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Axe is deactivating xLib and Deutsch automatically!And it's not possible to activate xLib again, while you have Axe on your TIthat's ANNOYING!
p_CheckSum: ld b,h ld c,l pop af pop de push af ld hl,$FFFF__CheckSumNext: ld a,(de) xor h ld h,a push bc ld bc,8<<8+$10__CheckSumLoop: add hl,hl jr nc,__CheckSumSkip ld a,h xor c ld h,a ld a,l xor $21 ld l,a__CheckSumSkip: djnz __CheckSumLoop pop bc ex de,hl cpi ex de,hl ret po jr __CheckSumNext
Inline if statements (and I mean actual inline If:.true:End statements) seem to cause problems if they are inside of the argument list for Axe commands.Shade() does not load a 0 into the h register. I'm guessing you left this out because in most uses, it wouldn't matter. But it could still matter in some, like testing if the value is greater than, less than, or equal to a certain value.
I think I found a strange bug:If the calc GarbageCollects it disables the hook that Axe installs that renames tokens.(I was using zStart at the time, so it may have been that, but I can't think of a reason that zStart would interfere there.)
In other news, Frey continues kicking unprecedented levels of ass.