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PROGRAM:A"RAWRPROGRAM:B"prgma"→Str1Disp Str1Output:►A__________DonePROGRAM:C"prgmA"→Str1 //"prgm" is typed out.Disp Str1Output:prgmA_______Done
Prgm A::RAWR <--No quotes here, we're reading raw data.PrgmAXE::"prgmA"->Str1:GetCalc(Str1)->P:For(A,0,3):Disp {P+A}>Frac:End
@QuigiboI was looking at prgmCOUNTER and was trying to retype it in by hand (for practice and such) and wasn't able to make it work because the "v" you store in Str1 at the beginning of the string was a different one. Where is that token found or is it something else that is going wrong?Anyone can answer this, just wasn't sure what was going on and it's his example.
That 'v' is the prefix for appvars and is not the lowercase 'v', its the one on the [2nd][8] button.
While you can run executable code from another program, its way too dangerous, so I'm not going to support it right now. But you can with assembly commands. Anyway, the main usage is for reading and writing to programs. Like if you made a new program with HELLO as the first line, you can read that just like you read an appvar, and also write over and modify it. The advantage is that appvars are not easily editable. So if you want to make an external level pack come with your game, you might want to consider using a program instead so levels can easily be edited.
Where did you say that? And thanks, I completely forgot about that key.