Calculator Community => Major Community Projects => The Axe Parser Project => Topic started by: Runer112 on June 17, 2010, 03:38:50 pm
EDIT: My original post was a bit rash and not well thought out. Now that I've had a bit of time to cool down, I realized that wasn't what I really wanted to say. This is all I really want to say:
I can't think of a better place for a great project like Axe Parser to reside than I'd hate to see it leave due to a small dispute. :(
Major Edit:
<insert misinformed opinion of an old post here>
Sorry about that. I just logged on and saw a post bashing on DJ and jumped on Runer112 without knowing the situation. (Admittedly, that was a bit overboard for both of us.)
Anyway... yeah. That's all I'm going to say on this situation.
DJ made a decision based on what he thinks is right, and it is his forum to do so on.
Yes, of course he can make such decisions. This is his forum. But I don't completely understand what the problem is. Could someone perhaps explain what's exactly going on?
I'll explain in a few minutes here, when I gather all the information. Sit tight until then.