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« on: March 18, 2011, 02:32:15 am »
Hi. I don't think this has ever been properly addressed, so I would like to formally address the matter of crediting others when it comes to programming works. Although everything that follows is only my opinion and you do not need to agree with it, I would like to state it. Feel free to post responses agreeing or disagreeing with me. The first paragraph will deal with what I would deem to be general etiquette. The second paragraph will be focused on Axe.

When making a project, you may often turn to others for help. Whether it's requesting sprites, using a routine somebody created, or simply letting someone optimize some parts of it, I feel that it is courteous to recognize their help in some form. In some cases, like in the case of minor code changes or optimizations by another person, a simple thank you would suffice for their aid. If you want, you can give them a small credit in the readme for your finished program. Or if you learned some stuff about coding from a help post somebody made, you may want to shoot them a quick thanks for the guidance, but it isn't necessary to cite small amounts general programming help. But I believe that if someone contributed specific help that your game relies on, like sprites or an important routine, it is fitting to cite who contributed that important part of your finished product. No need to put their name in your program's splash screen, or necessarily in the program at all. But a thanks at the bottom of a readme, no matter how small, can mean a lot. It means the efforts this person made to help you were really helpful after all. It means the time they put aside to help, no matter how much, was time spent well and worth spending again to help others.

When it comes to Axe projects, in a lot of cases the programmer will release the Axe source with their finished work. Sometimes he or she will say that their project is an Axe project but will want to keep the source protected, which is completely fine. But what can irk me a bit is seeing programmers produce something with Axe and fail to report is as being an Axe project. On one hand, I find it a little unsettling that it isn't mentioned, possibly as if they want others to think that they wrote it in assembly. But a possible slight deception is not what I find most unsettling. What I find unsettling is that failing to recognize it as an Axe project means failing to recognize perhaps the most important part of your project's existence: Kevin Horowitz. As I stated earlier, I believe it is proper to give credit in a final product to someone who may have provided you with some graphics or some code. But what about Quigibo? He provided every routine your program uses. He provided bug fixes for problems you might have run into. He provided a documentation and command information which likely taught you a lot of the concepts and commands you know. And most importantly, he provided his time. More than a year of it, so your program could exist. And I think the least any one of us can do to repay that is give a few seconds of thanks and recognition in return.


I can never focus on one project at once and have thus never really finished and published any projects, or the readmes to go along with them. I have never had the chance to give thanks in any published projects. But I have still programmed in Axe and enjoyed it for countless hours. So I would like to be the first to officially say:

Kevin Horowitz, thank you for the work you have done. Your helpfulness and commitment to Axe have known no bounds, and neither do my thanks to you.

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Re: Credit
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2011, 06:04:15 pm »
Well said. That kind of thing really bothers me too. Give props to Axe and spread the word, people! Without it, your program wouldn't even exist :P

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Re: Credit
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2011, 08:03:42 pm »
I concur. Give credit where credit is due.

Offline Deep Toaster

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Re: Credit
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2011, 08:05:35 pm »
Yeah, I've noticed that for a while, and it's troubling, especially since Axe projects go in the /asm folder at ticalc, so people simply try to make them look like their own ASM programs and don't mention Quigibo's work at all.

It's plagiarism, since much of it really is someone else's code (Quigibo's) and people are taking credit for all the low-level work that went into Axe. It's better than stealing someone else's program and releasing it as your own, but not by much.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 08:09:53 pm by Deep Thought »

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Re: Credit
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2011, 08:10:09 pm »
I agree with this. Quigibo works really hard to make Axe great, and some people don't seem to mention it at all.
Honestly, I can't overstate how great Axe has been for me. Without it, some of my projects, such as Nostalgia, might never have existed, because not only did Axe give me the power to make it, but it also kinda inspired it, since it bridged the gap between BASIC and ASM.

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Re: Credit
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2011, 08:16:06 pm »
I've wondered what I should do about that. I usually put something about axe parser in the options or about screen. Too bad I can't express my full thankfulness for axe in it, it would fill up the 8k limit. ;D
« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 08:16:34 pm by Camdenmil »
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Re: Credit
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2011, 08:32:06 pm »
Axe seems to be one of that hardest-worked on projects out there, and is well worth a mention in the readme at the very least.

Yeah, I've noticed that for a while, and it's troubling, especially since Axe projects go in the /asm folder at ticalc, so people simply try to make them look like their own ASM programs and don't mention Quigibo's work at all.

It's plagiarism, since much of it really is someone else's code (Quigibo's) and people are taking credit for all the low-level work that went into Axe. It's better than stealing someone else's program and releasing it as your own, but not by much.
Maybe should have an /axe category, after all it did win the POTY hands-down
« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 08:32:23 pm by Darl181 »
Vy'o'us pleorsdti thl'e gjaemue

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Re: Credit
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2011, 08:55:25 pm »
Yeah, I've noticed that for a while, and it's troubling, especially since Axe projects go in the /asm folder at ticalc, so people simply try to make them look like their own ASM programs and don't mention Quigibo's work at all.

It's plagiarism, since much of it really is someone else's code (Quigibo's) and people are taking credit for all the low-level work that went into Axe. It's better than stealing someone else's program and releasing it as your own, but not by much.
Maybe should have an /axe category, after all it did win the POTY hands-down

I second that!

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Re: Credit
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2011, 09:06:19 pm »
My gratitude for Axe is >9000. YAY Axe!
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Re: Credit
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2011, 10:34:35 pm »
Why is there a newprog category, if its not interpreted?  Plus, most axe games are high-quality

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Offline Deep Toaster

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Re: Credit
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2011, 10:53:26 am »
There's a NewProg category? Axe really should get its own...

Offline Munchor

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Re: Credit
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2011, 10:54:18 am »
There's a NewProg category? Axe really should get its own...

I totally agree.
In fact, Axe is way more popular than NewProg.


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Re: Credit
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2011, 10:54:53 am »

There's like maybe 15 newprog programs, but there's over 100 axe ones.  Shouldn't axe have it's own section? ...

Offline Michael_Lee

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Re: Credit
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2011, 10:57:04 am »
What is newprog?

And I agree -- I always try to credit Axe in my readmes and programs.
My website: Currently boring.

Axe Interpreter
   > Core: Done
   > Memory: Need write code to add constants.
   > Graphics: Rewritten.  Needs to integrate sprites with constants.
   > IO: GetKey done.  Need to add mostly homescreen IO stuff.
   > Stomping bugs
   > Internet version: On hold until I can make my website less boring/broken.

Offline Munchor

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Re: Credit
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2011, 10:57:07 am »

There's like maybe 15 newprog programs, but there's over 100 axe ones.  Shouldn't axe have it's own section? ...

But there is a fact against us... Axe games/programs are Assembly, so there could be some confusion there, people making Axe games claiming they were made in Assembly or the opposite.

What is newprog?

And I agree -- I always try to credit Axe in my readmes and programs.

NewProg is similar to Axe, but for the 68K series.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2011, 10:57:38 am by Scout »