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int(EXP) Returns a sign extention for the expression. Converts a signed byte in the range -128 to 127 into a 16 bit number in the same range.
Fill(PTR1,SIZE) Whatever byte is already at the location Ptr1 is copied to Size more consecutive bytes. Zero is not a valid Size.conj(PTR1,PTR2,SIZE) Size bytes starting from the location Ptr1 are copied to the location at Ptr2. Zero is not a valid Size.expr(PTR1,PTR2,SIZE) Size bytes starting from the location Ptr1 are exchanged with the bytes starting at the location Ptr2. Zero is not a valid Size.
Mhmm ok, because the way it is explained in the doc seems like something totally different. I think it may be best to clarify in the doc that fill does the same thing as the BASIC command, but for pointers instead of lists. Also if I read Builderboy way, I still doN,t get it. To me it seems like he's saying Fill just copy one list element to the next one, not fill the entire list with an element.About Conj, what if we want to do For(X,9,12:{L1+X}->{L2+X:End? Also are lists defined the same way as other stuff? Like at the beginning of a program I just do {2,34,5,23,0->L1?
'CHAR' The expression becomes the ASCII value of the single character between the apostrophes. It can even be another apostrophe.
Disp EXP▶Dec The value of the expression is displayed at the current cursor position in base 10. The cursor is then advanced 5 spaces.Disp EXP▶Frac The ASCII character the expression represents is displayed at the current cursor position. The cursor is advanced. A new line is added if it hits the edge.