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Since you're talking about interrupts, by int(), I assume you actually mean fnInt()?fnInt(1,2) would try to activate Lbl 1 as an interrupt, and I'm guessing you don't have a subroutine called "1" in your program, so getting the label missing error would make sense.I can't be sure, but Axe seems to be pretty stable for now, so I would guess the RAM clears are being caused by your code itself, not a bug. You would need to post it so somebody could look at it and determine if it's a problem with your source code or if it is in fact a bug.Actually, you may be onto something. I assumed 0.4.3 fixed the label errors, but apparently it didn't. The problem appears to be with the fnInt() command. As far as I can see, the problem is that, using whatever shortened character set Quigibo uses to store label name data (if I had to guess, 0-9 A-Z), the first character of the label name called is always misinterpreted. It seems that this character is stored with a value 10 less than what it should be. In one of my programs, I want to enable "INT" as an interrupt. When compiling, fnInt(INT,6) throws a missing label error, claiming that "8NT" is missing. fnInt(ZNT,6) throws an error, claiming that "PNT" is missing. In both of these names returned, the first character has a value 10 less than what it should be. fnInt(SNT,6), however, compiles correctly, as S is 10 letters ahead of I in the alphabet.This error only appears to happen with fnInt(), not sub() or Goto.
.TESTClrHomeIf 1=01->AElseIf2=22->AIf 0=11->BElseIf 1=12->BEndEndDisp A->DEC,B->DEC,i i for newline
.TESTClrHomeIf 1=0 1->AElseIf2=2 2->A If 0=1 1->B ElseIf 1=1 2->B EndEndDisp A->DEC,B->DEC,i i for newline
HoMM: [==--------] Project 'resumed': I'm suffering overwhelming new ideas being popped up in my dreams :PtiDE: [----------] Explored and understood the main part of the code: just started writing a Tokenizer.
Do you mean the first time you compile the error show up and the second attempt it won't? Do you need to do something inbetween (such as Garbage Collecting, archiving/unarchiving)?
ERR: UNKNOWN ERRCode: 4423816