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Can anyone help please?I have this line of code:Code: [Select]For({Pic99+3},0,{Pic99+2}This line compiles fine, but if I add an "End" later then the compiler gives me a "Block" error. I was able to use Pic99 before this part, and it is 4 bytes long
[20:32:26] <@calc84> DJ_Omni: I think the larger executable sizes is fine because it's still less than a 16KB app that has to be packaged with it [20:33:13] * Tribal ([email protected]) has joined #omnimaga[20:33:14] * Netbot45 sets mode: +o Tribal[20:33:14] <@Netbot45> [Tribal] If you are near to the dark, I will tell you 'bout the sun...[20:34:56] * Jarvis_ ([email protected]) has joined #omnimaga[20:34:56] * Tribal sets mode: +v Jarvis_[20:35:44] <@Tribal> !uptime[20:35:44] <+Jarvis_> I have been awake for 1min 1sec[20:35:49] <@Tribal> rrawr[20:35:55] <@DJ_Omni> calc84 what are you replying to?[20:36:11] <@DJ_Omni> !uptime[20:36:11] <+Jarvis_> I have been awake for 1min 27secs[20:36:16] <@DJ_Omni> oh[20:36:47] <@calc84> just general discussion[20:36:55] * @HAL ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)[20:36:57] <@calc84> since we have talked about this before[20:37:02] <@DJ_Omni> but idk what you are talking about calc84 [20:37:05] <@calc84> Axe[20:37:09] <@DJ_Omni> could you give me the context?[20:37:19] * HAL ([email protected]) has joined #omnimaga[20:37:20] * Tribal sets mode: +v HAL[20:37:27] <@DJ_Omni> the post in particular, preferably[20:37:28] * Netbot45 sets mode: +o HAL[20:37:41] <@calc84> like, you were talking about how big the compiled programs were compared to the source[20:37:59] <@DJ_Omni> oh ok[20:37:59] <@DJ_Omni> but[20:38:09] <@DJ_Omni> what if a prog is larger than 24389 bytes[20:38:19] <@DJ_Omni> how will ion/mirage unarchive it to run it[20:38:35] <@DJ_Omni> axe cannot compile into flash app atm[20:39:06] * @Jarvis ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 493 seconds)[20:39:11] <@Netham45> The calc can't run anything bigger than 16384 bytes, iirc.[20:39:15] <+Iambian> You mean, what happens if the executable portion is over number a little over 8000?[20:39:29] <+Iambian> The execution boundary is at $C000[20:39:36] <@calc84> hmm, true, Iambian [20:39:40] <+Iambian> You start at $9D95[20:39:46] <@DJ_Omni> i was talking about the program size[20:39:48] <@DJ_Omni> i mean [20:39:50] <@DJ_Omni> in ram[20:39:52] <@DJ_Omni> before running[20:39:59] <@calc84> so most of the program would be data if you have 24K size[20:40:04] <@DJ_Omni> if you have a 8xp file that is 65536 bytes[20:40:08] <@DJ_Omni> er[20:40:10] <@DJ_Omni> 65535[20:40:23] <+Iambian> The linker wouldn't accept it.[20:40:23] <@Netham45> oh[20:40:23] <@DJ_Omni> how do you run such program in ion?[20:40:30] <@DJ_Omni> ion will not even be able to unarchive it[20:40:31] <@Netham45> knowing the OS, it'd just do a RAM reset.[20:40:43] <@DJ_Omni> ion must unarchive stuff before running it[20:40:49] <@DJ_Omni> it wont run programs directly from archive[20:40:53] <@calc84> and at some point, external appvars will be supported[20:40:54] <+Iambian> I *have* sent a 65500 byte program before. The OS *will* accept it into FlashROM[20:41:07] <@calc84> asm programs have this size problem too[20:41:08] <@Netham45> Iambian, what happened when you unarchived it?[20:41:16] <+Iambian> The OS *will* give the memory error.[20:41:21] <+Iambian> If you try to unarchive it.[20:41:22] <@DJ_Omni> maybe in the future, if axe produces a much larger than allowed program, it could simply split the data in another file?[20:41:23] <@calc84> but it doesn't really happen for most games/programs[20:41:32] <+Iambian> Still.[20:41:49] <@DJ_Omni> also about the 8000 byte limit[20:41:52] <+Iambian> Doesn't Axe refuse to generate programs that are above known limits? Isn't that something that every ASM programmer should know?[20:41:58] <@DJ_Omni> does it means if my axe program compiled code ends up larger[20:42:05] <@DJ_Omni> that my program will not run properly?[20:42:11] <@DJ_Omni> i mean just the code, not the data[20:42:16] <@calc84> if the code section is larger, correct[20:42:20] <+Iambian> DJ_Omni: That truly depends on how Axe assembles that program.[20:42:22] <@DJ_Omni> ouch [20:42:27] <@DJ_Omni> that might pose a problem[20:42:35] <@Netham45> we could all just get 73's and use the hacked 83 OS on them[20:42:37] <@DJ_Omni> maybe an asm expert should ask quigibo if he thought about that[20:42:41] <+Iambian> If data is attached at the end of the program, then it'll be fine as long as the executable portion is below address $C000