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no, you have to fill each app that takes up less than that with just zeros so that it equals 16384 bytes
.MUSICAL[0000000038444438 //These are all the different sprites. They are actually on one line, i just040404043C444438 //spread them out so you can see them040404043C7C7C38040605043C7C7C38040605063D7C7C380000000000000000]→Pic14→{L1} //Initializes stuff not really important to this part of the program.2→{L1+1} //Well, it was. Then i deleted the part that used it in frustration5→{L1+2}2→{L1+3}50→{L1+4}DiagnosticOff //This is the happy little intro screen that works perfectly fineRepeat getKey //It just displays random notes with a title. I like it :)For(X,0,11For(Y,0,7Pt-Off(X*8,Y*88*(rand/13107)+Pic1EndEndDispGraphOutput(2,0,"Unreal Music"Output(4,1,"Notator"EndLbl MNClrDrawPt-Off(0,0,Pic1 //This is a remanant I left for example. No matter what i put, it will not draw any of the spritesDispGraph //(I have tried all the ones I defined above) Nor will any of the other sprite routines work.Output(0,1,"O" //This is just to show, this still works. So does the horizontal line drawing routine which used to be here...While 10→KRepeat K //Yes, i know this is a lot of pointless code. Remember that deleting i mentioned above? this is what remainsgetKey→KReturnIf K=15EndEnd.....(There's more, but the rest doesnt matter)