Hello !
I will finally enter the contest if I have time enough to finish my game.

Siam is a board game, in the spirit of chess or checkers. (but very different, actually ! ^^)

It is a 2 player game : elephant VS rhino. You play on a board of 5*5 squares and each player have 5 pieces.
At the beginning there are only 3 rocs in the middle of the board. The goal is to push
one of the rocs out of the board.
There are specific power relations between the pieces :
(indeed, an animal (elephant or rhino) can push only in its direction. So the direction of pieces is very important.)
* an animal can push only one roc.
* two animals in the same direction add their force. (they can push 2 rocs for example)
* two animals face to face can't move. It cancels.
For more informations, see the rules :
http://regle.jeuxsoc.fr/siam__rg.pdfThis topic was the first lap of the TI-Concours 2012 in the TI 68k categorize.
I hadn't time enough to programm an AI, though, but the game works pretty well and is very nice to play with a friend !

Here's a screen :

So, this contest is a good pretext to think about such an AI !

I have already made several tests and had some results.. But it won't be feasible on TI 68k as I do, because it would take too much time in calculations..
On Nspire, it is different obviously !
I already have to adapt the TI 68k version to a Nspire one, and it's not easy..

I tried first with Lua, but there are some complications, if I want to use the Basic code..
So I want to make it entirely in Basic !
- A Basic game ? On Nspire ? Even today with C/ASM and Lua possibilities ? U mad ??

Yes ! I will use the geometry application for some graphics...
Moreover, I can thereby enter the Nspire Basic categorize !