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For().Loopy stuffEndIf condition
In other news, Frey continues kicking unprecedented levels of ass.
This is a weird one...but if bit 1 of (IY + appFlags) is not set, sometimes text drawn with Output( or Disp( will disappear when the program calls for user input (keyword Input). My guess is Output( and Disp( do not automatically update TextShadow, and B_CALL($4E5E) will only show what was stored into the text buffer.
Quote from: Hot_Dog on June 06, 2011, 11:02:46 pmThis is a weird one...but if bit 1 of (IY + appFlags) is not set, sometimes text drawn with Output( or Disp( will disappear when the program calls for user input (keyword Input). My guess is Output( and Disp( do not automatically update TextShadow, and B_CALL($4E5E) will only show what was stored into the text buffer.I think Quigibo could add a "set 1, (IY + appFlags)" at the start of the input routine to fix it. Thanks for the bug report!
Hmm, I was just thinking about this, and Hot Dog, is there any chance you were on a Math Print OS?
Code: [Select]apiEntryPoint: cp 5 jr c, $+3 xor a;$$ ld ($886B), a
apiEntryPoint: cp 5 jr c, $+3 xor a;$$ ld ($886B), a
Data(24,7,8,8,8,5,5,8,8,0,0,0,2,4,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,1)->Str2...If (Y1+1)r>Asm(EFE542) Disp Str4 Goto UDEEnd0->{$8478}Fill($8478,0){Y1+3}->AA->{$8478}!If {A+Str2) and 4 If {A+Str2} and 8 Goto UDT End Disp "Not supported.",i Goto UDEEndCopy(Y1+10,$8479,{Y1+9})If Asm(EFF14221000038012C) Disp Str3 Goto UDEEnd{Y1+9}->C{Y1+C+10}r->A{Y1+3}->BC+10->DIf {B+Str2} and 2 A*8+A->A $31->{C+$8478}EndIf B=13 A*2->AEnd$15->{$8478}AAsm(EF6A4EED53E28922E089){Y1+3}->{V}Copy(Y1+D,W,A+2)If {B+Str2} and 2 0->{V-C-6}End