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0->XDisp Sub(C)>DecLbl M .MultiplyX*2->XReturnLbl A .AddX+1->XReturnLbl S .SubtractX-1->XReturnLbl MA .Multiply then AddSub(M)Sub(A)ReturnLbl C .Compute X*2, then X+2, then X*2, then X-3.Sub(MA)Sub(A)Sub(M)Sub(S)Sub(S)Sub(S)Return .This return is unnecessary, because it's the end of the program.
Disp 1->X>Dec
ReturnIf getKey(15)
If getKey(15)Fix 2Fix 4ReturnEnd
sub(MFix 0Fix 2Fix 4Fix 6.There may be more, but you get the pointReturnLbl M
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