Author Topic: Testing suite  (Read 3357 times)

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Testing suite
« on: January 14, 2012, 06:27:50 am »
I need your help!  I would like to put together a new testing suite since my current one is a little outdated.  What I'm looking for is people who are willing to donate source code that I can use to test on new versions of Axe to make sure I don't introduce new bugs.  In particular, code that uses new features from 1.0.5 onward, 5kb or greater of source code, easily testable so I can just boot it up an quickly start playing the game, and polished/mostly bug-free.  Just send me a link to the ticalc or the latest omni download if its open source.  If its closed, you can send it via private message or email; the source will only be used for compatibility testing.

I would like a collection of about 6-10 of these to be safe.  Hopefully this should help me keep the bugs down.  Thanks all!  ;D
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