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I know it is a memory leak because I see almost all my RAM gone and there's not a data structure I can delete that's chewing it up. I have to do a RAM clear. And I'm not sure if it happens all the time. And compiling an error free program doesn't fix it.
It actually happens with all programs that cause a compiler error as far as I can tell, but I don't keep track of my current RAM level and what it should be, so I can't say for sure. Complicating this is that I don't even know how to calculate what the RAM is supposed to be, TI-OS is so unpredictable about that....
I'm with Builderboy on this one. I can't replicate the error. Just to be clear, what you're describing is that the amount of RAM displayed in the memory management menu before compiling is larger than after compiling when you have an error and scroll to it correct? To help me debug this, I need more information about how you got there:* What shell were you compiling for?* By how much did the memory shrink?* How large is the source code?* Approximately how far down the program was the error located?
Yes, this is what it says on the FREE RAM row in the mem management menuI wasn't compiling for a shellI only noticed when I tried to run the program once I finally got it compiled and I got an ERR:MEMORY; the Ram was somewhere around 130. Also, it took me several tries to get it error free, and the source is only 396 bytes.Where the errors occurred kept changing as I fixed them.