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Offline E37

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Augmented Home screen
« on: April 04, 2016, 06:02:52 pm »
This is more of a basic program in an Axe wrapper with a good bit of Asm.
It is an application that when you run it it installs a home screen hook that adds extra functions to the home screen.
For example you can type in:
and it will output:
On the standard screen!
It has a lot of different functions such as an experimental non Y= grapher (it will take any function with x and y and an "=" and graph it in about a minute).
Other commands include a timer, the ability to turn axes off and on by typing "XON", "XOFF", and a "mysterious" command, "PING".
That is all it does for now. (there are a couple more minor features)
It is very easy to change and I would gladly accept any routines (basic or otherwise) and will probably add them.
The program has an error handler so any programs it runs don't throw an error.
The program does modify basic variables when it runs! Is there any way to back up all basic variables (letters, strings y='s ect...) that can be restored later?

Bugs:  :(
Equation solver isn't perfect (sometimes outputs 3.00000016 for 3 ect...)
If DoorsCS7 has its home-run hook installed several of the commands will error (including solver) and Doors will ask you if you want to edit the program.
Grapher is still experimental and might not give an accurate graph! (it still will give you a good idea of what it looks like)

Unfortunately, my calc is throwing a fit and won't transfer any files (it does this quite often) so it might be a couple days until I can upload the actual file. :-[

Let me know if this is a good idea or if you have anything to contribute! (even ideas for commands)
I'm still around... kind of.

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Re: Augmented Home screen
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2016, 03:57:44 pm »
Sounds pretty neat! I'm sure there is a way to back up variables somehow, I'd ask one of our asm programmers for ideas. ;)

Offline Dudeman313

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Re: Augmented Home screen
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2016, 06:04:22 pm »
Cool! Would it be possible to add one extra feature(being in Axe, I think this should be possible), being the ability to graph vertical lines? :blah:
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Re: Augmented Home screen
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2016, 03:32:39 am »
The basic variables (I'm assuming you mean the number ones) are just 9 bytes or so in ram. You could just manually copy them to whatever other location and then restore thenm by copying them back.
However, why would you need that? You have OP1-7 (i think) and the ability to create temporary variables!

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Offline E37

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Re: Augmented Home screen
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2016, 05:18:41 pm »
The program runs a basic program inside of it to do all of the math. Is there a way for it to just create temporary variables to modify?
I know generally what OP1-7 are but have no idea how to use them.

Vertical lines? What do you mean? It can graph x = 5 if that is what you were thinking.
I hope to get the download posted today. Sorry about the wait.  :-[
I'm still around... kind of.


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