Most of us know about the
For( slow down issues. If you don't, I'll explain it really fast.
Basically if you have a piece of code that does something like this:
If fPart(A/2
\Do something.\
When ever that conditional is false it will cause a slow down for the loop, which is annoying. However there are three ways to fix this. First, you can simply put a parenthesis at the end of the
For( loop line (so it'd become
For(A,1,9)), second, there is a OS fix by BrandonW that apparently fixes it and, three, you can make the
If statement an
If:Then statement.
Now to the point of this thread. I know I have been curious about this question for quite a while, as I'm sure a few other people. The question is basically: What about if you have nested
For( loops? Do you have to close both of them?
Well to be honest we still don't have a definitive answer to this but the current thinking, by a lot of people is that you only have to close the nested one. So for example:
If not(AB
could become:
If not(AB
I just did a quick test with just this example and it seems to have checked out however this hasn't been concretely proven yet. Just thought I'd let everyone know

Courtesy of DJ:
In some rare cases, not closing the parhentesis of a for( loop under such circumnstances can cause the calc to slow down by about 1.5 until the ON key is pressed or the program is exited.