
Calculator Community => Major Community Projects => The Axe Parser Project => Topic started by: Quigibo on March 28, 2011, 07:04:01 pm

Title: Axiom Requests
Post by: Quigibo on March 28, 2011, 07:04:01 pm
This is the place to make requests for specific assembly commands you might need in your Axe programs as well as to show off or improve existing Axioms. In case you're not familiar with the lingo, Axioms are assembly libraries that extend the Axe language.  They can be linked into your Axe programs by using the command: #Axiom(AXIOMNAME).  To write your own Axioms, check out the AxiomSDK in the "Tools" folder of the latest version of Axe Parser (assembly knowledge required!).

As another feature of this thread.  I have more space for custom Axiom tokens.  If you can think of some token names which have no near-substitutes and are general enough for many possible uses, I will definitely consider adding them.

Here is a list of current Axioms (mods, please update):

LCDKit: ( Control many features of the LCD screen - By Runer112
Pucrunch: ( Efficiently Compress/Decompress your program data - By Iambian
Crabcake: (;topic=7373.0;attach=7891) Allows you to turn your Axe program into a larger-than-8-KB ASM program - By Hot_Dog
SpeedKey: ( Optimized Getkey for just the arrows - By Binder News
Aiming Utility: ( Returns an angle that can be used to aim at targets given a delta X and Y - By Iambian
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: ZippyDee on March 28, 2011, 07:49:46 pm
There has been conversation about advanced graphics features, such as floodfill (with grayscale support) and masked LCD sprite display, which could probably make a fairly decent Axiom. Though masked LCD sprite display would probably go better in Runer112's LCDKit, and he was talking about doing it eventually anyway.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on March 28, 2011, 07:51:42 pm
Something that would allow the font to be edited on-calc.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: ZippyDee on March 28, 2011, 07:55:02 pm
That would be nice. Large or small font? Or both? I guess an axiom could include routines for both...
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Darl181 on March 28, 2011, 08:27:05 pm
Pucrunch: ( Efficiently Compress/Decompress your program data - By Iambian
Wait, I thought it could only decompress...???
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Happybobjr on March 28, 2011, 08:27:51 pm
It includes compression tools.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Darl181 on March 28, 2011, 08:29:36 pm
Ok I guess that's what I get for only reading the first page :P
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Broseph Radson on March 28, 2011, 09:43:00 pm
Graphscreen input with custom coordinates, allow/disallow lowercase, max length, word wrap, and custom prompt would be kickass. Something like gInput(x,y,[0 for no lowercase, 1 to allow],[max length],["prompt" or Str# to use as prompt]
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on March 29, 2011, 01:37:44 am
An elaborate drawing Axiom would be nice, with:


Lines circles and Rectangles would all have draw, clear and invert modes, possibly with a numerical argument instead of multiple r's.  Recangle and Circle would also have options to fill black, fill white, or fill invert.  FloodFill would have to be limited to fillBlack or FillWhite, as fillInvert doesn't make much sense :P

And all of the commands would be able to be drawn onto the front, back, or both buffers.

Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on March 29, 2011, 01:57:06 am
FloodInvert makes sense iff the target image has two colors.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on March 29, 2011, 02:18:27 am
ooooh i see what you mean, yeah I guess that could work :P
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on March 29, 2011, 02:25:36 am
Some way to prevent access to the Catalogue during input or have char input instead of tokens. Also, perhaps a token editor, too?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: ZippyDee on March 29, 2011, 02:34:33 am
Graphscreen input with custom coordinates, allow/disallow lowercase, max length, word wrap, and custom prompt would be kickass. Something like gInput(x,y,[0 for no lowercase, 1 to allow],[max length],["prompt" or Str# to use as prompt]
That sounds like a fantastic idea!
Maybe it could also have support for character sets. Like...a pointer to the starting address of a 16 byte character set.

It would be really nice if Axiom commands could support optional parameters. Maybe the header could have something like one byte for "# of arguments expected" followed by one byte for "# of optional arguments." Then it would have another byte somewhere that is set each time the axiom is called containing the number of optional arguments supplied. I know that's complex, but I think it could end up being useful. Though it would add an extra 2 bytes per routine to your Axiom.

Ehh, just a thought.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on March 29, 2011, 02:42:36 am
I really need to learn Asm.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: FinaleTI on March 29, 2011, 05:30:03 am
CalcNet and gCn Axioms would be super-fantastic.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Fast Crash on March 29, 2011, 06:58:42 am
Hooks Axiom would be fair too :)
And also a better linking routine, that we could use with USB port.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Yeong on March 29, 2011, 07:09:46 am
Axiom that lets you play stereo sound.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on March 29, 2011, 10:16:41 am
Axiom that supports USB sound.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Compynerd255 on March 29, 2011, 03:46:54 pm
CalcNet and gCn Axioms would be super-fantastic.
And they aren't very hard, either. It's just a few subroutines and a few memory addresses. I could probably write one in my spare time. And gCn uses the same commands as CALCnet.

Axiom that supports USB sound.
Or USB input (like a mouse or flash drive).
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Ashbad on March 29, 2011, 03:56:15 pm
an axiom for drawing triangles and quadrilaterals would be nice.  I already tried, but I failed miserably.

EDIT: one triangle was drawn every .4 seconds... :P fail.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 29, 2011, 03:58:01 pm
a gCn Axiom will definitively be really great.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: ZippyDee on March 29, 2011, 04:33:09 pm
How about some more advanced string operations?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Munchor on March 29, 2011, 05:34:25 pm
How about some more advanced string operations?

There are a few Axe-made subroutines good enough for the job.

I guess... Why use ASM, which is harder to deal with strings than Axe to help Axe dealing with strings? :P
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: squidgetx on March 29, 2011, 05:37:28 pm
Inverse trig operators.

And accurate trig routines that behave like decimals. ie; the axiom would take both a multiplier as well as an angle as input and output the correct fraction of the first argument: sin(2000,45) would return 1414 for example.

And 32 or 24 bit math operators that return values in 16 bit formats. (So you can calculate sqrt of 340^2+24^2 for example without running into overflow corruption)
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Runer112 on March 29, 2011, 05:41:51 pm
For accurate trig functions you'll pretty much have to turn to a LUT. The only reason sine and cosine routines exist is because they have a limited range and can be somewhat accurately approximated by a quadratic function. And by somewhat accurate, I mean errors reaching 10%. Trying to model just about any other trigonometric function with a simple model would probably result in wild amounts of error, and trying to model them with a more complex model would probably end up being larger than a LUT-based solution anyway. Unless you need a variable argument for your scale factor, it's best to just use a custom pre-computed LUT.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on March 29, 2011, 05:49:06 pm
LUT? What's that?
An Axiom for custom size sprites would be awesome.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: ZippyDee on March 29, 2011, 05:50:31 pm
LUT = Look-Up Table. In this case a bunch of precalculated values for the trig functions to save on calculation speed and size.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on March 29, 2011, 05:56:03 pm
Isn't that just a regular table, though? Also, how exactly does the calc display tokens? Am I right in thinking that it's a big table of strings somewhere?
Oh, and a quaternion math Axiom would enable 3D rotation without gimbal lock.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Happybobjr on April 13, 2011, 09:06:04 pm
Mouse and keyboard support.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Compynerd255 on April 13, 2011, 10:34:58 pm
Mouse and keyboard support.
You mean through USB? Now that would be cool.

Quigibo, would you please modify the first post to have a list of requested Axioms? That way everyone could see them, and they'd all be in one place.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on April 13, 2011, 10:38:34 pm
Mouse would be nice. I think there could be the option to use the Doors CS7 mouse or a standalone routine maybe. However keep in mind not everyone wants to buy an adapter to connect their mouse to the mini-USB port, so such program would require that arrow keys and two keypad buttons can alternatively be used if no mouse is connected.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: willrandship on April 13, 2011, 10:42:56 pm
I have one: Multiple Buffer Suppert. Meaning, you can have two, three, or four Graph screen buffers, with diff. symbols for each, and different DispGraphs draw different ones to the screen. Also, you could OR one buffer over the other when displaying. This would be soooo useful.

I'm thinking this removes greyscale, so,

Dispgraph = Buffer 1
Dispgraphr = buffer2
DispGraph(Degree symbol0 = Buffer Three
DispGraph' = Buffer 4

And so on, applied for all the drawing commands (including Line, preferably)
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on April 13, 2011, 10:44:33 pm
Where would the memory for the 4th buffer come from?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: willrandship on April 13, 2011, 10:45:05 pm
I don't know :P RAM pages? There's tons of space there, right?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on April 13, 2011, 10:46:11 pm
Yeah, but you have to swap into it, after which you lose the other 3 buffers :P
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: willrandship on April 13, 2011, 10:47:35 pm
But a Buffer takes 768 bytes. A Ram page has 8000, right? That's 10 buffers with a few bytes of breathing room, if I did my multiplication right :P

Also another request: Partial screen updates for more speed. As in, specify update a rect from 0,0 to 10,10, only changing 100 pixels, instead of the whole screen.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on April 13, 2011, 10:49:01 pm
True, but where is your program?  It was in the *other* ram, the one you just swapped out of :P now you have 10 buffers and no code! :D
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Ashbad on April 13, 2011, 10:50:41 pm
- grayscale package for cleanly displaying 3,4,5,6,7 and 8 level grayscale based on 2-3 buffers
- quick RLE compressor/decompressor (different from pucrunch due to a smaller size and faster speed)
- I'll second stereo sound
- OOP control axiom
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on April 13, 2011, 10:51:56 pm
How could you use OOP in an Axiom?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Ashbad on April 13, 2011, 10:53:10 pm
I'm sure there are ways ;) I had a system pseudo coded out, but I gave it up because it would be a bit hard to make in assembly.  But, if no one else makes it, maybe I can later on ;)
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: willrandship on April 13, 2011, 10:53:46 pm
@BuilderBoy That's why your routines fit in the other half of the RAM not taken by the four buffers, and return you like a subroutine when finished. :P

@AshBad with the newer dispgraph, 7 level is easy enough. swap between 0 and 1 (4 lvl) every frame for one between them. It doesn't look half bad, either! same for 1 and 2, 2 and 3. It looked hideous before 0.5.1, but now it's pretty decent.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on April 13, 2011, 10:55:56 pm
Will, but what I mean is that as soon as you access the second page of Ram, every part of your program is gone, because its in a different Ram sector that you don't have access to anymore
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Ashbad on April 13, 2011, 10:57:03 pm
Though, I think an assembly version would look better ;)

To tell the truth, 5-7 level grayscale is extremely similar to 8 level :)
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: willrandship on April 13, 2011, 11:00:35 pm
So, how does one use it in a program? seems like there must be some way to switch back and forth....

@Ashbad, sure, but try it! 3 transitions to 5 the same way :P 8 is harder though.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on April 13, 2011, 11:01:41 pm
Im no expert, but I believe you have to be executing from the OS, or from an App in order to control the swapping of RAM pages and still have it be useful.  But anybody feel free to correct me :)
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: willrandship on April 13, 2011, 11:02:13 pm axiom? that's not really a problem for me.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on April 13, 2011, 11:03:27 pm
Hmmmm it could work, how about it just lets you supply a pointer to the buffer and the programmer can figure out where to get his RAM :P
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: willrandship on April 13, 2011, 11:05:59 pm
It's a thought. You get 8000 bytes for the prog, without any L* messing around, right? That might be enough if I use appvars for map data.....

What? I didn't say anything!  :-X
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on April 13, 2011, 11:08:46 pm
Indeed ^^ I wonder if 16 scale greyscale would be fast enough with 4 sprites to display per object to get good speed though o.O
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: willrandship on April 13, 2011, 11:13:50 pm
I wasn't wanting it for greyscale. I wanted it for overlays, basically ORing one buffer to another, for a secret project I'm working on. But I don't want either buffer corrupted.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on April 13, 2011, 11:15:59 pm
Oooooooh in that case we don'y need to bother with this because there is enough memory in L1 L3 and L6 for 3 buffers :) I imagine that Axiom would be fairly easy to make too! :D
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: willrandship on April 13, 2011, 11:20:46 pm
Yay! Now I can has my 3 buffers! that's enough for me. I really only need two, but who knows, I might need three later :P
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Compynerd255 on April 13, 2011, 11:26:05 pm
Oooooooh in that case we don'y need to bother with this because there is enough memory in L1 L3 and L6 for 3 buffers :) I imagine that Axiom would be fairly easy to make too! :D
You can actually do all of the sprite commands to any external buffer by using Pt-Command→BUFF. If you need to use one of the L6-only commands, you can also use Exch() (expr() in the Catalog) to swap your buffer into L6.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on April 13, 2011, 11:28:36 pm
I didn't say you couldn't?  What do you mean?  I just meant we don't have to allocate any new memory to get 3 buffers :)
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: willrandship on April 13, 2011, 11:35:25 pm
@Compy Is there a way to OR two buffers together? Also, does that work for DispGraph?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on April 13, 2011, 11:42:50 pm
There is definitely a way to do it in Asm, although you would have to get an asm guru to help you, I am not leet enough :P
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: willrandship on April 13, 2011, 11:45:50 pm
Hence the axiom request I guess. :P So, I need a way to do bitwise-ORs for entire buffers :P

Also, how do you address the sprites put in as a tilemap using [PICr]? I figured I might as well ask.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Compynerd255 on April 14, 2011, 12:02:20 am
@Compy Is there a way to OR two buffers together? Also, does that work for DispGraph?
Not easily. You will have to OR each byte in turn. However, you can store that directly to the LCD by using Runer112's LCDKit:
Code: (Axe + LCDKit) [Select]
{I+L3} or {I+L6}→imag(I
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: willrandship on April 14, 2011, 12:04:46 am
umm, shouldn't it be a +, since or is only 8-bit?

From manual,
EXP1☐EXP2    Returns respectively the full 16 bit "and", "or", and "xor" of the two expressions. These are the plot style tokens.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: ZippyDee on April 14, 2011, 04:53:17 am
umm, shouldn't it be a +, since or is only 8-bit?

From manual,
EXP1☐EXP2    Returns respectively the full 16 bit "and", "or", and "xor" of the two expressions. These are the plot style tokens.

You mean like the small + one, right? Personally I've never used that. Thanks for the example for where it would be good to use it xD
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Quigibo on April 14, 2011, 05:34:08 am
Well, he's using only one byte at a time anyway, so its perfectly fine and more optimized to just do the 8 bit operation.  You could "or" the screen 2 bytes at a time too, but I'm not sure which way would be faster.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on April 14, 2011, 09:42:30 am
umm, shouldn't it be a +, since or is only 8-bit?

From manual,
EXP1☐EXP2    Returns respectively the full 16 bit "and", "or", and "xor" of the two expressions. These are the plot style tokens.

Well since he is going byte by bytes (For(I,0,767)) the 16bit isn't needed :)
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: willrandship on April 14, 2011, 10:10:28 am
oh good. I can use it then!
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on April 14, 2011, 10:18:49 am
Those are commands? I didn't know that.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: ztrumpet on April 14, 2011, 04:59:49 pm
Oh, and just to clarify, if you want a fourth buffer, all you have to do is add a Zeros(768)->Name and then reference that name instead of L6/L3/L1 to use that buffer. :)

I second (third) the stereo sound Axiom request. :D
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: willrandship on April 14, 2011, 05:51:24 pm
Also, I figured out a better way to do it anyways :P now I only need the original two, and I get free greyscale :P
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Michael_Lee on April 14, 2011, 06:13:30 pm
If it hasn't been already mentioned, an axiom focused around better graphics support.

Specifically, flood-fill, drawing polygons (not necessarily concave or complex, just convex would probably be adequate), and maybe support for quickly drawing curves (by implementing something like bezier curves, for example).

Although really, just having polygons would be epic.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Compynerd255 on April 14, 2011, 09:53:56 pm
Although really, just having polygons would be epic.
What about 3D, hidden surface polygons? That can and has been done.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: willrandship on April 14, 2011, 09:59:06 pm
Ah, you mean not wireframe, but no shading? Even dithering on a side for color isn't too hard. Been done in BBC Basic at least :P
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on April 14, 2011, 10:57:52 pm
Imaginary numbers, and a way to switch between a+bi and re^i(theta). The math for them is the same as vectors, 'cept for the dot product, so if that could be added in, that'd be great. Having vectors would make physics sooooo much easier.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on April 16, 2011, 01:06:32 am
You can have vectors in Axe simply by storing each component in a separate variable, and doing the dot product by just doing the math yourself X1*Y1+X2*Y2 :) I use vectors all the time in pretty much every single one of my games, I don't think you need Imaginary numbers in order to use them
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on April 16, 2011, 01:43:57 am
It makes the math easier, specifically the cross product. The dot product comes from the matrix representation, so, yeah. That, and it makes switching between <a,b> and |v| (theta) representation a million×easier.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on April 16, 2011, 02:57:25 am
In that case, wouldn't a dedicated vector axiom be better than an imaginary number axiom? 
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on April 16, 2011, 09:37:35 am
I figured imaginary numbers would be easier, seeing as how they're already built in to the calc.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on April 16, 2011, 10:02:36 am
Well they are built in using Floating Point math, did you mean an axiom that gives you floating point accuracy vectors?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on April 16, 2011, 12:35:30 pm
Umm, I have no idea what you just said. Could please elucidate for me, please?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: DrDnar on April 16, 2011, 03:28:16 pm
None of TI's graphing calculators have an FPU (Floating Point Unit). The CPUs only work with integers. Consequently, all of their math routines are implemented in software, and that software sucks. The TI-83+'s FP routines are notorious for being slow and poorly implemented. The TI-83+'s imaginary numbers routines are considered part of the FP routines. Using the "built-in" routines would actually be pretty slow, compared to optimized routines using 8-bit integers and 8-bit fractionals. Additionally, TI's floats are 9 bytes long, so they're pretty large.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on April 16, 2011, 03:51:45 pm
Sooo, it would be a bad idea to use the preexisting imaginary numbers? Just one thing though: floats are neccessary if you're going to be switching between <a,b> and |v| (theta) representations, because I can guarrantee that, in the vast majority of cases, at least one of those numbers will be irrational, because [advanced math stuff]while there are infinitely many Pythagorean triples, there are infinitely many more triples that are not Pythagorean.[/advanced math stuff]
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: ZippyDee on April 16, 2011, 03:55:30 pm
Simple solution: We all write our own floating point math routines! It'll be CRAZY easy to do! Well...let's get to it! -.-
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on April 16, 2011, 04:17:12 pm
Ah, yes. We, who, for the most part are lacking advanced degrees in algorithmic theory, shall produce the best floaties in the world! BUWAHAHAHAHA!
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Ashbad on April 16, 2011, 04:22:19 pm
Simple solution: We all write our own floating point math routines! It'll be CRAZY easy to do! Well...let's get to it! -.-

I can write you a 16.16 FP axiom if you wish :P

with range of 0 to 9999.9999. ;)

rather easy though, I'm sure.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: willrandship on April 16, 2011, 04:37:06 pm
I wonder if TI would take our software and put them in their OS. Personally, I wouldn't really mind :P as long as they gave some credit.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: DrDnar on April 16, 2011, 04:54:47 pm
This Web site ( has no fewer than three FP libraries. One of them lets you change the precision to suit your needs. Additionally, Ben Ryves could probably help you dike the floating point routines out of BBC BASIC.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: willrandship on April 16, 2011, 06:27:23 pm
BenRyves doesn't have the source for BBC Basic

He made a wrapper for a binary by this guy ( I found this out on cemetech :P
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: DrDnar on April 17, 2011, 06:36:36 pm
I'm aware of this. He doesn't try to hide it. I'm pretty sure his BBC BASIC site links to the original BBC BASIC.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on May 02, 2011, 10:53:16 am
Would start at the Start coordinates, follow the pixels indicated by the Line algorithm and return the coordinates of the first pixel found of the color indicated (1=black, 0=white) to the variables indicated by the Result arguments.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Hot_Dog on May 18, 2011, 10:57:16 pm
Added Crabcake for Axe.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Hot_Dog on May 24, 2011, 12:14:37 pm
Crabcake for Axe has been updated;topic=7373.0;attach=7891 (;topic=7373.0;attach=7891)

1. Fixed 83+ BE bug
2. AxesOn/Off with the r modifier work now

It will be up to DJ_O and the rest of the contest designers on the basis of this update being allowed for the Axe Contest
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Darl181 on July 02, 2011, 02:49:09 pm
Hmm I just had an idea...what about an axiom that takes in a number and outputs the key associated with that number?  ie if the input is 9 then it outputs "ENTER"
This could be useful for utility programs, or a game where controls can be custom-assigned ;)
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Runer112 on July 02, 2011, 02:50:19 pm
This could probably be done just as easily in Axe. All it would entail is reading entries from a list of strings for each key.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: leafy on July 02, 2011, 03:13:02 pm
Hollow rectangle and/or clear rectangle?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Darl181 on July 12, 2011, 06:29:15 pm
How about this...4*4 sprite commands. Meaning, 4 digits of hex can be manipulated as a 4*4 and such just like an 8*8 sprite.
This way one wouldn't have to bother with changing the coordinates every time a rot()/flip() command is used and pt-off() would only erase a 4*4 rectangle.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Binder News on July 21, 2011, 06:37:56 pm
OMG! I Just now realized that the Axiom I made is up there. Huh. Cool.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Compynerd255 on August 17, 2011, 01:13:37 am
Could someone please make one to handle crystal timers? I realize no one has asked for them, and I just got a new 84 Plus SE, so I want to start toying with those. Maybe we could use the BASIC clock tokens for that.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on August 17, 2011, 12:27:30 pm
And something that would allow us to mess with the clock
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: mrmprog on August 19, 2011, 09:02:02 pm
Could someone make an axiom that gets the calc id? I don't really know much about the process except that it can be done.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Runer112 on August 19, 2011, 10:47:14 pm
I think relatively specific things like reading and setting clock data and getting the calculator's ID are best left to inline assembly. Getting the calculator's ID is especially simple, I can whip up some code for it right now:

Code: [Select]
.Returns a pointer to the first 5 bytes of the calculator ID
.Returns 0 if unsuccessful

Control for crystal timers in Axe, however, would be a bit more complicated and possibly Axiom-worthy. It could be tricky to implement all the possible options with crystal timers while still retaining ease of use so you don't have to be the person who wrote it to understand how on earth to use it.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: mrmprog on August 20, 2011, 12:50:09 pm
Thanks Runer.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Yeong on October 18, 2011, 03:05:46 pm
Request: Axiom that enables the 2-channel sounds with format something like:
Command(channel1_note,channel2_note,freq) ?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: ztrumpet on October 18, 2011, 10:53:11 pm
Maybe we could use the BASIC clock tokens for that.
No.  You have to include the 83+SE, which doesn't have those yet it has the crystal timers.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: C0deH4cker on October 19, 2011, 04:15:22 pm
just wondering, would it be possible to write an axiom on-calc with mimas so that the development with axe is completely computer-free? im using a computer now, but it would be cool not to need one for anything axe-related.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: AngelFish on October 19, 2011, 04:15:51 pm
You can use Mimas if you need to.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: C0deH4cker on October 19, 2011, 04:17:02 pm
even though you need and the libraries? or do you not? sorry if i sound noobish right now, i dont entirely understand axioms and how they are created just yet.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Quigibo on October 19, 2011, 09:09:00 pm just includes a ton of equates like the addresses of all the variables, ram locations, constants, custom tokens, and other useful things like that.  Also, it has a list of the subroutine call values required to make the Axiom inter-call other axioms and native axe routines.  If you can memorize all those values or write them down elsewhere, then yes, you can definitely write the axiom on-calc with Mimas.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: calc84maniac on October 19, 2011, 09:15:00 pm
I think it would be possible to make a custom include file for Mimas, too
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: C0deH4cker on October 19, 2011, 10:22:28 pm
I think that it's worth looking into. I think i saw somewhere that you can upload a .inc file to an appvar in a form that mimas can understand.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: jacobly on October 20, 2011, 03:22:47 am
I actually was doing that at one point, so it is possible, but I kept forgetting the axiom format :P
Anyway, since I can't upload files yet, here ( is a link to a Mimas version of

I changed axv_Theta to axv_θ since Mimas supports the theta character.
Also, since Mimas doesn't support macros:
Code: [Select]
;REP_NEXT becomes:
;REP_NEXT(x) becomes:
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: C0deH4cker on October 20, 2011, 09:24:57 am
Cool! Will try it out. Also, is there a way to edit a mimas program's appvar in text on a pc? I know that sort of defeats the purpose of using mimas in the first place, but it would be nice to transfer asm code that you were working on from your pc to the calc so you can code on the go.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: boot2490 on October 20, 2011, 11:17:59 am
Multiple tones at the same time when in some kind of loop?

Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: jacobly on October 20, 2011, 12:19:14 pm
Cool! Will try it out. Also, is there a way to edit a mimas program's appvar in text on a pc? I know that sort of defeats the purpose of using mimas in the first place, but it would be nice to transfer asm code that you were working on from your pc to the calc so you can code on the go.

Check out tools/8xvtoasm.exe and tools/asmto8xv.exe in the mimas folder, assuming you know command line.
EDIT: which you obviously do, if you are compiling assembly ;)
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: C0deH4cker on October 20, 2011, 12:34:12 pm
K thanks. And yes, i have extensive knowledge of both windows and unix command lines.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Yeong on October 20, 2011, 01:13:35 pm
Multiple tones at the same time when in some kind of loop?

I tried that already, but it just produces random distorted garble D:
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: ztrumpet on October 30, 2011, 03:57:41 pm
Just so this doesn't get lost to time, here's a 8.8 fixed point square root Axiom:
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Keoni29 on November 05, 2011, 12:31:04 pm
Multiple tones at the same time when in some kind of loop?

I tried that already, but it just produces random distorted garble D:
Make the notes longer for arpeggio's. You will never get sound blending without a custom routine.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: mrmprog on November 20, 2011, 10:51:29 pm
Could someone update the list at the first post? I believe it is missing some of the newer ones.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: parserp on November 23, 2011, 12:07:30 pm
I don't know if this is possible, but:
an axiom that turns the calculator off? such as in password programs?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Darl181 on November 23, 2011, 12:09:15 pm
I don't know if this is possible, but:
an axiom that turns the calculator off? such as in password programs?
You don't really need an axiom to do that ;)
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: parserp on November 23, 2011, 12:11:06 pm
I don't know if this is possible, but:
an axiom that turns the calculator off? such as in password programs?
You don't really need an axiom to do that ;)
ooh yay!!!! :D
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: thepenguin77 on November 23, 2011, 12:45:47 pm
Also, if you look far enough into that thread, you'll see my version which deallocates your program. So, use the simple 3 byte command for apps and my much longer one for programs.

The Post (

   Jk, The Real Post ( Yes, this is the right one

   I thought I made a better one (
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Darl181 on November 26, 2011, 07:02:58 pm
Can someone make a smaller font, like, 4*3 or something?  I've been mentally putting together a HUD and the normal Text() font is just too big at times :/
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on November 26, 2011, 07:10:19 pm
What would an uppercase E look like if it was only 4 tall? o.O
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: mrmprog on November 26, 2011, 07:11:41 pm
Somewhat recognizable :P
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Darl181 on November 26, 2011, 07:13:07 pm
I was thinking something like
Spoiler For Spoiler:
..but that could work too.
(even if the font has to be all-caps it would be worth it :) )
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on November 26, 2011, 07:21:03 pm
Ah I see, maybe it could work ^^ maybe an Axiom that lets you define your own font set? 
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: TIfanx1999 on November 26, 2011, 08:20:57 pm
I actually was doing that at one point, so it is possible, but I kept forgetting the axiom format :P
Anyway, since I can't upload files yet, here ( is a link to a Mimas version of

I changed axv_Theta to axv_θ since Mimas supports the theta character.
Also, since Mimas doesn't support macros:
Code: [Select]
;REP_NEXT becomes:
;REP_NEXT(x) becomes:

Page isn't loading at the moment. D: If you can provide the file I'll attach it to your post. :)
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on November 27, 2011, 12:43:57 am
Perhaps a floating-point-math Axiom, with a function to store a float to an axevar?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Darl181 on November 27, 2011, 12:49:03 am
Ah I see, maybe it could work ^^ maybe an Axiom that lets you define your own font set? 
Like, absorb a zStart/Omnicalc/Grammer(if it uses appvars or something) font set, take the height/width parameters and work from there?
That would be cool, even more versatile ;D
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: jacobly on November 27, 2011, 06:17:58 pm
Perhaps a floating-point-math Axiom, with a function to store a float to an axevar?
How can a float fit in a single axe var? Unless you want truncation, but then you would have to specify how you want it truncated.

Page isn't loading at the moment. D: If you can provide the file I'll attach it to your post. :)
Added the file directly to the post.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: mrmprog on November 27, 2011, 07:10:38 pm
Ah I see, maybe it could work ^^ maybe an Axiom that lets you define your own font set? 
Like, absorb a zStart/Omnicalc/Grammer(if it uses appvars or something) font set, take the height/width parameters and work from there?
That would be cool, even more versatile ;D
That would be really cool and handy. Sometimes, you just need a small font for stuff.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on November 27, 2011, 07:49:59 pm
Perhaps a floating-point-math Axiom, with a function to store a float to an axevar?
How can a float fit in a single axe var? Unless you want truncation, but then you would have to specify how you want it truncated.
There is only one kind of truncation. It's where you chop off the decimal portion. Or, to put it another way, round towards 0
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on November 27, 2011, 07:50:31 pm
What do you mean AxeVar?  You mean in the 2 bytes provided by each default Axe variable?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on November 27, 2011, 07:51:08 pm
What do you mean AxeVar?  You mean in the 2 bytes provided by each default Axe variable?
Yes. Isn't that what they're called?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: jacobly on November 27, 2011, 07:51:50 pm
Perhaps a floating-point-math Axiom, with a function to store a float to an axevar?
How can a float fit in a single axe var? Unless you want truncation, but then you would have to specify how you want it truncated.
There is only one kind of truncation. It's where you chop off the decimal portion. Or, to put it another way, round towards 0
By how you want it truncated, I mean what do you want it truncated to.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on November 27, 2011, 07:52:45 pm
Wait you want to fit floating point data into 2 bytes of space? o.O There is barely enough space there for any accuracy at all D:
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on November 27, 2011, 07:52:57 pm
Perhaps a floating-point-math Axiom, with a function to store a float to an axevar?
How can a float fit in a single axe var? Unless you want truncation, but then you would have to specify how you want it truncated.
There is only one kind of truncation. It's where you chop off the decimal portion. Or, to put it another way, round towards 0
By how you want it truncated, I mean what do you want it truncated to.
Truncation is a mathematical function. You truncate to a number. To put it in BASIC, iPart()
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on November 27, 2011, 07:54:28 pm
Truncation ( limits the number of digits to the right of the decimal point to a certain number.  I believe he is asking how many digits you want to truncate to.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: jacobly on November 27, 2011, 07:55:56 pm
Perhaps a floating-point-math Axiom, with a function to store a float to an axevar?
How can a float fit in a single axe var? Unless you want truncation, but then you would have to specify how you want it truncated.
There is only one kind of truncation. It's where you chop off the decimal portion. Or, to put it another way, round towards 0
By how you want it truncated, I mean what do you want it truncated to.
Truncation is a mathematical function. You truncate to a number. To put it in BASIC, iPart()
But what kind of number would you like? An unsigned integer, a signed integer, 256 inflation, some form of signed 256 inflation, bcd, a pointer, a handle...
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on November 27, 2011, 07:56:09 pm (http://Truncation) limits the number of digits to the right of the decimal point to a certain number.  I believe he is asking how many digits you want to truncate to.
16-bit integer would be the easiest to deal with and program (methinks.) Besides, if I want 8.8, I can multiply the float by 256 before converting it.
And there is no difference between signed and unsigned. For example: -1 and 65535 would both turn out to be 1111111111111111b. 65536 would be 0. Also, sin() and cos() would be super useful. And square roots, too.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on November 27, 2011, 07:59:32 pm
Ahhhh i see, i thought you wanted an Axiom to use the 2 bytes in each AxeVar as floating point data, so we could have native FP in Axe  ::)  If all you want to do is convert TiOS Floating Point variables into Axe variable (while truncating all the decimal points) you can use the already build in float{} command :D
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on November 27, 2011, 08:02:02 pm
Ahhhh i see, i thought you wanted an Axiom to use the 2 bytes in each AxeVar as floating point data, so we could have native FP in Axe  ::)  If all you want to do is convert TiOS Floating Point variables into Axe variable (while truncating all the decimal points) you can use the already build in float{} command :D
But I can't do math with them in that state. I want [sings]maaaaaaaath![/sings]
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: jacobly on November 27, 2011, 08:02:05 pm (http://Truncation) limits the number of digits to the right of the decimal point to a certain number.  I believe he is asking how many digits you want to truncate to.
16-bit integer would be the easiest to deal with and program (methinks.) Besides, if I want 8.8, I can multiply the float by 256 before converting it.
But what do you want me to do with a floating-point number like 100000?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on November 27, 2011, 08:02:32 pm (http://Truncation) limits the number of digits to the right of the decimal point to a certain number.  I believe he is asking how many digits you want to truncate to.
16-bit integer would be the easiest to deal with and program (methinks.) Besides, if I want 8.8, I can multiply the float by 256 before converting it.
But what do you want me to do with a floating-point number like 100000?
Wrap around, so it'd be mod 65536
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on November 27, 2011, 08:05:45 pm
Oh i believe there is already an Axiom somewhere that does math to TiOS floating numbers, I don't know where it went tho D:
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: jacobly on November 27, 2011, 08:14:18 pm (http://Truncation) limits the number of digits to the right of the decimal point to a certain number.  I believe he is asking how many digits you want to truncate to.
16-bit integer would be the easiest to deal with and program (methinks.) Besides, if I want 8.8, I can multiply the float by 256 before converting it.
But what do you want me to do with a floating-point number like 100000?
Wrap around, so it'd be mod 65536
Going by that, I would assume that you want unsigned integers... but what if the floating-point number is negative?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on November 27, 2011, 08:28:34 pm (http://Truncation) limits the number of digits to the right of the decimal point to a certain number.  I believe he is asking how many digits you want to truncate to.
16-bit integer would be the easiest to deal with and program (methinks.) Besides, if I want 8.8, I can multiply the float by 256 before converting it.
But what do you want me to do with a floating-point number like 100000?
Wrap around, so it'd be mod 65536
Going by that, I would assume that you want unsigned integers... but what if the floating-point number is negative?
represent it as it would be if it were a negative two's complement 16-bit integer.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: jacobly on November 27, 2011, 08:35:34 pm (http://Truncation) limits the number of digits to the right of the decimal point to a certain number.  I believe he is asking how many digits you want to truncate to.
16-bit integer would be the easiest to deal with and program (methinks.) Besides, if I want 8.8, I can multiply the float by 256 before converting it.
But what do you want me to do with a floating-point number like 100000?
Wrap around, so it'd be mod 65536
Going by that, I would assume that you want unsigned integers... but what if the floating-point number is negative?
represent it as it would be if it were a negative two's complement 16-bit integer.
ok... but what about -32769?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on November 27, 2011, 09:34:46 pm
/me shrugs
Well, there's a float{} command that can do the conversion (which I just remembered) so don't worry about it.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Builderboy on November 27, 2011, 09:40:26 pm
And then you can use this ( for the mathematics :D
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: mrmprog on November 28, 2011, 10:30:39 pm
Can someone whip me up an axiom that is similar to the basic date and time commands?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Happybobjr on December 07, 2011, 04:11:25 pm
Sorry, i know nothing of asm, but in the calculators (84+ family) that have the crystal timer, have their data stored somewhere.  If you can find the location of that, you could simply read from the location.  Might like to try a different section.

(i might be wrong about everything)
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: jacobly on December 07, 2011, 06:15:34 pm
AFAIK, the crystal timers have nothing to do with the clock (they are two different things).
The problem is not reading the value of the clock, but the fact that it doesn't fit in an axe variable.
Regardless, you can get the value of the clock like this:
and AB would contain the number of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1997, or 0 if the clock is off or the calculator has no clock.
or this if you know that the calculator has a clock

Also, running ClockOff on my TI84+SE does not turn the clock off (just doesn't display it in the mode menu).
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Happybobjr on December 08, 2011, 03:05:22 pm
Ohhh...  Should be super easy!
But this would help me.

Vertical +
but will only shift the first 48 rows.

I wouldn't ask normally, because of being a bother,  but as most of the code is already in axe, I think it could be done rather quickly.  Thanks
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Quigibo on December 08, 2011, 03:57:28 pm
For Vertical+ or Vertical-, you can code that in pure Axe.



EDIT: Oops, the following is Horizontal +:


The part I bolded you can change to shift the first N column groups of 8 pixels.  So right now, 6*8 = 48 pixels shift.  Changing it up to 0C (which is 12 in decimal) shifts the full 96 pixels and is the original Horizontal+ command.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Happybobjr on December 08, 2011, 03:58:54 pm
thank you so much.
This will be much faster right?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: aeTIos on December 08, 2011, 03:59:21 pm
So basically you could shift only half of the screen with that?
AFAIK, the crystal timers have nothing to do with the clock (they are two different things).
The problem is not reading the value of the clock, but the fact that it doesn't fit in an axe variable.
Regardless, you can get the value of the clock like this:
and AB would contain the number of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1997, or 0 if the clock is off or the calculator has no clock.
or this if you know that the calculator has a clock

Also, running ClockOff on my TI84+SE does not turn the clock off (just doesn't display it in the mode menu).
Ooh, great!
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Quigibo on December 08, 2011, 04:06:44 pm
By the way I corrected my previous post because I had accidentally posted Horizontal+
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Happybobjr on December 08, 2011, 04:35:34 pm
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: aeTIos on December 08, 2011, 04:39:15 pm
You can use L3 if you want.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Happybobjr on December 08, 2011, 04:43:37 pm
I replaced Vertical+ with the code, and the code isn;t working.  *removed*
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: turiqwalrus on February 10, 2012, 02:56:14 pm
What I'd like to see is an axiom that adds gCn support.
I imagine that this would be pretty hard to make, but it would be pretty great...
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Geekboy1011 on February 10, 2012, 08:04:55 pm
What I'd like to see is an axiom that adds gCn support.
I imagine that this would be pretty hard to make, but it would be pretty great...

i could take a stab at this tonight if you want. give me a few hours and i will see if i can pull something together maybe...need to relearn basic axe

(i already have gcn practice lol)

also you will need the dcs app installed regardless thats not like removable.

also how automated do you want the axiom to be
should it handle everything including finding and keeping tabs on the amount of people in the hub. Or should it just set it up and expose the routines needed?

also what token should i use </doesnt care>
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: turiqwalrus on February 11, 2012, 09:08:41 am
I don't really care about the token, since I wouldn't have any conflicting token issues anyway...

And as to how automated it should be, my general request would be these general features:
-Send/receive information from the hub
-list of players/number of players

and thanks for taking on my request :D
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: kindermoumoute on February 26, 2012, 06:32:11 am
Can you update this list with all current axioms (Fullrene, Floating point math) And axiom in project ?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Geekboy1011 on February 29, 2012, 07:17:31 pm
started the calcnet axiom thread here

its getting there most of the code is done i just have to test it which is proving to be a pita cause well idk axe xD

EDIT: see above >.> <.<
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: ZippyDee on February 29, 2012, 08:41:18 pm
I'm not sure if you realize that you just posted a link to the "normal post" icon for threads.....
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Geekboy1011 on March 01, 2012, 11:09:53 pm
I'm not sure if you realize that you just posted a link to the "normal post" icon for threads.....

uhh fail......
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Hayleia on May 09, 2012, 01:57:56 pm
Maybe a Power coder could make an Axiom to write to flash without using the Unarchive/Archive command, but with unlocking ROM and all (of course, the Axiom would lock it back after writing to it).
This may not be faster than Unarchiving/Archiving but would be useful for a game that has a huge savegame, if it is run on a regular 83+ (with not a lot of ROM) to avoid GarbageCollecting.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: calc84maniac on May 09, 2012, 01:59:59 pm
Maybe a Power coder could make an Axiom to write to flash without using the Unarchive/Archive command, but with unlocking ROM and all (of course, the Axiom would lock it back after writing to it).
This may not be faster than Unarchiving/Archiving but would be useful for a game that has a huge savegame, if it is run on a regular 83+ (with not a lot of ROM) to avoid GarbageCollecting.
You can't write a savegame over the last savegame in flash. You have to put it in a currently unused flash area (which is exactly what Archive does)
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Hayleia on May 09, 2012, 02:01:29 pm
You can't write a savegame over the last savegame in flash. You have to put it in a currently unused flash area (which is exactly what Archive does)
Not even by rewriting the whole flash page where the savegame is ? :P

I mean you copy the page somewhere somehow, then replace the savegame in your copy, then copy the modified copied page onto the old page.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on May 09, 2012, 02:39:39 pm
When Axioms are released, do they automatically get included by default with newer Axe releases?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Link on September 06, 2012, 09:45:03 pm
When Axioms are released, do they automatically get included by default with newer Axe releases?
I don't think so, it's possible they might get included in the future, but I had to download mine separately.
Perhaps they could do something like #include <stdio.h> like in C? but instead for axioms?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: ZippyDee on September 06, 2012, 09:56:08 pm
Axioms would not be included as part of the app file itself. Axe needs that space for other improvements to the language, not to store Axioms. Since the axioms are basically third-party plugins to Axe, I'd say they'll probably stay as separately downloadable files. There may be a few really commonly useful Axioms that might find their way into the download files at some point, but I don't think there will ever be a comprehensive set of all released Axioms in the releases themselves.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Hayleia on September 07, 2012, 01:11:57 am
I think DJ_O's question was more "are new Axioms included in the zip", not "are new Axioms included in Axe". I may be wrong though. Anyway, in both cases the answer is "no" :P

Perhaps they could do something like #include <stdio.h> like in C? but instead for axioms?
Well, that's how they currently work, no ?
You have to do #Axiom(TEXT) to include the commands from the TEXT Axiom, isn't it what you want ?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: 133794m3r on December 21, 2012, 10:18:38 pm
OK, something that I need is an InData that actually checks the data, not just strings. InData's great and all for strings, but I need one for actual data. I've tried writing my own out, but it never seems to evaluate. I'm going to post it in the help pages, but still having that function would be greatly appreciated. Also if it returned 65535 if it wasn't found instead of 0(as the data is 0 indexed) would also be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: squidgetx on December 22, 2012, 01:07:44 pm
In memory, there is no difference between "actual data" and "strings" in Axe. "HELLO WORLD" is literally equivalent to [48454C4C4F20574F524C44] which is also equivalent to Data(72,69,76,76,79,32,87,79,82,76,68)
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on December 22, 2012, 02:01:11 pm
In memory, there is no difference between "actual data" and "strings" in Axe. "HELLO WORLD" is literally equivalent to [48454C4C4F20574F524C4400] which is also equivalent to Data(72,69,76,76,79,32,87,79,82,76,68,0)
Fixed it for you: Axe automatically adds ending NULs to the end of strings.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Sorunome on December 22, 2012, 02:02:46 pm
Just noticed this topic and i happen to have an axiom request: Allow AppVariables to be executed from flash! :D
So propably similar to pageswap then only that it uses appvars.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Freyaday on December 22, 2012, 02:09:44 pm
Just noticed this topic and i happen to have an axiom request: Allow AppVariables to be executed from flash! :D
So propably similar to pageswap then only that it uses appvars.
Why appvars? Why not programs?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Sorunome on December 22, 2012, 02:16:03 pm
because appvars are more invisible to the end user
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: DrDnar on December 22, 2012, 02:43:28 pm
The runprgm Axiom (;sa=view;down=786) lets you convert an assembly/Axe program into an appvar, and execute it. The only difference between a program and an appvar is the type byte, so it was easy functionality to implement. Of course, the program is still copied to RAM and run from RAM. Executing an appvar in flash without coping it to RAM is just too much of a headache, due to both the need to change the execution permissions (requires unlocking flash), and the fact that the location would be variable and might cross page boundries. If you really want execution from flash, use an application.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Hayleia on December 22, 2012, 03:07:02 pm
Axe automatically adds ending NULs to the end of strings.
Not always. It adds a zero when the string is followed by a → and when it is inside a Text command, but if you do this:

none of them will be null-terminated, you need to do that:

This can be useful when for example you need to put a @ in the middle your text data, you just have to write this: "mymail"[48]", where 48 is the hex for @ (note that the true hex is not 48, I put that number at random).
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Sorunome on December 23, 2012, 01:24:04 am
The runprgm Axiom (;sa=view;down=786) lets you convert an assembly/Axe program into an appvar, and execute it. The only difference between a program and an appvar is the type byte, so it was easy functionality to implement. Of course, the program is still copied to RAM and run from RAM. Executing an appvar in flash without coping it to RAM is just too much of a headache, due to both the need to change the execution permissions (requires unlocking flash), and the fact that the location would be variable and might cross page boundries. If you really want execution from flash, use an application.
The problem is that with that axiom I can't call functions that are not part of the appvar/the prog.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: DrDnar on December 23, 2012, 02:46:31 am
The runprgm Axiom (;sa=view;down=786) lets you convert an assembly/Axe program into an appvar, and execute it. The only difference between a program and an appvar is the type byte, so it was easy functionality to implement. Of course, the program is still copied to RAM and run from RAM. Executing an appvar in flash without coping it to RAM is just too much of a headache, due to both the need to change the execution permissions (requires unlocking flash), and the fact that the location would be variable and might cross page boundries. If you really want execution from flash, use an application.
The problem is that with that axiom I can't call functions that are not part of the appvar/the prog.
What do you want to do? If your main program is an application, the program you called can call functions in the application if you swap it back into memory. There's already an Axiom for that.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: jacobly on March 06, 2013, 11:41:06 am
By request of Hayleia and nikitouzz.

Load()Key: Xmin
Next()Key: Xmax
Print(BUF)Key: Xscl
New(PTR,OFS,SIZ)Key: Ymin
Delete(PTR,OFS,SIZ)Key: Ymax
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Hayleia on March 06, 2013, 11:54:33 am
For those who wonder what this version of MEMKIT adds to the memkit bundled in Axe's zip, well nothing :P
But it uses a set of tokens that is compatible with Jacobly's TEXT Axiom :)

And Jacobly made (yet) another version of MEMKIT that sorts by alphabetical order, here ( :)
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Hayleia on July 12, 2013, 12:12:05 pm
I would like an Axiom (or an hex code if it is less bothering to write) that would basically be the DispGraphrr command, but with no checkerboard pattern. I mean that it would make the whole buffer flicker instead of making two cherckerboards flicker alternatively (not sure if I am clear).
Would it be possible ?
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Runer112 on July 12, 2013, 12:27:03 pm
What would be the purpose of such a command? It's possible that I'm misunderstanding your request, but to me it sounds like you're asking for a command that doesn't attempt to create grayscale by combining the main and back buffer contents each frame, but instead only provides the grayscale "weighting" for each pixel by displaying the full main buffer twice for every time the full back buffer is displayed once. If this is what you're looking for, couldn't the affect be achieved in native Axe, like this?

Code: [Select]
Lbl DG
If C-1→C
Lbl DGInit
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Hayleia on July 12, 2013, 12:42:11 pm
Lol, indeed that's what I wanted.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: bored_student on October 13, 2013, 10:37:15 am
I want to introduce my new Axiom.
It's for creating and managing arrays at random memory locations.
When you created a array you can easily add or delete elements.
There's also a routine to go through all elements with a callback function and delete elements by the return value of the callback function.
It's very useful for making games where you have to handle many objects (as bullets or enemies).

I attached the source and the compiled Axiom but sadly I haven't written a readme file yet.
(tokens are in the 'ZOOM' menu)
It's my first assembly project and I would be glad if someone helps me optimizing it  :D
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Sorunome on October 13, 2013, 10:41:25 am
sounds awesome! :D
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: bored_student on October 13, 2013, 11:52:17 am
So here is a first readme with an explanation of all the commands.

I plan to make a Length command and a Reset command that clears the list (array).
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Streetwalrus on October 13, 2013, 12:38:26 pm
Oh epic, an array handling Axiom ! ;D( You got my +1 !
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Matrefeytontias on October 13, 2013, 12:40:49 pm
I see two things that I think are not right :

Also, IMO in LScanD you should just stop the scan instead of deleting the current element if HL ≠ 0.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: bored_student on October 13, 2013, 12:59:27 pm
I see two things that I think are not right :

  • MaxLength and the actual length of the array both take 1 byte. That's not enough in most situations. For example, in IkarugaX my bullet engine handles 192 bullets, and each bullet is an 11-bytes entry. 192 * 11 = 2112, which won't fit in 1 byte.
The MaxLength counts the elements in the list, not the bytes. You can therefore store up to 255 bullets in the list. Each bullet data itself has the size of ElementSize which is up to 255 again. A list of 255*255 bytes + 5 bytes for info would barely fit into RAM.

  • I can't see any function to retrieve individual elements from an array ...
Yeah I forgot that one D: . I will add it soon

Also, IMO in LScanD you should just stop the scan instead of deleting the current element if HL ≠ 0.
Why ?
This function should help you to display all objects (for example bullets) and delete those that are maybe out of the screen.
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Eiyeron on October 14, 2013, 02:49:59 am
Idea : add a map function to apply to the whole list a function, with a lambda for instance.
For instance if the Map fnctions returns the adress to r1. Struct : x, y, type
Code: [Select]
MAP(LIST, log(Pxl-On({r1}, {r1+2}, {r1+3}*8+Pic1))
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: bored_student on October 14, 2013, 08:26:27 am
In fact you can do that with the ScanF() function. You pass the lamda which returns the adress of the subroutine as the first parameter and make somthing like Pxl-On({->r1}...  to store the pointer given in HL to r1 and use it further.

By the way I forgot a command in the DelI() function. I will post a update tomorrow (with Get() function to get a pointer to a specified element and Length() to easy access the length of the list.

Edit: Here it is. Hope I didn't make any mistakes yesterday night  <_<
       I'm going to make an example program soon
Title: Re: Axiom Requests
Post by: Zemmargorp on August 07, 2014, 01:37:51 pm
I'm currently making a Menu( axiom. For the time being, it's a beta and isn't very user-friendly, but I'll improve it ! You can try it here ('s-bcalls-need-assembly-help/msg391091/#msg391091). Don't forget to read the post with the explanations !

EDIT : Axiom finished !
