Author Topic: Absolutely clueless with TI nspire CX CAS... please don't laugh?  (Read 4112 times)

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Offline newtoTIcas

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I'm a new user of a TI nspire  CX CAS, I have googled this but I think my question is so stupid no one has ever asked it before....

I have downloaded a program that does the simplex method for me, I've used the student software to put the downloaded file into my documents and I can view the code on the calculator but I don't know how to run the program?

The instructions are

> Add your matrix to variable A [] sto-> A
> Run simplex(), to get the answer just type e in the calculator and enter to get the simplex matrix

I've done the first step on the calculator bit but I don't know how to run Simplex() ?! I tired typing it... yes I'm that much of an idiot and it (obviously) didn't work. What do I do please?

Thanks for any help.

Offline cesarmades

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Re: Absolutely clueless with TI nspire CX CAS... please don't laugh?
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2015, 03:37:40 pm »
It must be as easy as the instructions says. Save a matrix to A and then execute the function, the function should be already using the variable "A" to do the calculation because you're saving it as a Global variable. If you can't do it provide the file to see how it works.