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I've used as many as 20 in a row, it might be another problem with your code.
A very odd bug:I am currently running 2.55MP on a TI84+SE.The calc has Axe 0.5.0 and DCS 7.1.I don't have much context to this problem, but I will explain it as well as I can.I had a source code for my upcoming (and still unannounced) game in the RAM. As I compiled it, Axe saved a backup like usual. When Axe finished backing up, I opened the Prgm menu. The numbers to the left of the program were all scrambled up, and some entries were shown multiple times while others were not shown at all.Next, I opened DCS to see if the bug screwed up the folders and everything else. Fortunately, it did not. Once I saw that everything (the programs itself) should be okay, I restored the backup and recompiled it. This time, the compiling screen (not "backing up") froze. I was forced to remove a battery. After the RAM cleared, I was able to restore the backup and compile it again. The menu was back to normal, and the compiled program ran fine.
New bug: Apparently Axe adds two after finding a pointer to a real var after using GetCalc(, even though it isn't needed (you probably already know about this).
I compiled an Axe program so it would output an Application, but I didn't had enough archive. Naturally, it error'd. Then I found out with Calcsys it created an unnamed, 0xC6050500 byte (3 GB?) application in the archive. Now the Arc Free counter in 2nd+MEM is stuck to 0 bytes left.
So with Axe 5.0 I am getting some random Err:Symbol errors when a program is archived, as well as sometimes reporting a picture is missing, even if it is not.
A and not(B) throws an symbol error it seems not() cannot be used inter expression?
I don't know if this is more of a bug report or a feature request, but none of the GetCalc() routines account for real and complex number variables lacking a 2-byte header. I would suggest the following changes.
L3->DispGraph and L6->DispGraph both producedUnknown ErrCode: 4726231
Quigibo, perhaps implement B_CALL(_DelRes) somehow? It would probably have to be manually called by the user at their discretion, but it would be useful for people who want to use L2. And for that matter, B_CALL(_DelRes) should probably be a part of the interrupt setup, which it currently is not.
If I use Else!If more than 11 times consecutively, the parser throws ERR:BLOCKbtw there's some complex Pt-On( 's between them, maybe it could have to do with # of bytes in the block?
In other news, Frey continues kicking unprecedented levels of ass.
[0000000000000000]->Pic0->Pic2Does not work.