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Quote from: Runer112 on October 29, 2010, 07:28:20 pmCode: [Select]Lbl 22Return *22Wow...didn't know you could do that. Thanks!
Code: [Select]Lbl 22Return *22
Lbl 22Return *22
Quote from: Runer112 on October 29, 2010, 07:28:20 pmCode: [Select]Lbl 22Return *22Wow...didn't know you could do that. Thanks!And also; what if I didn't need the r? Would it make a difference?
Vsub(DM3)...Lbl DM3 abs()-{r₁}Return
On a related but not related note, how large are the Rect(), RectI(), Rect()r, and RectI()r routines?
...How big are the sprite routines?
Quote from: squidgetx on October 30, 2010, 10:54:08 amOn a related but not related note, how large are the Rect(), RectI(), Rect()r, and RectI()r routines?Rect(): 114 bytesRectI(): 114 bytesRect()r and RectI()r are just modified calls to the Rect() and RectI() routines, respectively.Quote from: squidgetx on October 30, 2010, 11:58:40 am...How big are the sprite routines?Pt-On: 126 bytesPt-Off: 134 bytesPt-Change: 126 bytesLike with the rectangle routines, back buffer calls are just modified calls to these routines.
Oh wait do you mean the weird fractal thing that occurs when it is negative? Quigibo posted a screenshot of it somewhere...EDIT: On an off-topic note, awesome avatar Darl181.