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:For(A,1,4):Repeat Ans:getKey→K:End:Copy(K,L1(A)):End
Thanks, really appreciate it
L1 = 714 bytes (saveSScreen) Volatility: LOWL2 = 531 bytes (statVars) Volatility: LOW (Do not use this area when custom interrupts are enabled, including Mirage OS)L3 = 768 bytes (appBackUpScreen) Volatility: MED (Saving to back-buffer will corrupt)L4 = 256 bytes (tempSwapArea) Volatility: MED (Corrupt when archiving/unarchiving in program)L5 = 128 bytes (textShadow) Volatility: MED ("Disp","Output", and "ClrHome" will corrupt)L6 = 768 bytes (plotSScreen) Volatility: HIGH (Any buffer drawing will corrupt)