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In other news, Frey continues kicking unprecedented levels of ass.
But wait, that's a bad Idea, because Axe's L1 is SaveSScreen, a set of 768 bytes that the OS dumps the screen into on an APD, and Axe's variables are located at the very end of L1.
Speaking of For( loops, I don't know if this has already been asked, but why isn't a 4 parameter allowed? Even if it's just a constant increment or decrement, that would be really helpful
And just to let developers know, I already added code to allow Axioms to hijack existing routines so they can call or jump into any routine at any entry point.
That's already been around since I first added the EndIf, you can always use them in for loops
Oh, speaking of Subroutines, a way to end the program from within a subroutine.
"appvTILEMAP"→iAPV"Not enough RAM!"→Str0E!If GetCalc(iAPV,4096)→M Disp Str0E getKeyʳ ReturnEnd
"appvTILEMAP"→iAPV"Not enough RAM!"→Str0EL₂→iMAP!If GetCalc(iAPV,4096)→varMAP Disp Str0E getKeyʳ ReturnEnd
5. Love the idea, but I would hate to see someone not be able to compile others' source code just because they don't have an extra ram page. I guess I can put that up for a poll maybe. There was point where I was thinking of using extra ROM pages, which both calcs have, since the data is write-once anyway and I already have routines to unlock flash. I'm pretty sure the 83/84s keep an entire sector open for nothing but temporary swap use, which I could clear and use myself. That might be better, but I'll have to do more research to make sure its possible.