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Re: Bug Reports
« Reply #1365 on: July 05, 2011, 08:59:48 am »
It was a Noshell-not Axe error I used program writeback and I ran my mario game
« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 09:00:22 am by annoyingorange »
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Re: Bug Reports
« Reply #1366 on: July 05, 2011, 11:32:31 am »
Axe is deactivating xLib and Deutsch automatically!
And it's not possible to activate xLib again, while you have Axe on your TI

that's ANNOYING!
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Re: Bug Reports
« Reply #1367 on: July 05, 2011, 01:19:21 pm »
Axe is deactivating xLib and Deutsch automatically!
And it's not possible to activate xLib again, while you have Axe on your TI

that's ANNOYING!

Even though I don't use the German/Deutsch app often, I agree with you, sometimes I need it for the special characters menu, which is unloaded as well IIRC.
I've never used xLib, but being unable to use it once you run Axe sounds kinda annoying. :P
« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 01:20:18 pm by defmenge »
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Re: Bug Reports
« Reply #1368 on: July 09, 2011, 02:59:08 pm »
I think I found a strange bug:
If the calc GarbageCollects it disables the hook that Axe installs that renames tokens.
(I was using zStart at the time, so it may have been that, but I can't think of a reason that zStart would interfere there.)

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Re: Bug Reports
« Reply #1369 on: July 13, 2011, 08:39:38 am »
Great job on 1.0.0, but I already have to report a bug. :P
DROD8x does not compile at all right now, it complains about a missing program, even though the program is there and it compiled perfectly fine with 0.5.3 seconds ago. When pressing PRGM, it opens the base program which 'includes' all other programs and scrolls to the line ".INIT".
Code: [Select]
.DROD8x v0.0 "ROACHIE"

The editor is also affected by this and it seems like a rather severe bug since multiple program includes may be impossible now.

Sorry for complaining about bugs this fast, but I can't really continue working on DROD8x if Axe refuses to include subprograms.
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Re: Bug Reports
« Reply #1370 on: July 13, 2011, 08:47:59 am »
Yeah, I'm having problems with includes too. :(

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Re: Bug Reports
« Reply #1371 on: July 13, 2011, 10:30:00 am »
I've hit the include bug as well, though I encountered something else rather serious. I'm not quite sure what caused it, as every app compile after that one has successfully defraged and compiled. What happened is that I compiled an app to update it from 0.5.3, but when it began to defrag, corrupted coordinates appeared at the bottom of my screen and my calc seemed to freeze. I did a battery pull and everything seemed ok. Then I noticed things where randomly corrupting, and whenever I tried to set my window coordinates(among other things, like use Celtic's lineread function), I would receive an ERR:UNDEFINED. I believe that through some odd twist of fate, my OS was corrupted.

I don't think this was entirely Axe's fault, but I do find it to be a bit odd. I was using a TI-84+ SE with OS 2.43 and a certificate modded using thepenguin's program. The only other thing installed was zStart, and I believe I had RAM cleared shortly before that fateful compile. I haven't yet had a chance to restore my OS, as I'm away from my laptop for the next several hours.

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Re: Bug Reports
« Reply #1372 on: July 13, 2011, 11:33:47 am »
Not all of what follows are bug reports, but I figured it's just easier to make one post here instead of 3 posts across multiple topics.

Some errors in the command list:

  • Returnrr should be Returnr
  • The description of the new Fill() command says "Ptr1" although it should say "Ptr"
  • The grayscale DispGraphClrDraw commands are not as fast as their non-clearing counterparts. The 3-level variant is about 4,000 cycles slower and the 4-level variant is about 11,000 cycles slower. You probably don't want to be technical and cite these numbers in the command list, but you shouldn't say that they're just as fast.

Some actual errors:

  • Inline if statements (and I mean actual inline If:.true:End statements) seem to cause problems if they are inside of the argument list for Axe commands.
  • Shade() does not load a 0 into the h register. I'm guessing you left this out because in most uses, it wouldn't matter. But it could still matter in some, like testing if the value is greater than, less than, or equal to a certain value.

An optimization:

  • Operations on big-endian values at constant pointers (e.g. +{°A}rr) would be better as: ld bc,(ptr) \ ld d,c \ ld e,b

A suggestion:

  • A checksum routine that's more than a simple checksum. Here's a CRC-CCITT implementation I wrote. And no, I actually didn't realize z80 bits had one just like this until after I had written it.
Code: [Select]
ld b,h
ld c,l
pop af
pop de
push af
ld hl,$FFFF
ld a,(de)
xor h
ld h,a
push bc
ld bc,8<<8+$10
add hl,hl
jr nc,__CheckSumSkip
ld a,h
xor c
ld h,a
ld a,l
xor $21
ld l,a
djnz __CheckSumLoop
pop bc
ex de,hl
ex de,hl
ret po
jr __CheckSumNext

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    Re: Bug Reports
    « Reply #1373 on: July 13, 2011, 11:36:49 am »
    Strange things are happening with the getkey-command in Axe.
    If I press 3 keys at the same time, it says, I'm pressing this three keys.

    If I press 4 keys at the same time, it says, I'm pressing six keys.

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    Re: Bug Reports
    « Reply #1374 on: July 13, 2011, 11:41:56 am »
    That's not an Axe error, that's due to how TI made the calculators.  More info:

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    Re: Bug Reports
    « Reply #1375 on: July 13, 2011, 01:35:47 pm »
    Drawing a sprite to an arbitrary buffer switches the coordinates.
    Was happening last night..

    nvm, that was version 053
    « Last Edit: July 13, 2011, 03:24:20 pm by Darl181 »
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    Re: Bug Reports
    « Reply #1376 on: July 13, 2011, 02:28:03 pm »
    I'll get on that include error right away.  That should be easy to fix, I'll release a new version tonight so there is still time for the contest.

    • Inline if statements (and I mean actual inline If:.true:End statements) seem to cause problems if they are inside of the argument list for Axe commands.
    • Shade() does not load a 0 into the h register. I'm guessing you left this out because in most uses, it wouldn't matter. But it could still matter in some, like testing if the value is greater than, less than, or equal to a certain value.

    Thanks!  That first one is a bug in that it doesn't error when it should when you use an if inside of parenthesis.  The colon would then cause it to end the if statement but keep the parenthesis open.

    The second one was intentional.  But I can see why you'd want that for comparisons... I guess as long as I can still peephole opt the differences out I could still add the extra bytes to the command while keeping it the same size in the final program when it can be.
    « Last Edit: July 13, 2011, 02:28:31 pm by Quigibo »
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    Re: Bug Reports
    « Reply #1377 on: July 13, 2011, 11:32:08 pm »
    I don't seem to have a problem with multiple includes. Rott Engine built perfectly the first time (and the compiled code was smaller than before :D) without changing a thing.

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    Re: Bug Reports
    « Reply #1378 on: July 14, 2011, 03:26:33 am »
    I think I found a strange bug:
    If the calc GarbageCollects it disables the hook that Axe installs that renames tokens.
    (I was using zStart at the time, so it may have been that, but I can't think of a reason that zStart would interfere there.)
    Garbage collect apparently does some weeeeeird stuff. I once had my whole program corrupted because it didn't have enough space and I was stupid enough to accept the garbage collect while it was compiling >.< It corrupted the program AND the backup, and wouldn't allow me to back up a second version of that program because it said "That backup name is reserved for another program" even after I deleted the corrupted appvar from my calc.
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    Re: Bug Reports
    « Reply #1379 on: July 14, 2011, 05:55:00 pm »
    Umm, found one in 1.0.0
    Tryed compiling my level saver for Nymless.
    Axe choked on the first line of code(the one after the header), Lbl 0, claiming the zero wasn't a valid token (in a black bar underneath the percent screen. is this normal?)
    I changed the Lbl 0 to Lbl A and changed all the references to it.
    Compiled it again, but it crashed midbackup.
    I turned the calc back on, and it was stuck on the screen it crashed.
    I did a battery pull, and it was still stuck.
    I pulled the battery again, and this time turned it on while holding Clear.
    it worked.
    Then I tryed running Axe.
    Exact same thing again. (Me having to hold Clear)
    So I plug it into a computer to replace 1.0.0 with 0.5.3, and it says Access Denied, and on the calc, the cursor is blinking, but instead of a blank space behind the cursor, there's a Thick Down Arrow.
    So I try replacing Axe again, and it works, but now there's nothing in the list of programs, either in Axe's list or when I press PRGM.
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