few sprites of him for this.
I don't really know if they're good or not, but if i get positive feedback I'll finish them.
Now, the problem is that I know absolutely nothing about programming, so someone else would have to do that part for me...
Nice looking. :)
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: Hayleia on November 15, 2014, 04:16:06 am
Your work is absolutely stunning but actually, I think it is too stunning :P
I mean that your Marth is as tall as my Fox even though he should be taller. But if you were able to make a Marth of this size, I doubt you'll fail to make one with more pixels ;)

Great work anyway, and thanks for your interest :D
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: GodOfSocks on November 15, 2014, 11:43:11 am
Thanks for bringing that up before I did more sprites XD
I'll get working on it, thanks for the feedback. c:

How's this?
(Whoops, didnt mean to double post)

Edit(Eeems): Merged double post
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: chickendude on November 15, 2014, 08:52:46 pm
Wow, those look great! When the sprites are done, adding in the stats shouldn't be too difficult, i can do that if no one else steps up to the plate. Great work so far! Hayleia, is there really no established size for sprites? They can be any size (any height/width)?
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: aeTIos on November 15, 2014, 08:55:44 pm
Holy s**t! Those sprites look amazing!
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: TIfanx1999 on November 15, 2014, 09:12:31 pm
Thanks for bringing that up before I did more sprites XD
I'll get working on it, thanks for the feedback. c:

How's this?
(Whoops, didnt mean to double post)

Edit(Eeems): Merged double post

Those look great!, and welcome to Omnimaga! :)
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 16, 2014, 02:17:17 am
What's the minimum and maximum width and height possible for a character? If 24x24 is supported, then I might have an idea in the future. :P
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: Hayleia on November 16, 2014, 02:32:26 am
Fox actually has 32x32 sprites so 24x24 is supported obviously ;)
I think the maximum supported by Badja's sprite routine was 256x256, and the minimum is 8x1 (width of 8, height of 1).
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 16, 2014, 02:37:01 am
Ok good :), I was contemplating making a character based on that platform game I want to make for the HP Prime.
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: Hayleia on November 16, 2014, 02:39:39 am
Ok, same comment as for GodOfSocks, be sure that your sprites are the right size next to Fox :)
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 16, 2014, 03:08:08 am
It would help if you posted a picture containing Fox sprites, by the way, as reference, in the tutorial ;)
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: Hayleia on November 16, 2014, 03:13:16 am
True story bro.
I attached them in that post (, will put a link to it in the first post.
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: Ai Haibara on November 19, 2014, 12:57:09 am
I can take care of MetaKnight for the sprites.
Kirby should definitely be fun to draw too  ;D
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: Hayleia on November 19, 2014, 01:33:11 am
Please give +1s to that person for the piece of art I just got and that I will attach to this post as an example.
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: bb010g on November 19, 2014, 07:48:38 pm
Please give +1s to that person for the piece of art I just got and that I will attach to this post as an example.
Niiice! I can't wait to see Mach Tornado.
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: Derpatello on February 01, 2018, 11:41:25 pm
( :banghead: I'm new to Axe, and just starting out. I'm a noob, and I'm trying to make the character Mr. G&W. I have the sprites but I am confused on what to do. Anyone ples help?
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: E37 on February 07, 2018, 08:40:09 pm
Unfortunately there is a lot of things wrong with your sprites.
First of all, they have color a ti84 has a black and white screen. They are way too high resolution the screen is 96x64 pixels. You need the sprites in hex format.
That would be a good place to start.
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: Tape on September 03, 2018, 08:25:41 pm
this might be a dumb question, but how do i make sprites that are bigger than 8x8 for characters?
(sorry if this seems silly, i am new to all this Calculator stuff ;D)
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: Xeda112358 on September 03, 2018, 11:33:19 pm
While I typically just use multiple 8x8 sprites, it looks like there is a Bitmap() command. It looks like the first byte must be the width, followed by height, then the data (padded to a full byte). Following that is the data by rows. For example, a sprite 13 pixels wide and 9 pixels tall, we'd have the data like:
Code: [Select]
Here is the reference I prefer:
Axe Command Reference  (

Also, keep in mind that necroposting is discouraged. It is preferred for you to make a new topic instead.
Title: Re: [Axe]How To make your own character
Post by: Tape on September 07, 2018, 09:44:16 pm
I don't know how?  :'(