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I think i might be able to do something interesting with this
QuoteI think i might be able to do something interesting with thisI should say so! How are you on coming up with storylines?
:for(A,1,8:for(B,1,16:Output(A,B,sub("_XS",1+([A](A,B)),1*you can store "_XS" to a string and then just stick the string token*here if you like. that 1+ can also be done away with if you increment*every value in you map matrix by one, which would make it draw slightly*faster, but might be a pain:end:end
I like what you have so far. I hope it gets farther into development. I love RPGs.
Your forum signature... though... made me lose again
hmm... looks rather nicethe map refresh was agonizingly slow, though, so i checked the code to see what was upinstead of using separate if statements for each tile type just use a sub( commandso the new mapper would look like this:Code: [Select]:for(A,1,8:for(B,1,16:Output(A,B,sub("_XS",1+([A](A,B)),1*you can store "_XS" to a string and then just stick the string token*here if you like. that 1+ can also be done away with if you increment*every value in you map matrix by one, which would make it draw slightly*faster, but might be a pain:end:endthat should work and increase speed considerably(although i almost always get typos when first writing a longer command like that and never know until i try running it)i didnt check through anything else, but you should try to avoid menus as a general rule(especially in larger games)otherwise, it looks pretty awesome. good luck on making this into something!oh, and thanks a lot, dj, now im a loser too :'(cheers
Wow! Excellent job on this. It looks great! Are you planning to go any farther with this? Regardless, it's a nice little RPG. Wonderful job!
Do you mean school work when school starts or Summer school work? I hope it's the later, else it would suck if you could not find time to code the game until next June
(1 more)
This is looking really good so far!