what exactly did you do, and what exactly are you seeing?
oh, and expanding upon the idea from earlier, axe doesn't have any high level data structures whatsoever; everything in RAM is just a byte to it, and it is up to you as the programmer to determine how to interpret that byte/whether or not it is within a free ram area, to which you can write without affecting anything, or a chunk of ram in use by something else. L1 is not a variable, but rather a pointer (the address number of a specific byte in ram) that is a free area your programs can write to without fear of corrupting anything. that free space is only 714 bytes, though (it's actually 768, but the first chunk is used by axe's variables a-theta, which can be moved with the #Realloc command). if you write to a byte greater than {L1+713}, you will be writing to space that other OS processes use, and thus can corrupt things quite easily.