Calculator Community => Major Community Projects => The Axe Parser Project => Topic started by: Freyaday on April 27, 2011, 06:09:00 pm
Is is possible to send the Axe app under a different name so that I can have multiple versions of Axe on my calc?
If you send one, you can rename it during transfer, at least for progs, when going from calc to calc, with the Overwrite/Rename/Omit menu. not sure about apps.
I bet there'd be hook conflicts, though.
So, only have one set of hooks on at a given point in time, else kablooie?
Well, TIOS should prevent conflicts, ironically enough, but I'm not sure how much that depends on the App. ie DoorsCS7 can be installed after Inequalz or Transfrm, but they will see it as a conflict.
Alright. Here goes!
Just as soon as it finishes backing up....
I think if you rename the app file name, it will still be called Axe on calc. (I tried with MirageOS) You need to rename the name inside the app file too.
rename the name
hoo boy :s
So, how do I change the name inside the app?
Hex Editor?
Hang On: I found it.
Try this: named to Axe51 (for v0.5.1)
/me is very clueless about this sort of thing and needs step-by-step instructions.
Try my file then :P
Let's see what it does.
What file where?
EDIT:Nevermind, I found it.
EDIT2:Man alive! this backup is taking forever!
In my post where I upped a file, right before where you asked for the step by step
I edited the header, so it should be Axe51 now.
Thank-you willrandship!
Did it work then? I'm not sure if the header needs to be signed....
It didn't work; it still thought the name was Axe.
Try this instead, this should work. :)
It works Thanks, Runer112!
+1 for you, too!
(willrandship keeps his for effort)