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:det(28,"00"+det(27,Str1,22(A+D)+B+C,1→U:Repeat H≤0 or V=2 or V=3:Repeat H≤0 or V:Repeat H≤0 or (U>12 and U<15) or U>35 or K or V:real(8→K:prgmZD:real(6:det(28,"00"+det(27,Str1,22(A+D)+B+C-22,1→S:det(28,"00"+det(27,Str1,22(A+D)+B+C+22,1→T:J+(G+2)((K=7 or K=8 or K=4) and not(J) and (T=4 or T=3 or T=9 or T=28))-(J≠0)-(J-1)(S=3 or S=28 or S=9→J:A-(J and S≠3 and S≠28 and S≠9)+(T≠3 and T≠4 and T≠28 and T≠9 and U≠10 and not(J→A:(K=3 or K=8 or K=6)-(K=5 or K=2 or K=7→T:det(28,"00"+det(27,Str1,22(A+D)+B+C+T,1→S:B+T(S≠28 and S≠4 and S≠3 and S≠9→B:(A≤0 or A≥9 or B≤0 or B≥12)+2(A+D=1 or A+D=16 or B+C=1 or B+C=22→V:If RZ:Then:det(28,"00"+det(27,Str1,22Y+X+Z-(abs(Z)=2),1→S:(S=3 or S=28 or S=9 or S=4→N:X+(Z-(abs(Z)=2))(N=0→X:Z+‾2Z(N≠0→Z:H-(RZ and X=B+C and Y=A+D→H:End:det(28,"00"+det(27,Str1,22(A+D)+B+C,1→U:End:prgmZD:real(6:If K:Then:If K=54:Then:prgmZA:R(R>0→R:End:If K=49:prgmZM:If K=48:prgmZB:If K=53:prgmZS:If K=9:Then:identity(1,0,1:real(0,1:getKey:Repeat real(8)=63:real(12,6,0,0,4,6,1:rand(20:real(12,7,0,0,4,6,1:rand(20:End:real(3,0,0,1:End:End:End:If V=1:Then:If A≤0:Then:DelVar D:8→A:Else:If A≥9:Then:1→A:8→D:End:End:If B≤0:Then:DelVar C:11→B:Else:If B≥12:Then:1→B:11→C:End:End:If (U>12 and U<15) or U=35:Then:prgmZE:End:End:End:If V=3:Then:W+1→W:{1,1,W→L3:3→A:3→B:DelVar DDelVar C:1→L5(W:prgmZF:Else:L3(2)+(A+D>15)-(A+D=1→L3(2:L3(1)+(B+C>21)-(B+C=1→L3(1:C→I:D→V:C-11(C+B>21)+11(B+C=1→C:D-8(D+A>15)+8(A+D=1→D:A-6(A=8 and V)+6(A=1 and not(V→A:B-9(B>11 and I)+9(B=1 and not(I→B:End
:det(28,"00"+det(27,Str1,22(A+D)+B+C,1→U:Repeat H≤0 or V=2 or V=3:¦ Repeat H≤0 or V:¦ ¦ Repeat H≤0 or (U>12 and U<15) or U>35 or K or V:¦ ¦ ¦ real(8→K:¦ ¦ ¦ prgmZD:¦ ¦ ¦ real(6:¦ ¦ ¦ det(28,"00"+det(27,Str1,22(A+D)+B+C-22,1→S:¦ ¦ ¦ det(28,"00"+det(27,Str1,22(A+D)+B+C+22,1→T:¦ ¦ ¦ J+(G+2)((K=7 or K=8 or K=4) and not(J) and (T=4 or T=3 or T=9 or T=28))-(J≠0)-(J-1)(S=3 or S=28 or S=9→J:¦ ¦ ¦ A-(J and S≠3 and S≠28 and S≠9)+(T≠3 and T≠4 and T≠28 and T≠9 and U≠10 and not(J→A:¦ ¦ ¦ (K=3 or K=8 or K=6)-(K=5 or K=2 or K=7→T:¦ ¦ ¦ det(28,"00"+det(27,Str1,22(A+D)+B+C+T,1→S:¦ ¦ ¦ B+T(S≠28 and S≠4 and S≠3 and S≠9→B:¦ ¦ ¦ (A≤0 or A≥9 or B≤0 or B≥12)+2(A+D=1 or A+D=16 or B+C=1 or B+C=22→V:¦ ¦ ¦ If RZ:Then:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ det(28,"00"+det(27,Str1,22Y+X+Z-(abs(Z)=2),1→S:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ (S=3 or S=28 or S=9 or S=4→N:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ X+(Z-(abs(Z)=2))(N=0→X:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Z+‾2Z(N≠0→Z:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ H-(RZ and X=B+C and Y=A+D→H:¦ ¦ ¦ End:¦ ¦ ¦ det(28,"00"+det(27,Str1,22(A+D)+B+C,1→U:¦ ¦ End:¦ ¦ prgmZD:¦ ¦ real(6:¦ ¦ If K:Then:¦ ¦ ¦ If K=54:Then:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ prgmZA:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ R(R>0→R:¦ ¦ ¦ End:¦ ¦ ¦ If K=49:prgmZM:¦ ¦ ¦ If K=48:prgmZB:¦ ¦ ¦ If K=53:prgmZS:¦ ¦ ¦ If K=9:Then:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ identity(1,0,1:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ real(0,1:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ getKey:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Repeat real(8)=63:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ real(12,6,0,0,4,6,1:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ rand(20:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ real(12,7,0,0,4,6,1:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ rand(20:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ End:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ real(3,0,0,1:¦ ¦ ¦ End:End:End:¦ If V=1:Then:¦ ¦ If A≤0:Then:DelVar D:¦ ¦ ¦ 8→A:Else:If A≥9:Then:1→A:8→D:End:End:¦ ¦ If B≤0:Then:DelVar C:¦ ¦ ¦ 11→B:Else:If B≥12:Then:1→B:11→C:End:¦ ¦ End:¦ ¦ If (U>12 and U<15) or U=35:¦ ¦ Then:¦ ¦ ¦ prgmZE:¦ ¦ End:¦ End:End:If V=3:Then:¦ W+1→W:¦ {1,1,W→L3:¦ 3→A:3→B:¦ DelVar DDelVar C:¦ 1→L5(W:¦ prgmZF:¦ Else:¦ L3(2)+(A+D>15)-(A+D=1→L3(2:¦ L3(1)+(B+C>21)-(B+C=1→L3(1:¦ C→I:D→V:¦ C-11(C+B>21)+11(B+C=1→C:¦ D-8(D+A>15)+8(A+D=1→D:¦ A-6(A=8 and V)+6(A=1 and not(V→A:¦ B-9(B>11 and I)+9(B=1 and not(I→B:End
:det(28,"00"+det(27,Str1,22(A+D)+B+C,1→U:Repeat H≤0 or V=2 or V=3:Repeat H≤0 or V:Repeat H≤0 or (U>12 and U<15) or U>35 or K or V:real(8→K:prgmZD:real(6:det(28,"00"+det(27,Str1,22(A+D)+B+C-22,1→S:det(28,"00"+det(27,Str1,22(A+D)+B+C+22,1→T- :J+(G+2)((K=7 or K=8 or K=4) and not(J) and (T=4 or T=3 or T=9 or T=28))-(J≠0)-(J-1)(S=3 or S=28 or S=9→J+ :J+(G+2)((K=7 or K=8 or K=4) and not(J) and (T=4 or T=3 or T=9 or T=28))-(not(J))-(J-1)(S=3 or S=28 or S=9→J:A-(J and S≠3 and S≠28 and S≠9)+(T≠3 and T≠4 and T≠28 and T≠9 and U≠10 and not(J→A:(K=3 or K=8 or K=6)-(K=5 or K=2 or K=7→T:det(28,"00"+det(27,Str1,22(A+D)+B+C+T,1→S:B+T(S≠28 and S≠4 and S≠3 and S≠9→B:(A≤0 or A≥9 or B≤0 or B≥12)+2(A+D=1 or A+D=16 or B+C=1 or B+C=22→V:If RZ:Then:det(28,"00"+det(27,Str1,22Y+X+Z-(abs(Z)=2),1→S:(S=3 or S=28 or S=9 or S=4→N- :X+(Z-(abs(Z)=2))(N=0→X- :Z+‾2Z(N≠0→Z- :H-(RZ and X=B+C and Y=A+D→H+ :X+(Z-(abs(Z)=2))(N=DelVar XZ+‾2Z(N≠DelVar ZH-(RZ and X=B+C and Y=A+D→H:End:det(28,"00"+det(27,Str1,22(A+D)+B+C,1→U:End:prgmZD:real(6:If K:Then:If K=54:Then:prgmZA- :R(R>0→R- :End+ :R(R>DelVar REnd:If K=49:prgmZM:If K=48:prgmZB:If K=53:prgmZS:If K=9:Then:identity(1,0,1:real(0,1:getKey:Repeat real(8)=63:real(12,6,0,0,4,6,1:rand(20:real(12,7,0,0,4,6,1:rand(20:End:real(3,0,0,1:End:End:End:If V=1:Then- :If A≤0:Then:DelVar D- :8→A:Else:If A≥9:Then:1→A:8→D:End:End- :If B≤0:Then:DelVar C- :11→B:Else:If B≥12:Then:1→B:11→C:End+ :If A≤0:Then:DelVar D8→A:Else:If A≥9:Then:1→A:8→D:End:End+ :If B≤0:Then:DelVar C11→B:Else:If B≥12:Then:1→B:11→C:End:End:If (U>12 and U<15) or U=35- :Then:prgmZE- :End:End:End:If V=3:Then:W+1→W:{1,1,W→L3:3→A:3→B- :DelVar DDelVar C- :1→L5(W+ :DelVar DDelVar C1→L5(W:prgmZF:Else:L3(2)+(A+D>15)-(A+D=1→L3(2:L3(1)+(B+C>21)-(B+C=1→L3(1:C→I:D→V:C-11(C+B>21)+11(B+C=1→C:D-8(D+A>15)+8(A+D=1→D:A-6(A=8 and V)+6(A=1 and not(V→A:B-9(B>11 and I)+9(B=1 and not(I→B:End