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You can already compile Axe programs as applications by selecting "Application" as the shell from the options menu.
p_RMod2: .db 2 res 0,lp_RMod4: .db 4 ld a,%11111100 and l ld l,ap_RMod8: .db 4 ld a,%11111000 and l ld l,ap_RMod16: .db 4 ld a,%11110000 and l ld l,ap_RMod32: .db 4 ld a,%11100000 and l ld l,ap_RMod64: .db 4 ld a,%11000000 and l ld l,ap_RMod128: .db 4 ld a,%10000000 and l ld l,ap_RMod256: .db 2 ld l,0p_RMod512: .db 4 ld l,0 res 0,hp_RMod1024: .db 6 ld l,0 ld a,%11111100 and h ld h,ap_RMod2048: .db 6 ld l,0 ld a,%11111000 and h ld h,ap_RMod4096: .db 6 ld l,0 ld a,%11110000 and h ld h,ap_RMod8192: .db 6 ld l,0 ld a,%11100000 and h ld h,ap_RMod16384: .db 6 ld l,0 ld a,%11000000 and h ld h,ap_RMod32768: .db 6 ld l,0 ld a,%10000000 and h ld h,a
EDIT: On a completely unrelated note, I like the new filetype that can be attached to posts.
Quote from: Runer112 on December 06, 2010, 12:13:32 amEDIT: On a completely unrelated note, I like the new filetype that can be attached to posts.
HoMM: [==--------] Project 'resumed': I'm suffering overwhelming new ideas being popped up in my dreams :PtiDE: [----------] Explored and understood the main part of the code: just started writing a Tokenizer.