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Re: Extra Characters Reordered
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2010, 12:32:55 am »
Oh, ok. So they are accessible, just not to any form of BASIC programmer without direct assembly help?

And sweet :)
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Re: Extra Characters Reordered
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2010, 01:31:06 am »
Aaaaaagh, everyone's talking about how great Axe is! REALLY want to download it, but I can't ... until Tuesday! Yay! :D

I still remember the first time I saw the description for Axe on Back then, I actually thought that it was another library of some sort that no one would ever take the time to download just to play a game slightly better than pure BASIC. Whoops. ;D
Yeah it's great. It's the only alternative to TI-BASIC (for any calc) that I could understand, plus the way the language and doc works it sneakily introduces you to some stuff used in ASM like pointers and memory addresses (such as the ability to edit the RAM content directly).

Personally I do not judge the quality of a calculator game based on if it's pure-BASIC or lib-enhanced basic (such as xLIB games). I think it is just wrong and narrow-minded, as those people spent as much time working on their game and might have prefered to use libs to do stuff normally only doable in the hard-to-learn ASM. xLIB APP, for example, allows you to have grayscale. Plus for the most part, lib-enhanced games generally include the actual libs in the download file so no need to download them separately in most cases.

Offline Galandros

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Re: Extra Characters Reordered
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2010, 09:52:45 am »
Ok, I did the programs and they do the job. Move to here:
Oh if you did not click already, some of the programs have grayscale.

Note: I ended hijacking this topic even after I reminded myself in the previous reply in this topic, after several edits, I solved the problem. My apologies for someone reading while I edited... :-[
Now you can think I am even more lunatic than lazy. And that's true.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2010, 10:23:02 am by Galandros »
Hobbing in calculator projects.

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Re: Extra Characters Reordered
« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2010, 12:00:50 pm »
Aaaaaagh, everyone's talking about how great Axe is! REALLY want to download it, but I can't ... until Tuesday! Yay! :D

I still remember the first time I saw the description for Axe on Back then, I actually thought that it was another library of some sort that no one would ever take the time to download just to play a game slightly better than pure BASIC. Whoops. ;D
Yeah it's great. It's the only alternative to TI-BASIC (for any calc) that I could understand, plus the way the language and doc works it sneakily introduces you to some stuff used in ASM like pointers and memory addresses (such as the ability to edit the RAM content directly).

Personally I do not judge the quality of a calculator game based on if it's pure-BASIC or lib-enhanced basic (such as xLIB games). I think it is just wrong and narrow-minded, as those people spent as much time working on their game and might have prefered to use libs to do stuff normally only doable in the hard-to-learn ASM. xLIB APP, for example, allows you to have grayscale. Plus for the most part, lib-enhanced games generally include the actual libs in the download file so no need to download them separately in most cases.

Not that I don't like lib-enhanced games. Some of them are really good, and do use the enhancements well. It's just I am very protective of my flash ROM space, and I don't want to download a bunch of libs just to run other people's games. There are too many popular libraries out there and it's not obvious which one is most popular. :/

Oh, ok. So they are accessible, just not to any form of BASIC programmer without direct assembly help?

And sweet :)

Oh, I get it! So _putC really displays the character, not the token? Sorry, I'm trying and failing to learn ASM.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Extra Characters Reordered
« Reply #19 on: May 30, 2010, 02:54:57 pm »
Aaaaaagh, everyone's talking about how great Axe is! REALLY want to download it, but I can't ... until Tuesday! Yay! :D

I still remember the first time I saw the description for Axe on Back then, I actually thought that it was another library of some sort that no one would ever take the time to download just to play a game slightly better than pure BASIC. Whoops. ;D
Yeah it's great. It's the only alternative to TI-BASIC (for any calc) that I could understand, plus the way the language and doc works it sneakily introduces you to some stuff used in ASM like pointers and memory addresses (such as the ability to edit the RAM content directly).

Personally I do not judge the quality of a calculator game based on if it's pure-BASIC or lib-enhanced basic (such as xLIB games). I think it is just wrong and narrow-minded, as those people spent as much time working on their game and might have prefered to use libs to do stuff normally only doable in the hard-to-learn ASM. xLIB APP, for example, allows you to have grayscale. Plus for the most part, lib-enhanced games generally include the actual libs in the download file so no need to download them separately in most cases.

Not that I don't like lib-enhanced games. Some of them are really good, and do use the enhancements well. It's just I am very protective of my flash ROM space, and I don't want to download a bunch of libs just to run other people's games. There are too many popular libraries out there and it's not obvious which one is most popular. :/
Actually, most libs resides in the RAM and very few game use Omnicalc. The few that use it will run with Celtic III too. The two libs that are really used the most these days that takes Flash memory are xLIB and Celtic III and they do not do archiving/unarchiving except of course when sending them to the calc. Generally, many xLIB games will also run with Celtic III so you may not even need xLIB at all. So basically one single lib for multiple games (altough it's a rather large one). Also I don't think you need to be this much overprotective about flash ROM being weared out, because only one person managed to achieve this in the 12 years Flash memory TI calculators existed (and who knows if his Flash chip wasn't defective in the first place?) and even BrandonW himself said that such thing is normally not likely to happen in your entire calculator lifetime and coming from BrandonW himself, this information can be trusted. Other things will most likely break before your Flash ROM wears off.