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Lol but I meant extremly large programs. ROL3 is about 100 KB, if I remember.
Yeah, a few of them are, like Chips Challenge.
You should see TI-Nspire OS 2.0 in 84+ mode after a fresh install. It comes with about 1.3 MB of flash APPs. It takes about 3 seconds to open the APPS menu and you have about 200 KB of archive left.
Lol you actually make money from those apps? Make sure to not get caught or anything. X.xBut I hate having so many apps because the app menu is so slow and everytime I reinstall the Nspire OS I need to devote full of time to deleting those apps. X.x
1→BClrHomeDisp " ROCK"," PAPER"," SCISSORSRepeat A=105Output(B,1,"}Repeat AgetKey→AEndOutput(B,1," ;There is a space thereB+(A=34)-(A=25If Ans>3 or not(Ans1+2not(AnsAns→BEndB-1→BrandInt(0,2→A"WIN!If B=3fPart((A+2)/3"LOSE.If B=A"TIE.ClrHomeDisp Ans,"CALC:","YOU:AFor(A,0,1Output(A+2,6,sub("ROCKPAPERSCISSORS",5 nCr Ans,Ans²+4BEnd
Merging lines and using ":" does not save any bytes of memory and slows the code down a little, so I avoid using the colon as a line break.Didja like my math with the string?