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Topic: Latest Updates (***DO NOT POST HERE!***) (Read 90032 times)
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The Executioner
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I wish real life had a "Save" and "Load" button...
Re: Latest Updates (***DO NOT POST HERE!***)
Reply #30 on:
December 26, 2010, 04:57:42 am »
Axe Parser
Delta 0.4.7
Wow, look at all these new things!
New Features:
Lots of new auto optimizations to reduce code size
Values can be stored to pointers in reverse order (big endian)
Display numbers in hexadecimal
Draw lines to the back buffer
New "Display & Clear" routine to do both simultaneously
Bitwise complement command for 8 and 16 bit numbers
Reallocate variables anywhere in the program!
Custom icon support when compiling for shells!
getkey() can now take a variable as an argument!
Fixed bug when leaving parenthesis off inline data
Fixed the input command. It should never display garbage anymore
New, faster line drawing routine
File pointers can now be dereferenced
The L1 buffer has changed position and is now 2 bytes larger
The variables are now located after the end of the L1 buffer by default
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The Executioner
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Re: Latest Updates (***DO NOT POST HERE!***)
Reply #31 on:
January 09, 2011, 07:18:25 am »
Axe Parser
Delta 0.4.8
Just a little patch before the stable release.
New Features:
A few more optimizations
Multi-line comments!
Axiom SDK updated and probably finalized
Fixed 3 Level grayscale routine hopefully
Fixed reading protected programs from archive
Fixed application size field
Line drawing off-screen does not draw the line.
A few other minor bug fixes.
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The Executioner
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Re: Latest Updates (***DO NOT POST HERE!***)
Reply #32 on:
February 12, 2011, 07:45:37 pm »
Axe Parser
Epsilon 0.5.0
Sorry about the super slow pace of updates...
New Features:
Axioms finally fully functional!
Example axiom included.
"While 1" and "Repeat 0" automatically optimize to "Do" loops.
New "EndIf" and "End!If" statements for post-testing in loops.
Help menu actually shows something now!
Fixed sprite rotation commands.
Fixed nibble reading commands.
Last Edit: February 12, 2011, 08:08:14 pm by Quigibo
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The Executioner
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I wish real life had a "Save" and "Load" button...
Re: Latest Updates (***DO NOT POST HERE!***)
Reply #33 on:
March 27, 2011, 03:52:51 pm »
Axe Parser
Epsilon 0.5.1
Almost done... maybe.
New Features:
New getkey for grabbing key combinations.
Compile menu tells you the shell settings to avoid accidental compiles.
DispGraph is now significantly faster.
New command to check string equality.
Lots of new optimizations (Thanks again to Runer112!)
Fixed Axiom system when reading commands with single r modifiers.
Fixed MemKit axiom bugs.
Corrected typo in help menu.
not() can be used in expressions.
Fixed Ptr->DispGraph bug.
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The Executioner
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Re: Latest Updates (***DO NOT POST HERE!***)
Reply #34 on:
May 16, 2011, 04:21:55 am »
Axe Parser
Epsilon 0.5.2
Lots of fixing and polishing. Should be ready for a stable release very soon!
New Features:
All DispGraph variants now work with every speed and every interrupt mode!
Fix command can have multiple modes on the same line.
Jump table added with API documentation for external parsing.
rand is dereferencable.
A few new error codes for better clarification.
Left and right arrows can be used to change settings.
Same arrows can also change the shell form the compile menu.
Define constants in your code as static variables.
Data defined in Axioms is more intuitive and works as expected.
GetCalc now consistently returns proper float pointers.
Fixed credits to RabbitSign (GNU).
Fixed dereferencing bug.
Fixed bug with Pt-Mask().
Fixed bug with multi-line comments.
Fixed parenthesis issue on last line.
Optimized for loops when the third parameter is constant.
Optimized all unsigned comparisons against constants.
Optimized and, or, and xor when applied to constants.
Optimized various other commands.
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The Executioner
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I wish real life had a "Save" and "Load" button...
Re: Latest Updates (***DO NOT POST HERE!***)
Reply #35 on:
May 28, 2011, 06:10:17 am »
Axe Parser
Epsilon 0.5.3b
The last of the betas
for sure
New Features:
Increment and decrement operators!
Reciprocal operation for 8.8 fixed point numbers
On key will force quit compiling safely.
Faster and more optimized DispGraph routines.
Significantly faster square root routine.
Fixed major bug with the Disp command when compiling for apps.
Fixed incorrect optimization with Dispgraph to other buffers.
Fixed the new numerical constants feature.
Fixed bug with nibble storing.
Fixed bug with big-endian storing.
Fixed a few bugs since there was at least one major one. If you downloaded it before this edit, please re-download.
Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 08:00:14 pm by Quigibo
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The Executioner
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I wish real life had a "Save" and "Load" button...
Re: Latest Updates (***DO NOT POST HERE!***)
Reply #36 on:
July 13, 2011, 07:44:53 am »
Axe Parser
Omega 1.0.0
Words cannot even describe...
New Features:
Pixel drawing to any buffer.
Rectangle drawing to any buffer.
Line drawing to any buffer.
DispGraphClrDraw now has grayscale equivalents.
All DispGraph variants can use arbitrary buffers.
New hyper-optimized loop structure for repeating code.
Checksum command.
New Pt-Mask() variant that uses a single buffer and also allows inverting.
New ClrDraw shorthand to clear both buffers at once.
Optimized all loop structures and back-jumping.
All data is stored at the end of the program, allowing larger programs in RAM.
All data can be forward-declared.
Variable names are now up to 5 letters long and can use lowercase.
Symbol limit raised from 150 to over 2000.
New custom-named variables.
Warning is shown if program contains code past the executable limit.
New command to read OS's current contrast setting.
Longer, more descriptive error messages.
Fixed point decimal numbers can be typed in like floats in BASIC.
New notation for subroutine calls: MySub(Arg1,Arg2,...).
Peephole optimizations reduce the size of programs drastically.
Ternary operator for inline if expressions.
Emergency return command.
Use lambdas for functional programming.
Goto and subroutines can use addresses defined by expressions.
Referencing commands optimize better in math operations.
Updated documentation slightly.
Axioms can call other subroutines with forward offsets.
Fixed-point multiplication auto-optimizes constants.
Colons are now inline and can be used inside expressions.
Sprite buffer drawing syntax has changed.
DispGraph user-defined buffer syntax has changed.
Fixed bug with EndIf not working on for loops.
Binary prefix is now pi instead of "b".
Fixed a bug that caused crashing when no programs were in the compile list.
Fixed a bug when nesting commands that used files.
Fixed the Next() command in MemKit.
The CompileOP1 entrypoint will not overwrite the appvar settings.
Flash is locked after quitting Axe for security reasons.
All characters should convert correctly in text.
Fixed a bug that allowed commas in referencing commands.
I know this is A LOT to take in, so I included a file "Changes.pdf" inside the download to better explain the changes. I highly recommend reading it before you start playing around with it so you can use the new features to their full potential.
Caution: Use this version at your own risk. It may require ROM clears and loss of data.
Last Edit: August 03, 2011, 04:08:27 pm by Quigibo
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Today the calculator, tomorrow the world!
The Executioner
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I wish real life had a "Save" and "Load" button...
Re: Latest Updates (***DO NOT POST HERE!***)
Reply #37 on:
July 14, 2011, 09:43:23 am »
Axe Parser
Omega 1.0.1
Had to pull an all-nighter for this next day update.
New Features:
Use variables as single byte values!
ClrDraw now works on any buffer.
DrawInv now works on any buffer.
Fixed bug with freezing after backing up.
Fixed bug with include files not being recognized.
Fixed the Shade() command.
Fixed error not showing up when using blocks inside expressions.
Caution: Use this version at your own risk. It may require ROM clears and loss of data.
Last Edit: August 03, 2011, 04:07:46 pm by Quigibo
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Today the calculator, tomorrow the world!
The Executioner
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I wish real life had a "Save" and "Load" button...
Re: Latest Updates (***DO NOT POST HERE!***)
Reply #38 on:
July 25, 2011, 07:44:13 am »
Axe Parser
Omega 1.0.2
If you've used 1.0.0 or 1.0.1, I highly recommend you BACKUP your data and do a FULL ROM CLEAR before installing!
Sorry about the bugs!
New Features:
Files now work in both RAM and archive!
Ternary operator is optimized for short circuit statements.
Fixed major bug with sector leaking.
Fixed error checking with inline blocks.
Fixed a few issues with colons.
Fixed character conversions for prgm, grp, and appv.
Fixed possible bug with GetCalc() when overwriting archived vars.
Fixed possible bug with backups missing a hash in the compile menu.
Fixed a bug that prevented labels to start with a number.
Fixed Zeros(0) causing a freeze.
Last Edit: August 03, 2011, 04:03:49 pm by Quigibo
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Today the calculator, tomorrow the world!
The Executioner
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I wish real life had a "Save" and "Load" button...
Re: Latest Updates (***DO NOT POST HERE!***)
Reply #39 on:
August 20, 2011, 06:39:12 am »
Axe Parser
Omega 1.0.3
Thanks everyone who helped catch more bugs with 1.0.2. Hopefully this version should be much more stable
New Features:
New easy short circuit operators for "and" and "or"!
Ternary "Not-if" variant.
Reading data from files is an order of magnitude faster.
Fixed issue with reading constant pointers.
Fixed [On] key issue with getkeyr after program quits.
Copy should now work with files in RAM.
Fixed bug with pixel commands on other buffers.
Fixed ternary operators in block conditionals.
Fixed issues with length() command.
Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 02:09:39 am by Quigibo
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Today the calculator, tomorrow the world!
The Executioner
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I wish real life had a "Save" and "Load" button...
Re: Latest Updates (***DO NOT POST HERE!***)
Reply #40 on:
September 25, 2011, 02:09:18 am »
Axe Parser
Omega 1.0.4
New Features:
Axe apps no longer delete themselves after 15 runs (thanks thepenguin77!)
Horizontal and Vertical commands work on any buffer.
Create buffers filled with any value.
New pt-Get() routines for cloning sprites. (thanks calcmaniac84!)
Fixed and optimized all multiplication.
Fixed small bug with 4 level grayscale.
Fixed returnr for apps.
Zeros() token changed to Buff()
Pointer calls now keep the accumulator preserved during the call.
Lots of new optimizations! (thanks Runer112!)
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Today the calculator, tomorrow the world!
The Executioner
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I wish real life had a "Save" and "Load" button...
Re: Latest Updates (***DO NOT POST HERE!***)
Reply #41 on:
September 26, 2011, 04:57:32 pm »
Axe Parser
Omega 1.0.5b
New Features:
Press [zoom] for a speedy fast (but less optimized) compile time!
Fixed compile error when overwriting an archived executable.
Fixed error with random 'r' appearing in strings.
New peephole optimizations should reduce executable size another percent or so.
Okay, now it should be good...
Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 05:57:39 pm by Quigibo
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Today the calculator, tomorrow the world!
The Executioner
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I wish real life had a "Save" and "Load" button...
Re: Latest Updates (***DO NOT POST HERE!***)
Reply #42 on:
December 10, 2011, 08:41:27 pm »
Axe Parser
Omega 1.1.0
The largest changelog since 1.0.0! So many bug fixes... anyway, special thanks to jacobly who has been helping a lot with the development recently. Also thanks Runer112 for the constant issue tracking and debugging.
New Features:
New Select() command for simple and powerful optimization and storage.
Redesigned Bitmap() command is clipped, faster, and works with any buffer.
Axioms can now make page 0 jumps and calls.
Toggle upper and lower case in your programs with the new Fix command.
8.8 to 8.8 sqrt.
Single argument for loops can now take any expression as an argument.
Now able to use Return in a single argument for loop.
The Axe app disables G-T mode on startup.
Conditional comment blocks. (aka preprocessor conditionals)
Absorb appvars, programs, and strings directly into an executable.
Zoom option now controllable through the API.
Added slightly more delay to direct key input.
Function calls have a higher precedence over operations.
Fixed multiple bugs with peephole optimizations.
Fixed auto-replacements for inline Axioms.
getkeyr handles lowercase more usefully.
Fixed weird negative sign problem in brackets.
Labels cannot be placed in a single argument for statement.
Fixed horizontal-() bug causing crashes.
Fixed random wrong num of args issue.
Fixed a few mistakes in the commands list.
Fixed custom list token in getcalc strings.
Fixed constant store on last line.
Throws an error when no digits entered for hex and binary constants.
Buff() can only be defined with known constants.
Fixed occasional tilemap sprite import glitch.
Fixed *^ operation.
Fixed cumsum() command.
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Today the calculator, tomorrow the world!
The Executioner
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I wish real life had a "Save" and "Load" button...
Re: Latest Updates (***DO NOT POST HERE!***)
Reply #43 on:
December 17, 2011, 10:22:58 pm »
Axe Parser
Omega 1.1.1
I was surprised how fast I was able to fix things an add some of these features...
New Features:
Sexy new compiling progress bar.
See the name of subprograms currently being parsed.
See the total size so far of the executable.
See progress when writing a compiled program to an app.
Faster multiplication.
New "Switch"-like statement to generate jump-tables.
Now able to chain static declarations.
Added a * in the compile menu to indicate archived programs.
Fixed scrolling to errors in large programs!
Fixed issue with the getkeyr command not resetting.
Fixed random errors occurring when parsing archived programs.
Fixed empty brackets causing an error.
Press [clear] to skip seeing the source error, otherwise it will show.
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Today the calculator, tomorrow the world!
The Executioner
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I wish real life had a "Save" and "Load" button...
Re: Latest Updates (***DO NOT POST HERE!***)
Reply #44 on:
February 02, 2012, 11:10:38 pm »
Axe Parser
Omega 1.1.2
Happy 2 year anniversary to Axe!
Some very cool and game-changing features here to celebrate...
New Features:
Shiny new commands list! Thanks to Etienne Gauvin!
[Beta] New compile setting to reduce executable size: "Axe Fusion" (But requires Axe to run)
Axioms can now define their own custom token replacements. Thanks to Runer112!
Optimized sprite commands, Z-Test(), and more!
The "equal" and "not equal" operations can be used in constant expressions.
New command to give default values to undefined constants.
Pt-Mask()r now works on any buffer.
Circle() now works on any buffer.
New optimized shorthand for screen buffer copying.
New command to retrieve an indexed string from a list of strings.
Removed default Axiom tokens, but you can add them back to your Axiom if you used them.
Axioms can now be redefined multiple times with no effect on the program.
Fixed documentation of EndIf command.
Z-Test() will throw an error if used in a for loop instead of crashing.
Fixed some syntax bugs with files.
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