Author Topic: MLC 68k  (Read 28190 times)

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MLC 68k
« Reply #75 on: April 19, 2007, 11:01:00 am »
Very nice!

And 89t might support usb68k in the future  ;)wink.gif  (for game storage :Ptongue.gif).

Offline bfr

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MLC 68k
« Reply #76 on: April 21, 2007, 12:07:00 pm »
Thanks for the support, Insanity, Liazon, and graywolf!  It really keeps me motivated.  :)smile.gif

And I just finally finished stuff with strings!  Meaning that the string parser is finally complete, and strings can be declared and their values can be manipulated.  :)smile.gif  This also means that more commands are going to be on their way that use strings and/or numbers for arguments, such as the "text" command.

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MLC 68k
« Reply #77 on: April 21, 2007, 12:44:00 pm »
Has any work been done on the z80 version of MLC?
There are 10 types of people in this world-- those that can read binary, and those that can't.

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MLC 68k
« Reply #78 on: April 21, 2007, 01:21:00 pm »
Sorry, I don't know, Madskillz would know.

EDIT:  I got part of the "text" command working.  Its syntax is:  text x,y,"String",color .  I also am going to try to make it so that the string parser can convert numbers into strings.

EDIT AGAIN:  The text command almost completely works.  Here is a screenshot:  user posted image

ANOTHER EDIT:  Grayscale text is now supported.   B)cool.gif


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MLC 68k
« Reply #79 on: April 22, 2007, 10:30:00 am »
Grayscale text?!?! That's amazing.

Offline bfr

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« Reply #80 on: April 22, 2007, 11:10:00 am »
Grayscale pixel plotting(/erasing, I guess, if the pixel drawn is white...) has been added.  :)smile.gif

I've been kind of banned from programming though (my mom...) for two weeks (but I have a lot of homework then anyway), except I'm allowed some time on Friday, so don't expect much progress for until those two weeks are over  :/confused.gif:(sad.gif

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MLC 68k
« Reply #81 on: June 15, 2007, 05:30:00 am »
I think it's about time I make the "MLC tokenizer."  It is a seperate program that converts MLC programs that are made of readable code into smaller and more compact tokens (that are consequently read faster, so MLC programs would run faster).  The actual MLC "shell" will then parse the tokens.  

I have a question though - what should the tokenized program be?  A text file?  If so, then it would be editable (even if it is kind of unreadble) from the Text Editor.  Or A custom file type?  This would make it uneditable from any of TI's editing applications, and would allow for "closed-source" programs (although it wouldn't be too hard to make a detokenizer that converts the tokens in the custom file type back into readable code in a text file).

EDIT:  I might be able to make it so that users will be able to choose whether the tokenized program is stored in a text file or a custom file, but then I might have to modify some code in the MLC parser/shell....

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MLC 68k
« Reply #82 on: December 27, 2007, 12:43:00 pm »
It's been a while....  But I also said I wouldn't let MLC die.

I worked on the MLC tokenizer for a few hours yesterday, and then for a few more hours today (after not working on it in months)...and now it's finished.

What does it do?  It converts human-readable MLC source code (stored in a TI-OS text file) into a more compact format (the custom MLC file type).  This of course not only makes the resulting program smaller, but makes the MLC interpreter able to interpret it faster.

While at the moment it's fully functional and supports tokenization of all of the MLC commands, I still could probably improve it a bit more to not only make the resulting tokenized programs be smaller, but the MLC tokenizer itself be smaller.

Anyway, to give you an example of how much smaller it can make MLC programs, here are some sample inputs and outputs:

Input: 30 bytes Output: 21 bytes
Input: 51 bytes Output: 42 bytes

UPDATE: I've actually found a bug when tokenization certain source files...I'll hopefully have it fixed soon

EDIT:  The bug is that for whatever reason, sometimes the calculator freezes with the BUSY indicator (TIGCC programmers here...what is this normally a sign of?) after tokenizing a file.  Even if you don't know anything about TIGCC/C, any testing at all would be nice.

You can download the latest version of the MLC tokenizer with the following links (Remember: The MLC tokenizer is still unstable and may damage your calculator, download at your own risk)

Note that the file type of the outputted program should be "MLC", and NOT "EXPR" or anything else. lists some commands you can test with (don't worry about the arguments for the commands...anything, correct or not, should be able to be tokenized at the moment).  You can also try typing in random text to see what happens.  Anything with the "MLC:" header should get tokenized, otherwise, the tokenizer should return an error.

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MLC 68k
« Reply #83 on: December 27, 2007, 01:37:00 pm »
great that you're working on this again, I hope to be able to make games soon :)smile.gif


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MLC 68k
« Reply #84 on: December 28, 2007, 04:55:00 pm »
good to hear you're still working on this