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Actually, if they were all changed to the same string "...", it wouldn't take much more effort. Instead of just returning if an Axe token is not found, pass that string instead.
I really want this to be possible:Code: [Select]"Up"->Str1"Down"->Str1I'd love to see that
:"Up"→Str1 .Original value:[0000] .Two extra zeroes for padding because "Down" is two bytes longer:"Down"→Str2 .Temporary pointer:Copy(Str2,Str1,4)
;Using If CONDITION:Goto LBL:End;Check for condition puts results in, say, zjr nz,condition_falsejp labelcondition_false:;label is elsewhere
;Using Goto LBLIf CONDITION;Check for condition puts results in, say, zjp z,label;label is elsewhere
These should not be hard to make and I expect them in next version, so.
Quote from: ScoutDavid on November 14, 2010, 03:45:36 pmThese should not be hard to make and I expect them in next version, so.Quigibo has been very busy with things in life besides Axe, and has just been trying to get out the next version of Axe as it is, without adding everybody's feature requests. There have been many feature requests, and there's no reasonable way he could get to all of them, especially with how busy he has been lately. I've made a few feature requests myself. For one of them I even gave him the exactly assembly code he would need for it. And I still don't expect that Quigibo has to include it in the next version, or any version for that matter. He will add features as he deems that they should be added, and when he has the time to add them. It's not any one of our calls but his to say that the features we want should be in the next version. Announcing that you expect features to be in the next version puts Quigibo in the unfair position of feeling that he needs to include these features in the next version or he will disappoint you.